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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    Pita chips

    Sounds good, but I don't think I'll try them. I can't eat anything with rice or rice flour, even brown rice. It gives me a serious case of gurglies. I tried Beanitos because they had protein and started gurgling right away. Ingredients list brown rice flour. I hate the gurglies. :-p
  2. terry1118

    You Annoyed much!?! I am!

    That being said, I had no fear of it happening to me. I was at a point where, though I wasn't suicidal, I felt that death might be preferable to living my life as miserable as I was, unhappy and in pain and unable to enjoy anything. My surgery was uneventful, no complications or problems, very little pain, fast healing, and very successful. I've lost over100lbs so far and I'm happier than I have been in YEARS!
  3. terry1118

    You Annoyed much!?! I am!

    I don't know anyone on this board who died but my daughter knows a girl who died from her surgery. Her liver was nicked and she died from internal bleeding. That's why they are so concerned w/shrinking your liver pre-op. It's NOT a minor thing - it's very important. I've been told that the risk of complications in a center for excellence is around 1-3% and the risk of death is even lower, less than 1%, but the risk IS there. My insurance company says to choose your surgeon very carefully and make sure he is experienced because there is definitely a learning curve. I didn't want to be part of anyone's 'learning curve'.
  4. terry1118

    Lots of questions! Lol

    Ditto. I was at my wits end but after finding out my insurance would pay if I met the criteria I decided to talk to my PCP. He'd had patients with good results and thought I'd be a good candidate. He arranged for me to attend the informational seminar. When I told my endocrinologist about my decision he congratulated me and hugged me. He knew my surgeon and had nothing but the highest praise for the program. It helped me feel more at ease with my choice. :-)
  5. terry1118

    Need help 911

    I hope the Benedryl helps. It should. :-)
  6. terry1118

    Need help 911

    How far out are you? I developed a rash a few days post op that started on my belly and spread to my back, thighs, and arms. The itching drove me crazy! Docs finally figured out it was an allergic reaction to something surgery-related but never figured out what. I went through a few prescription creams, none of which worked and one made it worse. I ended up using Benedryl - it was the only thing that helped. I took Benedryl liquid (children's) and used Benedryl cream. They controlled the itching. After 2 1/2 weeks it started to fade away. Strange...
  7. terry1118

    January 2013 Post Op

    Mine are pretty deflated but I'm still a D-cup. I'm in my 50's and breast fed three kids so I knew mine would go. They look like water balloons that leaked half the water out. They look okay in a supportive bra but when I take it off they look flat and hang pretty damn low. Lol I'm still losing but I'm hoping once my weight is stable that I can get my belly fixed. That's the only surgery my insurance will pay for. I'm okay w/that. My hubby spends a lot of money on his toys - I wonder if he would pay for new breasts? They're technically HIS toys. LMAO. :-)
  8. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I had to pack up my sz12's - I'm now comfortably in the 10's. I haven't seen sz10 since the year I was married (1982). And that's not the best part! The best part happened when I was trying on pants yesterday (I only have one sz10 and needed at least one more pair). One pair I had grabbed to try said sz10 on the hanger but actually turned out to be a sz8 - and it fit! A tad snug, but not too bad. I got them buttoned and zipped! You could've knocked me over with a feather!!!! I put them back - they sat too low on the hips for a woman my age - but DAMN! A SIZE 8!!!!! I never even DARED to dream I'd get that small! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
  9. I've been getting a little bored with my yogurt so I've been looking for something to add to it. Pre op I used to like the Chobani Flips but the sugar content is too high. I saw Special K Protein cereal on sale in the store today and it has 10gr protein in a 3/4 cup serving so I figured I'd give it a try. I mixed 1/4 cup into my yogurt and it was really good. Gave it a tasty little 'crunch' and it brings protein up to 15gr. I think next time I'll add a tbsp of chopped pecans, too! :-)
  10. terry1118

    June Post Ops!

    I think that was me. Because I was taking a much higher dose than recommended my doc suggested taking it only every other day. My nut said not to worry because it's one vitamin that's not harmful. It just passes through. Congrats on your good results and the positive reinforcement! It's a good feeling to find out that you're healthy and have learned to do all the right things to stay that way. While I'm still in the first year 'honeymoon stage' I can't consider myself a veteran yet but I do feel that I can offer good advice and encouragement as a person with experience. :-)
  11. I had my gallbladder out on Dec 6. I've noticed I seem to be a LOT more gassy than before. Is this a forever thing? Or is it just till my body adjusts to not having the gallbladder for bile storage? It's embarrassing... Lol
  12. terry1118

    Irish Farmer

    Some people have a drain. My surgeon doesn't require one. I don't know why some do and some don't. It sounds uncomfortable. I healed quickly and with no complications without one. Maybe there are factors I'm not aware of that make having one necessary?
  13. terry1118

