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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I hate it when I look forward to something and it disappoints, either because it doesn't taste they way I expected or it makes me sick. Yogurt is my go-to after a bad food experience, also. I hope your stomach settled okay, Dorian. Tonite I made my hubby some home made turkey meatballs w/wheat pasta. I skipped the pasta but ate two meatballs and they were delicious! I had some bananas that were overripe so I whipped up three banana breads - one plain, one w/pecans, and one w/chocolate chips. Two go to work tomorrow and one goes to my mother-in-law. I like how I can bake and not want to eat things. The smell of the bananas actually turned my stomach. :-)
  2. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I had made it in the crock pot, cubed with mushroom gravy (low fat). I mashed it up and mixed it with extra gravy so being moist enough is not the problem. I ate 1/4 cup, very slowly, small bites - still no good. Maybe, as you say Dorian, it's the stringiness? My nut says if a food makes you sick, try it again in a month. I'm just thinking I'll give up on chicken. I can eat it ground only, that'll have to do! :-)
  3. terry1118

    Favorite Recipes

    Ditto on chicken. I tried again last night and it came back up within an hour. :-p
  4. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    It takes a couple days to a week to adjust to the higher elevation. Take it slow and don't attempt anything too strenuous till you feel better. A friend who used to live join CO told me the absolute best thing about living there is being able to eat dinner outside in the evening with no mosquitoes. Dry climate = less bugs. :-)
  5. terry1118

    Post op protein.

    I drank Protein shakes, I mixed chocolate Protein powder into sugar-free pudding, and I mixed unflavored protein into cream Soups and Greek yogurt. In the beginning it's hard to meet protein goals. It'll be all you can do just to try to get the fluids in. Concentrate on liquids, do your best on protein, and eventually it'll all happen. A very important tip - log your food and liquid. At first I was estimating, wrongly, at protein and Water intake. Once I started logging I always knew exactly where I stood. Some days were good, some days I fell short. On those short days often just having a Protein shake was enough to get me over the top. Protein Shakes are awesome - they count as protein AND liquid. The perfect food!
  6. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'll wait another month and try again. It's a good thing I love chili and shrimp - two foods I never have trouble with!
  7. terry1118

    why so much protein?

    I just did a little reading on the subject. I found that high protein diets will cause more damage if an individual already has unhealthy kidneys but it has no affect on the healthy kidneys in a healthy individual. If you are healthy you should be fine. If you are not you would know by now because that's one of the many things they are looking for in post and pre-op testing. If you are concerned ask your doctor. :-)
  8. terry1118

    why so much protein?

    I'm supposed to get a minimum of 60gr daily. I've seem some who say their doc recommends up to 100gr daily. I don't know how much is too much. I do know too much of ANYTHING is a bad thing. :-)
  9. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I lost the chicken. Anyone know if I'll ever be able to eat chicken again? I'm eight months out.
  10. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I should've gone for the chili, too!
  11. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I attempted chicken tonite - BIG MISTAKE!! I'm gurgling, burping, and feeling that dreaded pain in the middle of my chest. I trying to keep it down but I'm losing the battle... :-(
  12. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Yes, I'm waiting for summer, too! It seems so far away...
  13. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    My daughter has two kayaks in our shed. Maybe I should take up kayaking...
  14. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I'm hoping lots of walking from March to Memorial day will firm things up a lot. If not? Then it is what it is. I'd rather be a little saggy, baggy, and comfortable than an overheated 'great white whale' on the beach! Lol I grew up in Newport just two blocks from the beach. I used to go for a swim after work on hot summer days but I've been too embarrassed to do that for close to thirty years. I'm looking forward to spending a lot more time on the beach - swimming, walking, exploring tide pools, clamming, crabbing, and enjoying cool breezy evenings. I live just a couple miles from some of the prettiest coastline in RI and southeastern MA. We've got Horseneck Beach, the Westport River, Little Compton, Sakonnet Point, and the Sakonnet river all a few minutes away. What's the point of living on the coast if I don't get out and enjoy it? :-) This time last year I was feeling miserable and hopeless. It feels good to look forward to something for a change. :-)
  15. terry1118


    Mine was removed six months after my bypass. I knew I had gallstones for quite sometime but never had any symptoms until about ten months before my bypass surgery. I had a pretty severe attack that sent me to the ER. Still I put off removing it but I knew I needed to eventually. It was like a ticking time bomb. My surgeon wouldn't do two procedures at the same time because he said it drastically increases complication risks. So I waited until I had lost most of my weight and had it out in December. It was a much more painful procedure than the RNY surgery. My bypass was almost painless by comparison.
  16. terry1118

