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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    hurting can't sleep

    I take children's liquid Benedryl when I have trouble sleeping. It get me drowsy enough to sleep well.
  2. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    You tell him! You are your own best advocate. You know YOU. Hope you figure it out. My gallstones were discovered two years ago during an x-ray for my back-pain. They followed up with an ultrasound that confirmed it. I had never had an attack. They wanted to remove my gallbladder then but I decided to wait to see if it became an issue after learning that you can have stones for years with no trouble. A year later I had my one and only attack - terrible pain that lasted 8-10 hours and sent me to the ER thinking I was dying. Even then I put it off. Both my daughters had theirs removed that summer and I was too busy to idea with something that, in myself, I considered a non-emergency. My doctor said it's hereditary through females. Last January I had actually scheduled an appointment w/a surgeon to remove my gallbladder when, feeling depressed and suffering back pain, I decided on WLS surgery. I made that my priority and put gallbladder removal on the back burner. My surgeon wouldn't combine two procedures because of increased risk of complications. This fall I decided to finally have my gallbladder out. Why not? I was fully healed fro my rny, I'd lost 93 pounds (that had to be better for surgery), I had sick days left, and my deductible for the year was already met. So last Friday I had my gallbladder removed - finally! I thought it would be a piece of cake after rny, where they rerouted your whole insides. But no! Gallbladder surgery was much more pain full! A week later it still hurts but it's finally getting tolerable. Back to work tomorrow. I was actually considering getting the skin removed from my belly in a year or two but now I'm thinking maybe not. I've had enough of surgery - I think I'm done!!!!
  3. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'm an animal lover, not a hunter, but I'm not judgmental if the hunting is done legally and responsibly. Congrats on your kill. I've heard that venison is good in stews and chili is sort of a stew. I used to know someone that made awesome spicy venison jerky, too.
  4. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    It doesn't exactly taste like pasta but you can use it instead of pasta. If you like spaghetti and meatballs it's a good option. I bought one today... guess what's for dinner tomorrow? :-)
  5. terry1118

    The Downside Of Major Weight Loss

    WE support them. A good program also supports them. Mine allows family members to be a part of the education process pre-op. My support group allows family to attend and participate every third month post-op. I share all my information w/my hubby. He asks when he has questions. We are a team. Without him it would be harder to be successful, and maintain the success I've had so far. :-)
  6. terry1118

    Any Regrets?

    As you said, everyone I different. I was cutting grass (1 1/2 acres) only 8 days after my surgery. I was back to work full time at two weeks. I felt great! I never had the energy drain that some people felt. Don't worry abut what MIGHT happen, because it MIGHT NOT. Do be prepared just in case. :-)
  7. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Love this! I make it often. :-)
  8. terry1118

    This is getting old!

    I got the same advice but haven't had a chance to try it yet. :-)
  9. terry1118

    Confessions Of A Chocoholic

    This is true. You have to know yourself and your own weaknesses. I know I can't have 'just a little taste' of a trigger food so, knowing my weakness, it's my choice to avoid trigger foods completely. If you can have a little treat and stop, and if you are otherwise following your program (exercising, vitamins, protein, and fluids), then do what works for you. We are all different - I cannot criticize another for doing what I can't do, if it is working for them. Best of luck to everyone and Happy Holidays! :-)
  10. terry1118

    This is getting old!

    I can't eat chicken. Baked chicken, chicken salad, chicken w/gravy, grilled chicken, white or dark meat - all 'no'. I can eat ground chicken with no trouble at all. So that's what I eat when I wan chicken. :-)
  11. terry1118

    Confessions Of A Chocoholic

    Just read this the other day and was surprised that it wasn't as bad as I thought. Spark People has this info for Hershey Kisses: Serving size - 4 peices Calories - 100 Fat - 6 gr Sugar - 12 gr Protein - 1 gr So even the sugar content in a few pieces is within safe limits. You COULD have them. But SHOULD you? That's a personal decision. I wouldn't, but I know my own weaknesses.
  12. terry1118

    Any Regrets?

