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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    December 2013 Post-Op

    I took two weeks off from work. I bought a couple new books and envisioned myself relaxing on my deck, reading in the sunshine with my dogs napping nearby. My surgery was May 30, my first full day home was June 2 so you would think my vision wasn't really out of line. But June was unseasonably cold and it rained a lot. The first few days I napped, read my book, watched movies, and napped some more. I moved around the house quite a bit to ease the gas pains. I was huddling under blankets in my Hubby's lazy boy with my dogs a lot of the time. I was pretty bored. It was too cold and wet to walk and the only thing that I was comfortable wearing was a sundress topped by a big old sweatshirt. After the first week the weather improved a bit so I could start walking. I began to feel human. I was cleared to drive so I went grocery shopping. Nine days after my surgery I was cutting grass in my yard. And I finally got to spend a couple days reading in the sun on my deck. By the time I went back to work I was feeling pretty good. :-)
  2. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    My husband printed some higher protein recipes off his bodybuilding website and we tried one tonight. It was delicious! :-) Spicy Turkey Chili 5 oz extra lean ground turkey 3/4 cup black beans 1/2 cup corn 1 packet McCormick's Chili seasoning 1/3 cup tomato paste 1/3 cup diced tomatoes 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil Seasonings to taste: 1/2 tbsp paprika, cumin, cayenne, pepper Optional: cheese - goat, feta, or low fat mozzarella Optional: diced jalapeños 1. Season turkey with seasonings 2. Spray a skillet w/cooking spray; add meat and cook over medium heat. 3. Cook meat till nearly 80% done, add chili seasoning and tomato paste; stir. 4. Add black beans (undrained), corn, basil, diced tomatoes, (and jalapeños if desired). 5. Reduce heat and cover; simmer 8-10 mins. Serve w/cheese if desired. Recipe is for one man-size serving. I tripled it so my husband could take some to work this week. I also separated some out for myself before adding the corn (my nutritionist warned me to avoid it). It was very tasty!!! :-) Calories: 395 Total fat: 3 gr Total carbs: 50 gr Protein: 46 gr
  3. terry1118

    Taco question

    I love spicy. I keep a jar of jalapeños at work to mince and add to my chili. :-) Our local Mexican restaurant offers 'burrito bowls'. Those are the entire contents of any burrito, minus the tortilla, tossed in a bowl. They even have 'build your own'. My favorite is grilled tilapia, black Beans, pico de gallo, and cheese toped with taco sauce. Even if your local restaurant doesn't offer this I'm sure you could order a burrito made w/o the tortilla. It's delish! :-)
  4. terry1118

    Taco question

    It's not just sugar that causes dumping. Simple carbs that are converted quickly to sugar do it too. Foods made with white flour, white potatoes, white rice, breads, and Pasta can all do it. I don't eat fatty food but I think someone mentioned that high fat will do it, too. I eat taco meat and fixings w/no trouble. Maybe as an alternative you can have a taco salad. Or roll the taco fixings in lettuce leaves and eat it that way. Josephs low carb pitas and/or wraps might work for you too. They are high Protein and located near the deli in my local supermarket. :-)
  5. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    In the last two days a lot of customers have commented on how much smaller I am. For almost six months nary a comment. Then in two days I probably had near ten different people compliment me! When they ask me how I'm doing it my response is always 'eating right and exercise'. Which is true, because that is what I do now. Since my last child moved out in April (shortly before my surgery) there is no more junk food in the house. My hubby works out a lot and eats 'clean' which means good quality protein, healthy whole grains, and vegetables. For the most part what he eats is what I eat, only I eat much smaller portions. I work in a bank so long conversations are not possible and my short and sweet explanation is all our customers get from me. I'm not big on sharing personal information w/strangers and it can be risky when you don't know people - some of them are weird. One coworker just had an experience this week where a customer began stalking her. She had to call the police. You never know...
  6. 145 today. I'm in a size 12 pants and a medium top. I squeezed into a size 10 pair of jeans the other day - they were snug but I could zip and button them up. So I bought them! By Christmas I should be able to wear them! I'm loving shopping in the petite department - and feeling like I belong there!
  7. terry1118

    Hair Loss!

    Losing my hair is a minor worry. I would shave my head bald if it would help my weight loss. :-)
  8. terry1118

    Gallbladder Six Months Out!

    I knew I had gallstones over a year ago, after a bad attack. My doc wouldn't do both at the same time. Their RNY success and lack of complications hinges on spending as little time as possible under anethesia - they said complications rise dramatically combining procedures and being under longer. My RNY was six months ago, my gallbladder comes out in two weeks. At least my deductible is already paid. And surgery should be easier because I weigh SO MUCH less now! :-)
  9. terry1118


    "Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!" Yup! That pretty much describes it. My hubby acts the same way my dog does when someone opens the refrigerator door. He hopes it means he's going to get something. Lol
  10. terry1118


    Funny, when I lay on my back just my girls end up falling off to either side and end up in my armpits. You must be a lot younger. Lol
  11. terry1118

