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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118


    Flintstones Complete is recommended by my team. All my labs have been perfect. There are differences in all programs. Everyone should take whatever their own doctor recommends and should be monitored to be sure they are getting all the nutrients they need for continued good health.
  2. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Me too! Tried the Cherry Chocolate Blend tonight. Yummy! :-)
  3. terry1118

    What is your WLS Motivating Mantra?

    'It's not a sprint, it's a marathon'. In the short term there are successes both large and small but the battle doesn't end with them. I think the finish line- of the 'marathon' is the end of my life, not reaching a weight goal. I have to make the lifestyle changes I've already made permanent so I can live a long, healthy, happier, good quality life. I need to keep on going, not slow down or stop because I met my goal and risk it all. The point is to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle to the end. To live. :-)
  4. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I lost my wedding ring because my pants were falling down. I was wearing work gloves and couldn't get a grip on my pants with the bulky gloves. When I yanked off my glove my ring came off with it and flew out into my yard. I found it later, but it was all the fault of my falling britches! Lol
  5. terry1118


    I use bean crackers to scoop my hummus but I'll eat it with a spoon (better for mushy stage). When to move on to regular foods you can spread it on Joseph's Protein tortillas, too, then roll it up. My favorite is spicy red pepper or jalapeño hummus. I love spicy flavorful foods!
  6. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    Hang in there Dorian! You have come so far! I hope they can fix your problem somehow and you can get some relief from pain...
  7. terry1118

    April 2013 Post-Op Group

    I say screw it! Be comfortable. My boobs are deflated, my arms are wrinkly and sagging, my legs are loose and wrinkly, and my butt is also sagging. I don't care! I feel better and I look better than I did as a person twice my size (literally). I'm hoping warm weather and a return to my walking routine will tone my legs somewhat but it's not a requirement for me to wear comfortable clothes in the summer heat. :-)
  8. terry1118

    What are you eating?

    My favorite fast lunch or dinner is 5 large shrimp w/a little cocktail sauce (maybe a tbsp). I cut the shrimp into little bite-size prices then toss in the cocktail sauce to coat each piece. Yummy! A little grocery store near my work sells 'shrimp cocktail for one' at their fish counter. It has 5 shrimp and cocktail sauce - perfect to grab and go. :-)
  9. terry1118

    What does your day look like

    I'm 8 1/2 months out. 6am - 12oz chocolate Protein shake w/vitamins 8am - 8-10oz Water on drive to work 9am - greek yogurt w/1/4 cup protein granola (love cherry, key lime, blueberry, and peach) 10am - coffee, Calcium chews 11:30am - 1/2 cup homemade spicy turkey chili w/1/4 cup refried Beans mixed in. Sometimes I don't eat it all. 2pm - CrunchO's protein snack, 100 cal pkg pretzel sticks, or 1oz cheddar cheese squares. 3-4pm - 8-10oz water w/sugar free green tea mix, calcium chews 5pm - 12 oz water bottle during ride home. 6-7pm - 2 turkey meatballs, 1/4 cup steamed broccoli, multi Vitamin Between dinner and bedtime I have a protein shake if I haven't hit my protein goals yet, and I drink more water. My routine from morning until dinner never varies. Dinner itself varies greatly - I like fish, shrimp, ricotta bake, pea Soup, chicken sausage, ground chicken patty, asparagus, three bean salad, kidney beans, edemame or spinach.
  10. terry1118

    silastic ring

    According to hopkinsmedicine.org 80-90% of gastric and duodenal ulcers are caused by H. Pylori bacteria. Other causes are NSAIDS, smoking, caffeine, alcohol, and physical stress. food doesn't seem to CAUSE ulcers but can aggravate existing ulcers. By definition an ulcer is a break in the tissue, a sore, or a lesion and can be located anywhere in or outside of the body. Ulcers get their names from their location... gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer, duodenal ulcer, skin ulcer, etc. The type of ulcer you are referring to is totally different from the type that was mentioned.
  11. You're not a nut case. For a month or so after my surgery everything smelled and/or tasted 'funny'. It will gradually go away. I am still a somewhat picky eater (never was picky before!). And I've gotten weird about expiration dates - I've been throwing things out a week or more before the sell-by or use-by dates. I know it's all in my head but I imagine the taste is 'not quite right'. :-)
  12. terry1118

