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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    June Post Ops!

    Our HR department told us that this year, for the first time, we're allowed to carry over up to $1000 of our unused FSA. (Calendar year 2014 can carry over to 2015). I don't know if that is just for my provider or for all of them. Check w/your plan administrator.
  2. terry1118

    What 3 things do u wish u had been told?

    No emotional issues for me - maybe being post-menopausal helps. But your 3) is spot on! It's a major thing that I monitor and try to avoid. It can really ruin your day! :-p
  3. terry1118

    December Surgeries!?!?!?

    Fixing the hernia and having your gallbladder removed could account for the pain. I had very little pain with my RNY in May and poured most of my pain meds down the drain after 3-4 days. Then I had my gallbladder removed and a hernia repair on 12/6, which I thought would be a piece of cake after having my insides rearranged. That pain was WAY worse and lasted much longer. I used up all my percosets for that one! Hang in there... It'll get better! :-)
  4. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    You are gorgeous! :-)
  5. If you're not comfortable with the idea of the surgery, then don't do it. It's a very personal decision, it's not for everyone. Why were you considering it if you are so obviously unsure and uncomfortable about it? Is someone pressuring you to do it? Ultimately only you can make the choice. Do you want reassurance that it's right for you? Again no one can decide that except you. I can say I never had doubts. It was the right choice for me, I don't regret it, and I've done well with it. I'm 54 and had back pain, knee pain and foot pain, all of which is gone. I was prediabetic, but not anymore. High cholesterol is gone, as are the meds I had to take. It has changed my life. I look and feel good, but more importantly I am healthy. But like I said, I never had a doubt or fear. I was ready. You need to talk to your doctor about your concerns if you haven't already. Maybe talking to a councilor about your fears to see if they can help you to make a firm decision one day or the other. You need to be sure in your heart and mind if you opt for the surgery. Good luck to you whatever your decision may be.
  6. terry1118

    Am I the only one?

    I've come up with a standard reply for my customers who are noticing and commenting on my weight loss more and more each day. I just smile and say "Thank you for noticing! How can I help you?". Acknowledge and turn attention back to them - that's my strategy. It's working so far. :-)
  7. terry1118

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    It's normal to be nervous. Don't worry... I found the surgical experience much easier than I feared it would be. Just think how different this summer will be for you! There should be an amazing difference by then - you'll be feeling great and shopping for pretty summer clothes! :-)
  8. terry1118

    Itchy and dry skin

    I did. In the first few months I had dry scaly patches on my arms, backside, and belly. Drink all your fluids and try vitamin E oil, or a good moisturizer. After a while it got better. But now that we're into the cold dry weather it's coming back. Also we heat our house with a wood stove and that dries things out even more. I see a lot of moisturizing in my future... :-)
  9. terry1118

    What 3 things do u wish u had been told?

    I wish someone had told me not to buy so many clothes in advance. I really never dreamed in my wildest dreams that I could ever get this small (sz10 as of now). I bought a lot of things in 16's & XL's. I have to say I never really got to wear them much, if at all. I blew right past those sizes so fast I never enjoyed them. I keep returning things for store credit and buying more things I don't gat to wear. I just LOVE trying on clothes!! :-)
  10. terry1118

    OMG October 2013 Post-ops

    Yeast infections in your mouth, or thrush, is common in the first weeks after surgery. Also gall bladder issues are very common after RNY and many people need to have the gallbladder removed. Ulcers are possible, as are strictures and hernias. We can suffer from dehydration or constipation that requires medical treatment, if we're not careful. Some things are preventable and some happen randomly, seemingly for no reason at all. I, myself, ended up with some sort of terribly itchy rash post-op that three different doctors called an 'allergic reaction to something surgery-related' but no one knew what. Each doc gave me prescriptions for different meds, none of which offered any relief. I paid over $100 in co-pays for prescriptions that were useless. It took three weeks to run it's course before fading away. :-)
  11. terry1118

    Useful pre-op things?

    I bought appetizer forks and spoons because I figured the small size would help me to take smaller bites and eat more slowly. I use them all the time. I also use appetizer plates and small bowls (approx. 1/2 cup size). An insulated lunch bag to carry your food to work or on errands is a must. My lunch bag is always packed with Vitamins, Calcium, non-perishable protein Snacks, and my little utensils. :-)
  12. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I think ice helps take some fizz out. I don't drink beer often but an icy cold one on a warm summer evening is good. Wine is my thing. Love, love, love wine! Can't wait till my one year anniversary so I can go back to my Saturday night glass of wine. :-)
  13. terry1118

    December post ops

    Keep in mind that always doing it right won't guarantee no problems. There are times when I eat something I'd been eating almost daily for weeks and suddenly it makes me sick. It's like my food is betraying me. Lol Just take follow your team's rules the best you can, try not to compare your progress with that of others, and celebrate your own successes (which will be many and not always a number on the scale). :-)
  14. terry1118

