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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    June Post Ops!

    I've been looking at the fitbit but haven't taken the plunge yet. I'm not very very tech-savy (I don't even have a smart phone!). How difficult would it be for someone like me to use? Also there are a couple different fitbit options - which is the easiest to use? I'm visiting my son in sunny Southern California in late April/early May. He says it'll be pretty hot by then so I'll want to wear sundresses and shorts on my trip. Maybe even a bathing suit! He's at Camp Pendleton so I'll be staying in San Clemente. I'm at a comfortable place in my weight loss - only 8/lbs away from my married weight of 115lbs. :-) My legs definitely need toning if I'm going to bare them! Over the harsh winter I haven't walked much but now that the worst is over I'm starting again. I'm hoping that something like the fitbit will challenge me to reach a real daily goal of steps per day, similar to the way logging my food helps me actually reach protein goals. I learned that estimating is never even close to accurate. :-)
  2. terry1118


    My doc says no caffeine for three months. I didn't drink coffee till about eight months because my earlier tries were a no-go. It tasted crappy for a long time. It's finally tasting good to me again and now only one cup gives me a definite boost. :-)
  3. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I made some turkey meatballs. I took three of them and 1/4 cup broccoli. I ate two of the meatballs... the other one and the broccoli just ain't gonna happen! What I did eat was delicious! :-)
  4. terry1118

    Cramp Help !

    Sounds like gallbladder to me, too. You definitely need a medical proffessional's opinion... call your PCP.
  5. terry1118

    Chewing Gum

    Trust your doctor and do what he/she says. There are reasons why each doctor has their own way of doing things, and it's usually based on their own experience.
  6. terry1118

    The power of self-delusion and a high pain threshold...

    You can't argue w/a buffalo! Lol
  7. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    Leftover ricotta bake. :-)
  8. terry1118


    We are similar. My surgery was 5/30. I've lost 108lbs and would like to lose 10 more. I was in a stall from Christmas to the middle of February, but have started losing again. It's been a cold snowy winter and I think the stall had a lot to do with me being less active. I, too, am looking forward to walking again - and doing almost ANYTHING outside. :-) I get all my protein without much trouble but have discovered that I tolerate pretzel sticks so I have them for one snack. I like the crunchy/saltyness. I noticed yesterday that was almost all I ate all day. Friday is my long day at work - 11 hours - but I've never eaten that badly before. I'm going to nip that habit in the bud. I've come too far to start sabotaging myself. Here's to all the May peeps, and to the warmer weather to come!! Winter is on it's way out...
  9. terry1118

    Would You Get A Rny Tattoo?

    I will be getting a tattoo. I'm the only one in my family who doesn't have one. I designed my husband's and will be designing my own. I'm thinking long and hard about what it will be and where it will go. You don't rush something that's so permanent!
  10. My insurance will pay if you get rashes and infections. I always got them when I was heavy and I don't expect it to stop now. The PA at my docs office says to call her every time I have a problem to document it. With documented proof my insurance will pay. My weight must also be stable for three months.
  11. That's a good one. My pastor always said that "You are who you are in your car". When my twins were little, maybe about 3yrs old, I had to slam on my brakes for an animal in the road. One of my girls asked "What is it mommy? A stupid idiot?". And then my other daughter looked at her sister and very seriously told her "No, it was a dumb jerk!" I wasn't swearing but it was time to stop name-calling. :-)
  12. I like Atkins Advantage ready to drink shakes. I eat restaurant Soups on occasion. Once in a while won't hurt but all the time may be a based idea. Greek yogurt is great, too. Foods smelling and tasting 'not right' can last 4-6 weeks and will gradually go away. It does make it difficult to find things that don't taste terrible until then. Some things that you don't like right now may taste better later on so don't give up on them completely. Hang in there! :-)
  13. terry1118

    Not following the rules

    Always call your doctor. It's what they're there for. As far as eating those foods way too early, you know it was wrong. And you know why. I hope everything is okay.
  14. terry1118

    How do you see your weightloss?

    I didn't get heavy until I got pregnant with my twins at age 26 (in 1986). I've heard people say they feel like they're not themselves after losing weight. They struggle with their new image and don't identify with it. I was the opposite - I wasn't myself while heavy. I didn't identify with that heavy woman. I always thought of myself the way I used to be and when I caught a glimpse of my overweight self in a mirror or reflection on glass it was a shock - WHO was that person? That couldn't be ME! For 28 years I've been buried under over 100 pounds of fat. As it melted away I began to see glimpses of the old me. My long lost self image was slowly re-emerging. The girl in the mirror was beginning to match the girl I was in my mind! So I have found MYSELF again. I'm ME! :-)
  15. terry1118