    Coffee Junkie

    I feel the same way. Before surgery I was seriously addicted to coffee. About two months before surgery I quit cold turkey. I had a week of dull headaches and foggy brain but then I started to feel better. At six months post-op I tried coffee and dumped it out. Over the next six weeks or so I'd try again off and on, same results. I do drink it now (almost 9 mos out) but only a couple times per week. :-)
  13. terry1118

    silastic ring

    'Silastic ring'
  14. terry1118

    silastic ring

    Just curious - what's a salistic ring?
  15. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I've seen this or something like it. It sounds like a great portable meal. I wish I could tolerate tuna. It makes me sick every time. :-(
  16. terry1118

    Vitamin Question For Veterans

    I would follow your surgeon's instructions. Each surgeon has different experiences w/different patients and base their instructions on those personal experiences. Mine is strict about alcohol use because they've seen transfer addictions and liver failure (resulting in death) in patients. He also prefers chewable Vitamins and calcium for life, but I can swallow any pill the size of a Tylenol tablet or smaller. Some keep you on fluids longer and probably have reasons for it. Whatever the differences in our instructions we should each follow our own surgeons instructions - we chose them, we trust them, so we should do as they say. Just my thoughts on it. :-)
  17. terry1118

    Yummy AM muffin!

    Yes it does sound delicious! Thank you! :-)
  18. Cheer up. It's a goal or reward you can look forward to! And it comes faster than think! :-)
  19. terry1118

    Feeling like a failure

    So true! Because of you (DL) talking about the importance of logging your food it got me to start. All of a sudden I knew where I stood everyday with my Protein goals. No more 'guesstimating' which I found was waaaaaaay off! I can vouch for the importance of logging. It doesn't matter if you use an app for your smart phone or tablet, an online tool on your desktop or laptop, or a spiral notebook w/a companion calorie counter. Try it and you'll see exactly where you stand, what you're doing right, and sometimes what you're doing wrong. :-)
  20. That sounds like the best plan for today! Tomorrow I'll take it to the jeweler to be fixed.
  21. terry1118

    Feeling like a failure

    I think winter months are harder to lose. I've been stalled since Christmas. We aren't as physically active due to cold and bad weather and sometimes we eat a little more. Shorter, gloomy days affect our mood. We're in hibernation mode. Cheer up! February is almost half over, the days are getting longer, we're in the home stretch! Warmer weather is coming! I'm looking forward to walking again when the snow and ice are gone. Even my dogs have pudged up a bit - we all need to get out again! :-)
  22. terry1118

    August Post Ops

    Right on schedule! It sucks but it's worth it. Biotin hasn't been proven to stop hair loss. The shock of surgery and sudden extreme weight loss causes it and everyone experiences it to some degree or another - from mild to severe. Mine started at 4 months and is finally slowing at 8 1/2 months. I have baby fine hair to begin with so it REALLY feels thin now! Avoid harsh chemical treatments, use gentle good quality hair products, and maybe try a new hairstyle. Some people go shorter (like me) to help disguise the hair loss. Keep taking biotin - supposedly it helps with hair and nail health so maybe it'll help make your hair healthier when it starts filling in again. Don't get discouraged! If someone told me I'd lose over a hundred pounds by shaving my head I would've done it! It's only temporary! :-)
  23. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I did! Our Walmart doesn't have it yet. Did you try it in key lime yogurt?
  24. I can see that happening. I've been wearing it for all of two hours but it's already irritating me. It's NOT comfortable. :-/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