    1st appt set for 3/10/14

    Welcome! This site is great for support and tips of all kind. :-) I started my journey last year. I began my weight problem after my first pregnancy 28 yrs ago and my weight climbed from there. I lost 50 lbs w/Weight Watchers and gained it back plus some, I lost 75lbs w/Atkins and gained it back plus some, and I lost 80lbs w/Optifast and gained it back plus some. I was miserable - I had back, knee, and foot pain, I was on meds for high cholesterol. I snored terribly and got winded climbing the stairs. I hurt all the time, found it hard to make it through my workday, and sat on the couch all the time. I had no energy and ate to try to feel better which didn't work. I was addicted to sugar and devoured anything sweet. I was constantly buying sweet crap, eating it, and hiding any evidence from my hubby. I was steadily gaining weight - I was only 5' tall and weighed 233. I had one pair of pants, one pair of jeans, and several tops that fit, barely (Size 22 & 2X). My hubby is a body builder in excellent health and I was embarrassed to go out with him. I was embarrassed for him to be seen with me (but he didn't seem to mind). I avoided cameras and was just a spectator in my own life as I watched everyone else have fun. If something didn't change I could see nothing but misery and suffering in my future, followed by an early death. My manager had WLS and while talking to him about it I began to think it might be for me. I found out that my insurance would pay for the surgery so I started the process. I had surgery on May 30, 2013. I didn't have a weight loss goal and my doctor didn't set one for me. My only goal was to be healthy, active, and feel good, which only took a few months to achieve. Looking better was purely a bonus. To date I have lost 105lbs. I feel great! I can do anything without pain. I'm wearing a size 8 or 10 and a small in tops. Life is good! I don't regret the surgery for even a second! My advice to anyone starting out would be: follow your own doctor's program. All of us have slightly different instructions but follow your own as closely as you can and you will be successful. As someone already said, don't compare your weight loss to another's. We are all different. There are many different factors to consider and comparing yourself to others will only make you unhappy. Celebrate your successes. Not just the ones on the scale but also the personal ones. Things like being able to paint your own toes, walking farther than you used to, not needing medication, etc. Things that make you happy. Celebrate them, no matter how small they might seem! You worked hard for them!
  17. terry1118

    lost of hair

    Google weight loss surgery and hair loss. It will explain how and why it happens. Losing hair is a pretty common physical reaction to surgery, sudden drastic weight loss, and physical stress. Some lose a little, some lose a lot - for everyone it's only temporary. It will grow back. If you are pre-op get yourself in the best health you can (so many of us aren't very healthy when we start). Take vitamins. Biotin is good for hair health but won't prevent hair loss. Use gentle hair products and avoid chemical processing. If you do experience hair loss a hairstyle change can often help disguise it. Also, if you do lose hair don't panic or let it get you down. It's so worth it to suffer a little temporary hair loss, trust me. If someone had told me shaving my head bald would make me lose 100lbs (and if it was true) I would've done it in a hot second!!! :-)
  18. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Spicy chili for me tonite! I whipped up a batch this afternoon - it's Hubby's favorite. :-) And what's up with this crazy weather? Single digits all last week, 42 yesterday, teens today, supposed to be forties tomorrow, then back to frigid weather for the rest of the week! :-p. On the plus side, January is almost over - on to short February! :-)
  19. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    NSV's are everyone's territory! :-) Congratulations!
  20. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I bought a one piece with some ruffles on the midsection to disguise my saggy belly. The top part fits like a bra - lifts, shapes, and separates. :-)
  21. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Kohl's clearance. Plus I had an extra 30% off with my coupon. They have lots and lots of clothes on clearance but I was only looking for warm weather clothes. Anything left over from last summer is 80% off. I paid $2 - $3 for short sleeve and sleeveless tops. :-) :-) :-) :-) Macy's has a lot of sweaters on clearance. I'm okay for sweaters and cold weather clothes - they're a little big but they'll do till spring. I've been slowly buying what I need as I've lost. But come the warm weather I have nothing to start with. Last summer I was in 2X and then 1X. Right now even XL and L are way to big. NOT complaining...
  22. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I've been looking for warm weather clothes on clearance everywhere I go. There is just no way I'll be able to use anything I wore last summer! Today I bought three pairs of sz8 jeans, a bathing suit sz10, a medium sundress, and four sleeveless tops in small - all for less than $60! I'm feeling pretty damn happy about the bargains I found. And everything fits! I was just getting used to sz10 jeans and medium tops. I never dreamed I'd wear a sz8 and a small!!!! The medium sundress was Chaps - that brand seems to run small. :-) I can't wait for the warm weather this year! This girl is going to wear comfortable, pretty clothes, sweat a whole lot less, and take evening swims at the beach! And hubby is going to have to take me somewhere nice when I wear that beautiful dress! :-)
  23. terry1118

    Favorite Recipes

    I eat guacamole, but only a couple times a month. Delicious!
  24. terry1118

    December post ops

    I can't do chicken at all, except ground. My nut suggested chicken salad made very moist but even that didn't help for me. Maybe it will for you...
  25. terry1118

    Favorite Recipes

    Avocado is a great 'lube'. Lol. The only burger I was able to eat with no trouble had guacamole on it. I ate a whole 1/3 of it! :-) Avocado is a healthy fat recommended by my nut.

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