    IT IS WORTH IT!!!! I feel great! My back, knee and foot pain is gone. My snoring stopped. I look good! I have lots of energy. I smile more. I don't dread my future. I like myself. I am a participant in my family events. I am no longer a spectator in my own life. WHAT is there to REGRET? :-)
  13. No one has the right to say that to you!!!! The nerve! You DO deserve to be healthy and happy! Do it for yourself. You may have 'let' it happen to yourself but now you are doing something about it. This is YOUR life and YOUR decision. Keep your happy thoughts! If people genuinely care about you they will come around. If not, best to lose them now. Hang in there! :-)
  14. terry1118

    No Support From Family

    Sometimes being non-supportive comes from fear and worry over what can happen. My husband was there for me but not outwardly supportive at first. It seemed to me that he was against the surgery because he wouldn't talk about it. It turned out that he was afraid I could die or have serious complications and was afraid for me. He felt better about the whole process after I took him to the nurse-education class. There they covered every detail of the surgery and what to expect before, during, and after. They discussed statistics on success rates and complications that eased his mind. He was allowed to ask questions and felt included in the process. After that meeting he was much more relaxed and supportive. :-)
  15. terry1118

    Surgery Tomorrow (12/10/13)

    Good luck! Do everything they say and you'll do well! :-)
  16. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Very pretty when its fresh and coming down softly but I hope it goes away fast. I hate it when it gets dirty.
  17. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Our festival was fun and cranberries don't get any fresher than straight from the bog. You should go sometime. I throw cranberries in a lot of things. I make apple-cranberry pie, orange-cranberry bread, cranberry-blueberry muffins, and cranberry-white chocolate oatmeal cookies. I make cranberry stuffin-muffins, too. (from Rachel Ray) Love anything with cranberries! :-)
  18. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    Was hoping to go out for a bit today but still have pretty sharp right-side pain. I ended up taking a pill this morning. Also, today everything is coated in ice and we're supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow. It'll probably be better if I stay in today. Nap time! Maybe I'll bake some goodies later for my neighbor (he lost his wife last fall). :-)
  19. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Woke up to ice coated everything and we're supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow, too. I was going to attempt going out today (haven't been out since gallbladder removal last Friday) but I think I'll give it one more day. It's a good day to bake - I think I'll make some banana bread and/or cookies. My neighbor lost his wife last year and I haven't made him anything in a while. He is getting goodies today! :-)
  20. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'm pretty much where you're at for total calories per day. I measure all my food- sometimes I finish it, sometimes not. I have at least one protein shake daily but sometimes I have another if I'm short on protein. I never crave fruit but my husband does. He says with him low blood sugar triggers it.
  21. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Raw cranberries? Aren't they incredibly tart? I never tried them plain... I'll have to give them a try. I love cranberries and still have some from the cranberry festival we went to in October. :-) I was going to try making homemade cranberry applesauce w/splenda for a holiday treat I can enjoy.
  22. terry1118

    5 Months Post Op

    I haven't experienced stalls that I'm aware of but I don't weigh myself often. I judge my weight loss by the way my clothes fit. My doctor says my average weight loss per week is 2-3 pounds. In almost seven months I've lost 93 pounds. I was hoping to hit 100 by Christmas but I had my gallbladder out a few days ago and I'm still retaining IV fluids. I gained six pounds the day of surgery and I'm bloated and swollen. Everyone is different. Age, weight, health, and even gender can affect how you lose weight. You can't estimate or compare your loss to another's. There is no formula that says you'll lose this much by this date, and so on. Follow your program, focus on your personal successes, and you will get there.
  23. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    I'm disappointed that I'm still feeling pain and discomfort. I have cut back to one Percoset every 4-6 hours but had hoped to be off meds by today. I need to be off the meds before Friday (when I go back to work). because I can't drive while taking it. Also worried about being able to wear my work clothes - I obviously can't wear baggy sweats in a bank and I don't own a dress. I feel guilty just sitting around while my hubby carries in firewood, does laundry, takes care of the dogs, and does grocery shopping. I play w/my tablet, and nap a LOT (from the drugs). Feeling like a lazy bum.
  24. terry1118

    Sooo Tired Of Meat

    meat is not your only Protein option. Beans and legumes are options also. I love turkey or chicken chili. There are so many different variations on how to make it that I haven't got bored yet. Also I like to mix refried beans in with Soups, casseroles, veggies, and ground meats. I even use refried beans as a dip with legume crackers (another higher protein option). :-) 'The World According to Eggface' is a great website. Other places to find recipes and ideas are 'Atkins', 'South Beach', any low carb site, and bodybuilding sites and books. My husband is a body-builder. I can eat anything I make for him, just less of it. :-)
  25. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I hate heat and my husband hates cold. I suggested that he get a place in the south and I'll get a place in the north. Then we'll visit each other. Lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
