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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. RNY = Roux En Y = Gastric Bypass
  2. terry1118

    Any Regrets?

    I also regret not doing it sooner. I had no fears/worries before and I had no regrets at any stage afterwards. My experience has been 100% positive. I don't miss the old foods that I can't eat anymore and can't relate to those who do. I see my old relationship with food as an abusive one. It made me miserable and unhealthy. It interfered with my entire adult life and made me unable to enjoy doing things with my children when they were young. So many wasted years during which I was miserable. Why would I miss something that was making me miserable, causing me pain and humiliation and would lead to an early death? I like my life now, and don't dread my future. :-)
  3. terry1118


    When dealing with the 'Last Supper Syndrome' keep in mind that any weight you gain before has to come off after. It could be discouraging to have to lose 10+ pounds post-op while you regain lost ground. Also, I found that those last meals weren't as satisfying as I expected them to be. I did indulge on old favorites once or twice a week (I didn't 'gorge' myself) but balanced it out by eating better at my other meals. It helped keep things in check while savoring goodies I might not have for a long time, if ever. The mindset for losing really must start pre-op. So indulge, without getting out of control. In the long run it's worth it to deprive yourself of foods that are not good for you. As someone has said 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'. I'm finding that it's a true statement. :-)
  4. terry1118

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    It is definitely a learning experience. Everyone is so different - we all can eat different things with different results, both positive and negative. I read and listen to other people's experiences but always introduce foods cautiously and within my own team's guidelines. It's great that you are experiencing some of these things pre-op. It'll help educate you for the post-op experience. You are not that far away! (Appetizer tip - I always go for shrimp cocktail. I never had a problem with it. Sometimes I make it my whole meal.)
  5. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    Definitely sucks. Hope you get some relief soon. I'm relieved that mine is finally out. It's like having a ticking time bomb inside you waiting to go off. You don't know where or when it'll happen. All you know is it will eventually ruin your day. :-(
  6. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    Val, are you nauseous? I've been mildly nauseous since yesterday - nothing is sitting right. Not vomiting or anything serious like that, just mildly nauseous. Everything tastes 'ick'. I can drink no problem. Maybe it's the meds? I'm going to try doing without tomorrow...
  7. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Temps in the 30's here, and I thought that was cold! You guys need to MOVE! Lol
  8. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    I had mine out Friday. Definitely easier, but still painful. Maybe it was a little worse for me because of the hernia repair? Yesterday the pain was moderate. Today it' a little better so I'm cutting back on meds. Tomorrow or Tuesday I hope to stop altogether and go to regular strength Tylenol, if needed.
  9. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    That sounds like gallbladder. My worst attack sent me to the ER where I spent eight hours. I couldn't stand, sit or lay down. The only position that gave me even a little relief was bending over while standing. The pain I experienced was below my breast on the right side and it seemed to radiate outwards - sort of like a bad contraction. I had nausea and cold sweats. The ER couldn't give me anything for pain because I drove myself. Foolish me didn't want to wake up my husband at midnight. He had to work that next morning. So the voice of experience - if you go to the ER have someone drive you or don't even bother going.
  10. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    We are you located? There is an outlet store in Dartmouth MA that carries primarily Lee jeans. It's called the VF Factory Outlet on Faunce Corner Rd.
  11. It's amazing how much younger you look! And beautiful! :-)
  12. terry1118

    OMG October 2013 Post-ops

    My average has been 2-3 pound per week. In the beginning it seemed slow to me but now, six months out, I'm down 93lbs. That's no small feat! The trend has been ever downward. Looking at the overall picture I'm very happy with my results. I think in the beginning we worry it's not going to work because nothing else has worked for us. It's hard to be patient. Focusing on the other changes that we are experiencing, not just numbers on the scale, will help. Changes like lowering or eliminating medications, aches and pains easing up or going away completely, having more energy to do things we never could before, noticing the fit of our clothes or needing smaller sizes, traveling in comfort (seats and seatbelts fit better), and oh so many other little changes that only someone who has been heavy can appreciate. Keep up the good work and Celebrate ALL YOUR successes! :-)
  13. terry1118

    Weight Loss

    Great job! Keep up the good work! The biggest challenge is keeping a positive attitude through stalls and slow losing. It sounds like you've got that down! :-)
  14. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    I slept pretty good last night. This morning painkillers had worn off - ouch! - so I took more. Goal is to stop them by Monday. I come from a family where 5 out of 7 of us are substance abusers. It's my biggest fear to become one myself so I ditch the pills as soon as pain is tolerable.
  15. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    Just got home from the hospital. Gallbladder's gone. They also found a hernia so I got a bonus hernia repair. Pain was bad but much better now - gotta love narcotics. Super tired - goodnight! :-)
  16. terry1118

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    Unexpected things CAN happen. It sounds like you have a positive attitude and that can make all the difference in the world. I hope you have a speedy recovery and are able to walk upright soon. It WILL be worth it! By summer you'll see an amazing difference! :-) I'm six months out and I'm down 93 pounds. I could be happy where I am but I'm actually daring to dream that I could lose 20 more pounds. That would put me in a 'normal' weight range that I haven't seen since 1985. And losing 30 pounds would get me to the perfect recommended weight for my height of 5'. :-)
  17. terry1118

    Pre-Op Creating New Habits

    That's a recipe for success! I keep things like meat sticks, protein bars, and other non-perishable protein snacks in my car, purse, an at work. I also carry a lunch bag with my planned meal and/or snack whenever I leave the house. There is no chance of eating something I shouldn't while on the run. I keep calcium chews in the bag, too. I was not doing well remembering to take my calcium - I do better if I have it on me when I do remember. :-)
  18. terry1118

    November 2013 Post Op

    Not necessarily. Your tastes change drastically after surgery (mine did). What you liked before might not taste the same after. It sounds like you're doing good. Adding too much protein to things definitely changes the texture and sometimes to flavor of that thing. It works better the way you're doing it - adding a little - and it does boost your protein enough to make a difference. Great job! :-)
  19. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    No story to share yet. I'm having mine out in a couple hours at 10am. Doc says it'll be easier than RNY...
  20. terry1118


    I bought some on Black Friday. We'll see how well they keep me warm when our cold weather comes back this weekend. :-)
  21. terry1118

    June Post Ops!

    I was told to avoid simple carbs (white flour, pasta, rice, and bread) that are converted easily to sugar in your system. Simple carbs have the potential to make you dump. Some people can tolerate them if they eat them along w/some protein-rich food.
  22. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Just yogurt for a light meal tonite. My gallbladder's coming out tomorrow. I'm glad. It's been like living w/a psycho you-know-what. You know she's going to hurt you but you never know when or how bad. Lol
  23. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I like steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus. I like cheese on the broccoli and a little sea salt and cracked pepper on the others. Grilled summer squash and zucchini are good too. :-)
  24. terry1118

    Rny And Arthritis

    I have arthritis in my back and a curved spine due to mild scoliosis. I was in constant pain before my surgery. Losing weight has helped tremendously! I've lot 92 lbs! Most days I'm pain free. Even when my activities aggravate it I don't need pain relievers. I just take it easy for a few days and avoid bending or lifting till it eases. It's working for me. Definitely talk to you doctors about your concerns. There may be options for pain management that will work for you. And less weight on your frame can only improve things! :-)
  25. terry1118

    August Post Ops

    Faunce Corner Nutrition in Dartmouth MA has a hot chocolate mix that has 12gr of protein. I bought a couple boxes - one for work and one for home. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
