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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I'm still amazed at the change. Every pound lost is like a gift. The scale is my friend now! Instead of it making me want to cry, it now makes me grin like a fool! Lol You are doing great! Even with weight loss slowing it will still come off over time. Imagine what you could be at by Spring! And we won't have to dread the heat (I always did). We'll be able to dress in cool comfortable clothing - maybe even wear a nice bathing suit that doesn't make us look like Shamu! So much to look forward to now... I can't wait till after the holidays when the winter clearance starts. Also looking forward to seeing the Spring styles coming out around the same time. I like to go out to try on clothes. Even if I don't buy it's a great ego boost! I'll need a lot of new things for Spring and Summer. I'm in a whole new size territory that I haven't seen since the early 80's. I'm going to go on a shopping frenzy! Lol Wishing you continued success and the happiest of holidays! :-)
  2. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    How tall are you? I'm barely 5' tall (my doc says 4'1"). It sucked being heavy and short. NOTHING fit right! And I think petite-plus is an oxymoron, they never fit either. Before surgery I was 233 and looked like a weeble. Now I'm 140. I'm still overweight but I'd be happy at this weight if the losing suddenly stopped.To be normal I'd have to be around 110 - 115. My weight loss hasn't slowed yet - I'm losing a steady 2-3 pounds per week. I could possibly be at 115 by Spring! That would be something I never even dared to imagine!! :-)
  3. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I can eat eggs. Every Saturday at work we order breakfast. I usually get one egg, scrambled w/veggies and cheese. Yum!
  4. terry1118

    Telling Friends And Family...

    I work with the public. I don't want to share my personal information with total strangers, some of whom really give me the heebie-jeebies. I've had coworkers who were stalking victims and personally have had inappropriate and unwanted attentions. Sharing anything personal with strangers only puts you at further risk. Whether or not to share is a personal choice that only you can make. Negative comments and lack of support are discouraging and frustrating. People close to you can surprise you. People who really care about you will support and encourage you but some may have reservations at first. In the beginning my husband neither supported nor discouraged me - he wasn't negative but he was was afraid something terrible could happen. When his fears didn't materialize he became my biggest supporter. :-)
  5. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I like going out! It's the first black Friday I've had off in seven years - I finally had enough seniority to get it off. My holiday shopping was done but I found a bunch of sweaters for myself for less than ten bucks each. It was nice to spend some time with my girls. One works and is doing an internship in a Providence hospital - she's so busy I never see her anymore.
  6. I also remember being a little nauseous. There was no pain or discomfort. I had a serious case of cotton-mouth. :-)
  7. I don't remember waking up in recovery, although I must have. The first thing I remember is being in my room. I was very tired. I went for a short walk (with help), then went to sleep.
  8. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Also, I found out at my six month post-op visit the other day that my bmi is now 28. When I started it was 47. :-)
  9. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    All my pants are getting big. I found some jeans I liked a month ago that I really like and they're now too loose (if I can pull them down w/o unbuttoning and unzipping then that's too big). The store was out of the smaller size I need so I ordered them online. I got the next size down and one size below that. Can't wait for them to come - time to lose the baggy britches. I walk around all day hiking them up - I need suspenders! Also, during my shopping yesterday I bought a bunch of sweaters at the awesome can't-be-beat price of 8.99 ea. All mediums! :-)
  10. terry1118

    Shoe size shrunk?

    As a heavy person my feet got very wide. I was wearing a 9 1/2w, more for the width than the length. I'm in an 8 1/2 now and sometimes an 8, which was my pre-pregnancy size 28 years ago. :-)
  11. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I can't eat anything reheated unless it's something moist like meatballs in sauce. I usually toss out any leftovers my husband won't eat - it's not worth the misery.
  12. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I hosted dinner and was too busy to eat right. I had a couple protein shakes, a little broccoli and cheese, and turnips w/carrots. I don't tolerate poultry unless it's ground. It's the first day in a long time that I didn't get all my protein. Then three hours of sleep before fifteen hours of Black Friday shopping (8 hours w/daughter in MA, and 7 hours w/daughter in RI). I ate better during shopping thanks to my trusty lunchbag - it goes everywhere I go. :-)
  13. Six months out and I don't get 'hungry' feelings. I plan my meals and Snacks, measure them, and follow my plan. I carry a lunchbag everywhere I go so I always have a Protein rich snack or meal when it's time to eat something. If I go too long without eating I get dizzy. My 'full' feeling is more obvious, but with practice I've learned to avoid it with my planned, measured meals. I know how much I can eat - pushing those limits always end badly. The 'full' feeling for me begins with a slight pain just below but between my breasts. When I feel that it's only a matter of one or two more bites to total misery. If I stop there I'm good. If I keep going (and I have) burping, gurgling, foaming, and nausea starts and can last anywhere from 45 mins to 3 hours. Even if it comes up I can't eat or drink anything for hours afterward. Not pleasant!!!! I haven't had it happen in over two months. As everyone has said, we are all different. You learn your own limits through trial and error. :-)
  14. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    God bless you retail workers! I'll be out there Friday but it's more for fun. I drink coffee, follow my daughter around and people watch, and I'm sure you know there's a LOT to watch on black Friday! Some of these people are fricken CRAZY! Lol As for the coffee, I saw my nut today and she said I can have it now. Friday I'll find out if I still like it. :-)
  15. terry1118