    5 Month Post Op Pic!

    WOW! What a difference! You look great! :-)
  12. You'll get there! Have patience and follow your program as closely as possible. And I know what you mean about losing before the surgery. In '09 I lost 80 pounds on Optifast but gained it all back within two years. In '04 I lost 75 pounds on Atkins and gained it all back within two years. In '95 I lost 50 pounds on WW and yup! Gained it all back within two years, plus some more! I'm GOOD at losing but I've never been good at keeping it off. The success rate for RNY gives me hope (along with education and working to make lasting lifestyle changes). Here's to a healthy future and enjoying life! :-)
  13. I've noticed that 'slow losers' are still losing at a rate next to impossible before surgery. Slowly, steadily, over time the weight is coming off. Isn't that the most important thing? I was impatient at first, even though I had read all the posts and was aware of the different rates of weight loss and the variables involved. I was hoping I would be that one that melted off 100lbs in three months. I have never had a long stall and the weight is going steadily downward. I'm in a place I've never been before - size 12 slacks and medium tops. I can squeeze into 10's and expect to be there comfortably in a few weeks. I'm six months out next week and I've lost 87 pounds! I am VERY pleased and happy with my results, to say the least! Pre-op weight 233 (5' tall - I looked like a weeble!) Size 22-24 - very tight Size 2x tops Surgery date 5/30 Current weight 146 :-) Something to consider - perhaps a slower loss will result in better skin tone and less loose skin because you're not losing so fast?
  14. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I had bought some bras the other day, same cup size but next size down. It turned out that they were too big so today I exchanged them for smaller ones that fit (this time trying them on first). Then I wandered around the store, indulging in my new favorite past time - trying on clothes. Just for giggles I grabbed some size 10 jeans. They were tight... but I could button and zip them all the way up! I was flabbergasted! I bought them - in a few weeks they'll fit comfortably. :-)
  15. Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry you are having a difficult time. I hope things improve for you soon and that you're feeling better.
  16. terry1118

    A typical day of eats for me...

    It' good that they found the bowel obstruction and fixed it at the same time. It would have been worse if they found out days after your gallbladder surgery and you needed a second surgery! Hope you feel better soon! :-)
  17. terry1118

    A typical day of eats for me...

    Thank you, Wanabeawifey! That's what I was hoping. I had no problems with RNY. I work in a bank - easy job. Once my gallbladder is gone I'll have no more health issues and can enjoy my life. Maybe I can just treat my time out like a vacation and finish my Christmas shopping! :-)
  18. terry1118

    Co-workers can funny

    She tried to justify her big mouth by telling me she thought I was 'putting it out there'. I didn't tell HER. The only ones I told were my support people - exactly six people between home and work. She messed up big time at work this week, not once but several times. One of them was a federal regulation violation - very serious! I think she's going to be gone by week's end. She's the only thorn in everyone's side. Aside from her we have a great bunch of people who all get along and like/respect each other. :-)
  19. terry1118

    Back To Work

    I was in the hospital overnight. I took two weeks out of work but could've gone back in one (I was cutting grass after one week). I work in a bank so it's not strenuous. I'm on my feet most of the day and certain days are nonstop busy. I felt good and didn't really feel fatigued at all.
  20. terry1118

    A typical day of eats for me...

    Mine is coming out on 12/6. How do you feel? I'm hoping to go back to work 5-6 day after.
  21. terry1118

    Co-workers can funny

    I have one of those at work. I didn't tell anyone except my husband and my daughter's at home. At work I told my supervisors and one coworker (good friend) about my surgery because I needed a support system in case I got sick while there. One girl I work with is a terrible gossip. She found out while I was recovering. I don't now how - no one talks to her - but I'm assuming she was eavesdropping on a private conversation. She started telling customers and other people within my company that I had the surgery because I was 'trying to be sexy, sexy, sexy for my man'! Very offensive and totally wrong! I was suffering terrible back and knee pain and developing comorbidities. I overheard her telling someone I never met this and I was LIVID!!!! I don't even share the fact of my surgery with my family and certainly didn't want the whole darn world to know! I reported her to my supervisor and HR who reprimanded her. I haven't spoken to her since last summer, except for the barest minimum required in the course of working. They made her apologize but it was NOT accepted - even her apology was poorly done as she tried to justify her actions in the same breath!
  22. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Yogurt again. My go-to meal when I'm too busy for a meal or if it's too late for anything more filling. Tonight it was both.
  23. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I know how you feel. We sold our first house in three days! We thought it would take time and that we would have time to get ready. It was the most stressful time of our lives - needing to move an entire household and the contents of my husbands four car garage in less than thirty days while working and caring for three young children. We had to pack, find a rental, move, start preparations to build our next house, and make a million other decisions. Then I was general contractor for the new house because my hubby got sick. I had to coordinate all the contractors, work, and maintain a normal homelife. It's amazing I managed to keep my sanity! Take it slow, if you can. If not, pack it all. I ended up packing everything and going through it as I unpacked in the new place. It was much less stressful. Try to take a little time for yourself to recharge. Good luck to you!
  24. terry1118


    I really liked Optifast products (except the soup, like 'mitzie46'). I used them for nine months in '08. I preferred the ready mix for on-the-go and the powdered for blended drinks at home. My favorites were vanilla mixed w/diet orange soda or diet rootbeer, and crushed ice. The orange tasted like a creamcicle, the rootbeer like a rootbeer float. Yummy!
  25. terry1118

    Hair Loss

    My surgery was May 30. I'm still losing my hair, slowly but surely. I'm having my gallbladder out in 2 1/2 weeks so I could possibly lose more in the spring! I wasn't even thinking about that until you mentioned it 'oldoneyoungagain'! :-p Lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