    Irish Farmer

    I had RNY. I choose it because of the high long-term success rate. I had surgery in the morning , stayed one night, then went home around 8pm the next evening. The first day no eating or drinking. Then clear liquids (water, broth, jello). Then full liquids (protein shake, cream soup). If you can eat and drink without problems, you're urinating, you've been walking, and your pain is managed then you get released. My surgery was laproscopic, which is very common today. Sometimes open surgery is necessary but less common. I had six incisions, one inch or less each. No stitches, just clear skin adhesive (not sure what it's called), no bandages. Very little pain from the incisions, stopped liquid pain meds after 4 days. Gas pains were more of a problem but walking helps ease it. After 4-5 days that went away. Was back at work in two weeks but could've gone back in one. I had a six week lifting restriction - first nothing over 10lbs, then 20lbs. I work in a bank so it's considered light duty. For more physical jobs my surgeon requires four weeks off. As a farmer your job is more strenuous. Could you get help until you're healed if you do this?
  14. I like Dannon Light & Fit Greek 5.3 oz cup. 80 calories, 0 fat, 9g carbs, 8g sugar, 12g Protein. My favorite flavors are cherry, blueberry, peach, and strawberry. I can eat a whole one most times. Sometimes I throw out about 1/4 of it. If you follow your doctor's guidelines than you can eat 1/2 or even a little more and be around 5g of sugar.
  15. terry1118


    And Kohls has them in their Sonoma brand for less money than the Cuddle Duds brand. They sell them side by side. Wednesday is my day off - I'm heading to Kohls to get some more. It's going to be a long winter! :-)
  16. terry1118


    I'll be wearing mine I under my work clothes tomorrow. I work in a bank and tomorrow it's my turn at the drive-up. It gets very, very cold in front of those big glass windows! (And tomorrow's high will be only 15°)
  17. Out of curiosity I'm interested in the answers to your questions too. At 54 I'm not too concerned about 'long term', but I certainly would be if I were even ten years younger. If I were your age finding out about the long term effects would be my number one priority. I hope you get some helpful answers. I'm sure it would be helpful to other young people when making their own decision about weight loss surgery. :-)
  18. Thanks for the tip but I'm sure that's not it. I HATE milk and have never in my life been a milk drinker. :-p. :-) The only thing different is the gallbladder removal. I haven't changed my diet in months. Still high Protein, low fat, low carb, low sugar. I stick to my 'safe' foods. I haven't introduced any new foods for a while.
  19. terry1118

    Irish Farmer

    I understand. My BMI was 47 and I'm only 5' tall. I weighed 233. I had high cholesterol, was pre-diabetic, my back, knees, amend feet hurt all the time. I wore slip on shoes because I couldn't tie them and I couldn't put on socks or polish my toenails. I was winded just moving around a little. The worse pain I was in, the less I moved around. I ate more just trying to have some energy. My life was miserable. Then I had my gastric bypass (RNY) on 5/30/13. I've lost 102 pounds - my weight is 131. I feel great, I have tons of energy, I don't get winded anymore, my cholesterol is normal, my back, knee, and foot pain is gone, I can live my life now. It's the best thing I ever did for myself! I never regretted it for a second - I'm very happy! :-) Losing weight will solve the problems you mentioned. Research it well and ask lots of questions so you completely understand how it works, how it'll affect you, and what the options are. Only YOU can decide if it's right for you. :-)
  20. My doctor is aware of the problem I have with chicken. It's not an uncommon problem. Chicken is dense and relatively dry. I get my poultry from ground chicken and turkey. It's the only way I can eat it. My nut says to give it a try every few weeks or so. Eventually it may be fine. Or not. Who knows? :-)
  21. And I'm not complaining about the product itself. It was good advice from the person who recommended it. I researched it and it was supposed to be one of the best. I just need to get it where it needs to go and the capsule isn't going to do it for me.
  22. I spoke too soon about adding chicken back into my diet. I didn't throw it up but I gurgled for four hours before it eased up. :-p Maybe I can add the contents of my probiotic capsules to applesauce? Anyone have thoughts? Will it affect the effectiveness of it? I read the vegetable based capsule is designed to get it to your intestines before dissolving...
  23. I bought probiotics that were supposed to be good quality on the advice of someone on this board quite some time ago. They were pretty big - I had one get stuck and was absolutely miserable. I'm afraid to try it again.
  24. I have no problem with staying away from higher fat foods, especially now. Since surgery lowfat is a way of life. BUT, an hour ago I had some buffalo chicken tenders (with most of the breading picked off) with a couple tbsp of blue cheese to cool it and moisten it. I hope the blue cheese doesn't cause an issue. How long do you think this will this last approximately? I see my surgeon in Feb for my 9 month post op. If it's still bothering me in 2-3 weeks I'll check with the nurse. If it eases up some I'll just wait till Feb. On the plus side this is the first time I've eaten chicken and not been sick. It's sitting kind of heavy (I'm aware of it sitting there) but no queasiness or foamies. Yay! Yet another Protein option has become available to me! :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