    So far So good

    Just a tip for returning to work: don't introduce any new foods for the first time while at work. Only take 'safe' foods you've had no problems with to work. Every time I tried new foods at work (maybe 5-6 times over 8 months) it made me sick, which resulted in 1-3 hours of pure misery while hiding out in the ladies room. The first time was the worst and it was only tuna. I was supposed to be in a training class for our new computer system but I spent three hours in the ladies room trying to puke and waiting for it to pass. It was embarrassing and humiliating. Save experimenting for weekends or days off. :-)
  16. Right now you can start phasing out caffeine and if you smoke, quit. Start walking as much as you can. Try eating six small meals instead of three bigger ones. Eat slowly, chewing thoroughly. After surgery this was one of the hardest thinks to do. Get in the habit of drinking lots of fluids. Start taking Biotin (no proof that it prevents hair loss but it might help your hair and nail be in good health to begin with). I started stocking up on Vitamins and Calcium. CVS does a lot of buy 1/get 1 sales so I bought sublingual Vitamin B, Vitamin D (I tend to be deficient), and Biotin. Stock up on stool softeners. A big bottle of whatever vitamin your team recommends, also the calcium citrate. I bought appetizer spoons and forks which I still use to help me eat slower. Small appetizer plates and bowls. Small sized travel containers for perfect portions of food when you go back to work. An insulated lunch bag. Try to find a Protein powder that you like but don't stock up on it - just buy a smaller container. Your tastes change after surgery so you might not like it. Maybe get sample sizes of a variety of protein powders. Don't stock up on foods you might like for the same reason. Believe me when I say don't stock up on Soups - I'd get three meals out of one can so 4-5 cans go a loooong way! Try Greek yogurts and make sure you have a few on hand at surgery time. Also sf puddings, sf Popsicles, broth - whatever your team recommends. :-)
  17. My surgery was 5/30/13 - nine months ago. I started at 233lbs (5' tall), size 22-24, 2x-3x tops, size 9 1/2W shoe (mainly for my fat feet). I followed my docs instructions a closely as I possibly could and lost steadily (though I thought it was slow, in hindsight it was not). I never stalled until Christmas immediately after I hit 100lbs lost. For six-seven weeks I didn't lose anything, then a couple weeks ago I finally started again. I'm currently at 108lbs lost. I'm in a size 8 and a small top. My shoe size is 8 (no more wide width!). No more cholesterol meds, snoring stopped, back/knee/foot pain gone! I have lots of energy and self-confidence. I never took my measurements or took before pictures. I was too embarrassed and ashamed and wanted no reminders of my misery. I'm only looking forward - no looking back allowed! I'm looking forward to summer for the FIRST TIME EVER! Judy, it's not too late for you to track your measurements. It sounds like you're doing great. Always keep a positive attitude and Celebrate all your successes, not just the pounds loss. I felt every day that there was something else to be happy about even if it was a small thing. I wanted to celebrate when I was able to paint my own toes! Just think - by summer you could be exactly where you want to be! How exciting! So much to look forward to! Keep up the great work! :-)
  18. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    It was VERY good! I'm having it for lunch tomorrow... and the day after... and the day after that! Lol
  19. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'm sure it is, I'll let you know. I just took it out of the oven and it looks and smells awesome! I'm letting it cool till Hubby's lasagna is ready. :-)
  20. terry1118

    What ya eating tonight?

    I made the ricotta bake but I improvised a bit and beefed it up w/more protein. I mixed the ricotta according to instructions and put it in my casserole dish, topped it with sauce, then I added cooked ground chicken mixed with sauce on top of that, then I topped it all with mozzarella cheese. It's in the oven now. Sort of a lasagna w/o the pasta. I got the idea because I actually just put together a small lasagna for my husband's dinner, too, and I had extra meat. :-)
  21. I lost 90 pounds before anyone who comes into my bank began to comment. To be fair, I'm very short and work behind a very high counter. But once the comments started they just kept coming. And then the negative comments started - "Are you sick?" "I'm worried about you!" "I'm praying for you." "You're getting too skinny!" "What's wrong with you?" And the ever-popular 'Do you have cancer?'. I HATE working with the public. They think because they see you often they have the right to get personal. Some of them are caring - those are the ones who express concern in a kind, non-prying way and except your assurance that you are fine. Sorry! It's my personal pet peeve. :-)
  22. terry1118

    How much time to take off of work?

    My doctor says two weeks for light duty jobs and four weeks for more physical jobs. I work in a bank so I took two weeks. I felt like I could've returned to work after one! :-) Make sure you go out on FMLA. It offers you job protection in the event of complications that may keep you out of work longer. It also allows you to collect temporary disability.
  23. terry1118

    Favorite Foods Post Op

    Thank you so much! Money is not an issue. My nut actually told us to become a 'gourmet' and savor foods because we eat so little compared to before. My children are grown and I'm willing to spend money on special foods for me and my husband (a body builder who eats 'clean'). I'll take your suggestions! Thank you, again! :-)
  24. terry1118

    Favorite Foods Post Op

    Awesome to have such great advice and suggestions at this stage. Where were you 9 months ago when I was starting out? :-) Any new and interesting suggestions for cooking tilapia (my favorite food after chili and Greek yogurt)? Specifically a seasoning idea for foil-wrapped fish on the grill (to avoid fishy smell in the house)?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
