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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. Walmart had these little plastic things that fit on your ring to make it tighter. They were $3. It's a great temporary fix till I can get to the jeweler. :-)
  2. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Key lime yogurt w/protein granola. :-)
  3. Some people are advised to use one and some not. It depends on the doc. Many people have said when you use one it feels better when you're upright or walking. Maybe it helps prevent incisional hernias? My doc didn't recommend one and I had no problems. Do whatever YOUR doc recommends.
  4. Wednesday is my day off. That is on my list of things to do! :-)
  5. terry1118

    a month out and new pain

    I had gallstones at the time of my surgery. I asked my doc how I can tell the difference between a gallbladder attack and possible RNY complications. He said gallbladder pain originates on the right side, and RNY pain is primarily on the left. Call your doctor's office. That's what they're there for. I hope you feel better!
  6. I like spicy things. Especially in the early days when most things don't taste right. In the first weeks I ate spicy refried beans and spicy red pepper hummus. Even now I eat a lot of spicy chili and buffalo meatballs w/blue cheese. I chop jalapeños and add it to eggs, quinoa, and melted cheese (w/my bean crackers). I eat spicy things several times per week. :-)
  7. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    That sounds delicious! :-)
  8. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    You look great! And happy! :-)
  9. I use mustard and mayo. I put salsa on a lot of things to moisten and add flavor. Salsa is great on fish, hamburgers, in wraps w/cheese and sandwich meat, added to hummus, on eggs... I like it on almost anything. :-)
  10. I FOUND IT!!!!! :-) :-) :-) I just got home and it's pretty dark so I had this thought - maybe if I turned off all the outside lights and looked around with the flashlight it might shine when the light hits it. And it did!!!! It was nowhere near where I thought it would be. It took all of one minute to find it! I'm so happy! Now I'd better get it sized before I lose it again... :-)
  11. terry1118

    When does it stop

    I stopped daytime pain med after 4 days, but continued taking it nights for a couple more. So a week. I could sleep on my side after about 10 days. I have an acre of grass and was mowing my lawn 9 days after surgery (with a self-propelled mower). Everyone is different. Take it easy, follow your docs instructions, and recover at your own pace. Take short walks frequently - it definately helps. You'll feel better soon.
  12. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    We went to Bass Pro Shop in Foxborough. I'd never been to Foxborough before - Gillette Stadium is HUGE! Then we went too Olive Garden for lunch. I had 1/2 bowl of soup and a little salad. :-)
  13. By all means ask the doctor about the type, how it may have occurred and what can be done, if anything, to prevent it in the future. But don't automatically assume the doctor is negligent. Incisional hernias are common after ANY type of abdominal surgery and can be caused by not following your doctors recommendations for weight and activity restrictions. Once they cut the abdominal wall (or anywhere) the area is weakened and hernias can happen. Some hernias may happen when stitches are placed too far apart, others may have occurred before surgery because heavy people are susceptible to them. If an existing hernia is missed it may not have been in the immediate area of the surgery. Laporoscopic surgery only covers a very small area. I suspect I may have an incisional hernia (from December's gallbladder removal), so I researched to learn about them. I'm going to mention it to my doctor at my 9 month follow-up in two weeks.
  14. terry1118

    Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!

    Introduce your new foods gradually so, if something doesn't sit well, you'll know what it was and be able to avoid it for a week or more. In my early weeks I was able to eat out, too, but soups were the extent of it. I could eat broccoli cheese soup and clam chowder, eating around the bigger chunks and chewing soft parts of broccoli carefully. It never bothered me. It takes a while for your insides to heal and the swelling can last several weeks or more. That's partly to blame for how easily you foods get 'stuck' in that time. Later you will be able to eat more variety. It's a major learning experience and everyone is different. Hang in there! It's Soooooo worth it! :-) Some good options to puree: refried beans, meatballs, pea soup, chili, soups. Good soft foods for pureed stage: Laughing Cow cheese, hummus, cottage cheese w/sf preserves, ricotta, sf pudding mixed w/chocolate whey protein, Greek yogurt, no sugar added applesauce, sf Carnation Instant Breakfast, protein shakes. Go to the website 'The World According to Egg Face' for protein shake recipes that are creative and delicious! :-)
  15. terry1118

    6 1/2 years post-op and strange hair problems

    Not all Vitamins are created equal no matter what the label says. And they're not regulated, which means they can claim anything they want, whether or not it's true, and there are no consequences. If your old one worked then going back to it sounds like a good idea. :-)
  16. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I made homemade turkey meatballs. I mixed some sauce into 1/4 cup refried beans, then added a mashed meatball. Delish! :-)
  17. terry1118

    OMG October 2013 Post-ops

    I eat carbs but not simple carbs like sugar, white bread, white rice, white potato, and Pasta. I eat complex carbs w/whole grains and some Protein, like Josephs wraps, quinoa, sweet potatoes, beanitos, whole grain crackers and Bear Naked Protein Granola. I eat Protein Bars on occasion. I eat protein first, then veggies, then carbs if I can. Most times there is just no room for carbs. I am healthy enough - all my blood tests come back perfect. I'm probably eating better than I have in my whole life. :-)
  18. terry1118

    Where are all the oldies!?

    You look like a different Person! And beautiful too! :-)
  19. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'll have to check too! I get out of work early today. Maybe I'll head to Wallyworld...
  20. terry1118

    Question about vitamins

    Definitely a question for your doctor or nutritionist.
  21. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I made a small spinach salad with edamame, black olives, feta, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, 3 shrimp, and a little balsamic vinegar. I ate all the good stuff and couldn't find room for the spinach. I am done!
  22. terry1118

    G a s

    Gallbladder pain usually originates from the right side just below your ribs. My worst attack felt like hard labor contractions. Severe pain, starting from the right and radiating around my whole midsection around to my back. The pain came in continuous waves and my attack lasted about seven hours. They usually do an ultrasound to diagnose gallstones. They may also do blood work. My surgeon said if you have one attack you will have more so they take it out. My daughter put off having her gallbladder out till she graduated from URI. The last six weeks before graduation she had attacks daily ranging from bad to severe. I don't know how she lasted that long. Both my daughters and I had our gallbladders removed. Gallbladder surgery is the most common surgery in the world.
  23. terry1118

    Body Fortress

    Now this sounds especially yummy! DEFINATELY going to try frozen coffee! :-)
  24. terry1118

    G a s

    I have no problem w/high protein wraps. I can only eat 1/2 of one. I can eat some pretzels. I was told by my doc to never eat anything white - bread, potatoes, rice, or pasta. Only whole grains and preferably w/some protein. Aside from the wraps and pretzels I've had sweet potatoes and quinoa.
  25. terry1118

    G a s

    8 months out and still very gassy. I do 'duck-farts' - because the sound is like quacking ducks! Lol My gas problem got a little worse after my gall bladder removal in December. I was told it takes quite a while for your body to adjust to not having a gall bladder.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