    August Post Ops

    I was told no caffeine for six months. It's acidic and bad for your healing pouch. It's a diuretic and can contribute to dehydration and you don't want to use a diuretic as a substitute for beneficial fluids. A bonus or me is I've been sleeping unbelievably better since giving up caffeine. :-) I'm six months out and see my nut today. With the cold weather coming it would be nice to have an occasional cup of coffee so I'll ask her about it today. I might not like it anymore - I've come to really like decaf green tea! :-)
  16. I thought I'd miss it, too. I lived on that stuff before surgery! My backs, knees, and feet where very bad before surgery. I haven't needed any pain relief for about four months. Last week I took Tylenol for a headache for the first time! :-)
  17. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    For the chili recipe just substitute your favorite beans for the black beans. It should make no difference. :-)
  18. Actually, I'll see my doc next week when he takes out my gallbladder! He's got magic hands - I wouldn't trust anyone else with my insides. Lol
  19. I'm doing great. I'm down 78lbs since surgery. Counting the 12lbs I lost pre-op that's 90lbs!!!! My labs are good but my B was high. I take 3000 daily because I was afraid of not getting enough. My doc suggested taking it only every other day. He said to keep doing exactly what I'm doing and I'll see him again in three months. Tomorrow I have my six month required appointment with the nutritionist. Should be quick - I have no questions. :-) Hey DL! I love the new me!
  20. terry1118

    I Just Cant Stop Smoking!

    It's SO worth it! Only you and your doctor can decide which procedure is best for you. I close RNY because of the short term results and long term success rate. I also wanted the deterrent of 'dumping syndrome'. My surgery was May 30. I had no complications, very little pain, and a very easy recovery. I follow my program to a 'T'. As of today I'm down 90lbs. I'm in a sz12, rapidly approaching a sz10 and in a medium top. My cholesterol is back to normal and my back, knee and foot pain is gone. I've stopped snoring and, since I've given up caffeine, I find I can sleep through the night without meds for the first time in thirty years. My energy levels are through the roof! I am living my life and enjoying it! Fully research all your options and discuss the pros and cons of each with your doctor. Choose what I best for you. Good luck with your journey! :-)
  21. terry1118


    My son's at Camp Pendleton near San Diego. He asked me to mail him his coat last week because the nights were getting 'a little chilly'. Last year he was deployed from Sept to May so he never experienced a Southern Cali winter and doesn't know what to expect. And with a shattered leg and on crutches he can't move around as much as he's used to. Poor baby is cold. Lol
  22. terry1118


    Yes it was! It's too early for this! I hope it's not a sign of things to come...
  23. terry1118

    I Need Help

    Mine never had a timetable either. And they never set goals for me, short or long term. My only personal goal was to be healthy and feel good - I've achieved that. Everything else is gravy. It sounds like you are doing well to me. :-)
  24. terry1118

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    Make the lifestyle changes permanent and you won't need to worry. Know your weaknesses and avoid them. Don't test your limits or push your boundaries. Keep up the activity levels. Continue to follow your program for life. It's corny but remember - nothing tastes as good a skinny feels! I don't ever want to be that fat again! I was unhealthy, in pain, and hated my life. I didn't want to suffer through the rest of my life in misery and pain, being unhappy. I want to take this gift that RNY has given me (of having my life back) and work to keep it going till I die many years from now!
  25. terry1118

    December 2013 Post-Op

    And I had the start of a faint tan. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
