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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I'll have to look into it. Thanks! :-)
  2. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    You've got to be the only person I have ever heard who put a positive spin on shoveling heavy, sloppy, ice-chunky wet snow! Lol
  3. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    Don't be scared! You'll be fine! I had no problems, I was just expecting it to be easy. I was unrealistic. :-) Mine was outpatient. I had to be at the hospital by 10am. The doctor got tied up with the patient before me so they didn't take me till noon. I left the hospital by 4pm. It took a little longer because he found a hernia and repaired it. It's not really as bad as it sounds. For me the RNY was really a piece of cake so I was expecting more of the same. Five days of discomfort, pain controlled w/meds (no trouble sleeping), back to normal in 6-7 days. I can even sleep on that side with no pain. My only restriction is I can't lift anything over 10 pounds for a few weeks.
  4. terry1118

    Gall Bladder

    I had mine out on the 6th. I was thinking it would be a price of cake but it wasn't. I thought it was worse than RNY as far as pain went. I had very intense pain under my ribs on my right side. I took a week off from work and by the fifth day I was seriously wondering if I'd be able to go back a planned. I still needed the Percocets. But by the sixth day things improved a lot and I was able to switch from Percoets to Tylenol. By the seventh day I was starting to feel pretty good - more like myself. When I went back to work the first day I worked a full eight hour day, then went home and crashed on the couch for four hours (which backfired on me - I couldn't fall asleep again til 2am). The next day (yesterday) was more like normal. I worked a half day, picked up my Christmas tree, went Christmas and grocery shopping in the snow, and didn't get home till 8:30pm. I felt fine. Good luck to you - you'll do fine! :-)
  5. terry1118

    10 years after

    It's great to hear from someone who has successfully maintained their weight for years. It helps calm my biggest fear which is of gaining the weight back. Congrats! I personally would be very interested in hearing more on veteran's successes, obstacles they've faced, and how they've overcome them. Things like what you just shared. :-)
  6. terry1118

    June Post Ops!

    You can see the amazing difference! I bet you feel great now, too! :-)
  7. terry1118

    water water water

    It was explained to me by my team that our original stomach has a valve between the stomach and intestine that opens and closes, allowing food to move from the stomach into the intestine in small regulated intervals. The bypass procedure also bypasses that valve which is still part of the old unused stomach. Our new modified pouches have a continuously open stoma instead of a valve. Fluids go through very quickly, a does liquid foods like soups, and semi liquids like yogurt, puddings, an pureed foods. Solid foods take a little longer. That I why we can't drink for a period before or after eating - because it'll wash the solids through faster. Then you won't get the satisfied feeling, causing you to eat more and sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
  8. I was like that the first month but it most of it gradually tapered off. The whole first month everything smelled and/or tasted 'not right'. I would make something I wanted, take one bite, then couldn't eat it. I'm 6 1/2 months out and some things still do that to me. And I've gotten kind of weird about leftovers - I can't stand the thought of eating them. Also expiration dates - I've been throwing things out if they even get anywhere near the expiration date. I'm afraid they'll taste funny. Everything has to be fresh. I buy very small amounts of food now, and shop a little more frequently. I work in a bank next to a grocery store so it's convenient. :-)
  9. I buy Lunchables at Walmart. Fast easy lunch. I can never finish the crackers.
  10. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I'd love it, if you don't mind sharing. :-)
  11. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I'm afraid I'll lose my wedding ring. It keeps wanting to slip off my finger. I may need to have it sized soon. :-)
  12. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Isn't it great? Have a wonderful trip! Enjoy!
  13. terry1118

    5 Months Post Op

    Not directed at you Jeana! You get it already! Just reinforcing what you said! :-)
  14. terry1118

    5 Months Post Op

    Always feeling dissatisfied because we perceive someone else as doing better will make you very unhappy! Men lose faster (more muscle mass), people who have a lot to love usually lose faster initially, and there are other factors, too. Severe nausea, complications, activity levels, general health, medical conditions, - there are many variables. We need to focus on our own successes. And we need to celebrate and take pleasure in our own successes. It's not easy to change your whole lifestyle and follow the rules we need to follow to do well. Sometimes we feel sick as we learn what to eat - that's not easy either! It's important to recognize your hard work and enjoy your own results. Be proud! Be happy! Reward yourself!
  15. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    If you find that recipe for the cranberry squares can you share it? It sounds great! The cashew brittle sounds good too... :-)
  16. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I make cookies for neighbors and friends. I made a batch Thursday for my return to work yesterday. Still not hungry so I'm not tempted to eat them. This holiday is no stress for me because of that. It sure would be nice if that lasts forever! :-)
  17. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Southern RI. Grew up in Newport, then moved to Tiverton when I got married. Not exactly the 'Frozen North'. Being so close to the ocean we usually get rain or a mix when just a few miles to our north they might be getting all snow. But w/less insulation this season I'm really feeling the cold. :-)
  18. terry1118

    hurting can't sleep

    Try miralax and stool softeners. Even walking around your house will help w/gas. Any movement will. My PA suggested doing the stairs for exercise. Is there a mall near you? When you're able to drive go there to walk. Here, malls open early for walkers - a great option for safe warm walking. My surgery was 5/30 and I envisioned walking on warm late Spring days and getting a little sun on my deck. THAT didn't happen! The reality was the coldest days we had that Spring and lots of raw, rainy days. I even lit the woodstove, it was that cold. No sun till I went back to work two weeks later. Figures! :-)
  19. terry1118

    Friday Weigh-In!

    RNY 5/30/13 SW - 212 HW - 233 CW - 136 :-) :-) :-)
  20. When I started my weight loss journey I never dreamed I would be where I am today. My only goal was to be healthy and feel good. I have lost 96 pounds since I started - 12 pre-op, and 84 post-op. A month ago I dared to set a wishful goal to hit the 100lb mark by Christmas - it would be a gift to myself. Today I am 4 pounds away from that goal. Christmas is twelve days away - it's looking doable! :-) Surgery date 5/30/13 Starting weight 233 Highest weight 233 Surgery weight 212 Current weight 137
  21. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Homemade spicy turkey chili. :-)
  22. terry1118

    Confessions Of A Chocoholic

    Some people can be, well...blunt. And some people are sensitive and take offense. But here is a perfect example of a case where someone 'telling it as they see it' has helped someone. There is a place for everyone here. Different people have different perspectives that can make us see something in a way we might not have before. It may strike a cord with someone who is struggling and needed to hear it put just that way. We are here to support each other and share information. If we don't agree with a comment that's okay, we don't have to take it to heart - but someone else my need to hear it. :-)
  23. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had spaghetti squash w/Italian chicken sausage. :-)

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