    December post ops

    I'm seven months out. I don't get full in the same way I did pre-op. If you are waiting for that same full feeling you used to get, it may never happen. My 'full' feeling now is a slight pain/pressure in the center of my chest just between my lower ribs. If I feel that it means stop eating immediately. One more bite will mean pain, nausea, and several hours of pure misery. I've learned the subtle signs and when to stop. Your signs of fullness may be similar or different, but you will learn through your own experience how to recognize it. You don't generally feel much fullness in the liquid stage as liquids flow through the stoma fairly quickly. You will feel satisfied but it won't last as long as the feeling you get with solids. I don't wait for my full feeling. I eat a measured, safe portion of food. I may not finish it all but I never eat more than that (learned through painful experience). With each of us it's trial and error. You'll figure out what works best for you.
  15. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    You can drink beer? You don't have trouble with fizzy things? I haven't even tried a sip of a carbonated drink - I'm afraid to! Lol
  16. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I know it's hard but you can do it! Log your food. Plan your day's meals in advance and follow the plan. I measure out my food in the morning and put it into microwavable bowls so it's ready to grab and easy to heat. I put my days worth of non-perishable foods in my lunch bag along with my smaller utensils that help me eat slower. Also, I keep my calorie-free drink mixes in there to add to my water. The bag is always ready to go with me when I go out so nothing is left to chance. I keep a few non-perishable snacks in my car, along w/a water bottle, just in case. Plan, plan, plan... and stick to the plan! Make it your resolution for the new year! :-)
  17. Monday Dec 30 will be exactly seven months from my surgery. I have lost 101 pounds. :-) Everything is going well and I am thrilled with my results. I'm curious how much more I will lose. I'm currently 132 pounds. At 5' tall that is still over the recommended weight range of 105 - 120 that my PCP says is ideal for someone my height. I weighed 115 on my wedding day - I wonder if I will get see that again? It seems possible but I would be happy enough right where I am. Life is good! :-)
  18. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Shrimp and sweet potato.
  19. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    If you go out to eat with someone often times you can order 'add-ons' - like a few shrimp, scallops, or whatever. The perfect thing for us WLS people. Or you could order an appetizer for dinner. I often get shrimp cocktail as a meal. (Can you tell I LOVE shrimp?) Or just get a whole meal, divide it, and take the rest home for another meal or two. But, in my experience, better expensive restaraunts give smaller portions of quality gourmet foods that might come closer to fitting our reduced dietary needs. Enjoy!
  20. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I am also a sugar and carb addict. If I ate even a little bit it could trigger all my old problems (a big fear of mine). I would probably eat too much and find it hard to stop. Like any addict I need to avoid sugar and carbs completely or it'll be my undoing. I also don't know if I dump yet. I've managed to stay away from anything that could cause dumping - just the fear of it is a good deterrent. :-)
  21. terry1118

    Approve For Tummy Tuck

    Look up your insurance online to see what they will cover and talk to your surgeon's office. The surgeon's office will often assist with cosmetic surgery qualifications and referrals. My insurance company will pay for the surgery if you have documented issues with infections. Go to your doctor for every problem you have and take pictures. While my insurance will pay for necessary skin removal on the stomach they will never pay for arms, legs, or breasts. They also require a stable weight for a certain time period before approving it. Some require as long as two years. I understand the reason for this - they don't want to pay if you are still losing or worse, if you are gaining it back.
  22. terry1118


    Only 1 pound? Don't feel too bad. If you're anything like me, in the past my holiday gains could be more like 5-15 pounds. I heard the national average for holiday weight gain is 8lbs. :-)
  23. terry1118

    G a s

    DH. I always thought it meant 'darling hubby' but it definitely can mean something else. I have in mind one particular meaning that I think of when dealing with troublesome or difficult customers at work. I don't say it out loud there and I won't say it here, but you can figure it out. Lol
  24. A lot of people prefer unjury Protein. I use Atkins ready to drink shakes because they're fast and I like them. Early on I found an unflavored protein at Faunce Corner Nutrition in Dartmouth MA that worked for me. They carry a lot of bariatric products. I used it in Soups, puddings, and yogurt to get my protein. Honestly, though, don't stock up on anything pre-op. Your tastes change quite a bit post-op. Your best bet is to pick up some samples of things you think you'll like to try for after your surgery, and a container of an unflavored protein to add to foods when you are on full liquid and then pureed stages. There's nothing to be anxious about. I thought the whole surgery and recovery was pretty easy. My gallbladder surgery was definitely worse. Good luck! :-)
  25. What's the sugar content? I'm always looking for options when I'm out and about - and it sounds tasty.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
