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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    My yummy frozen lunch

    I'm going to have to buy one before summer! :-)
  2. terry1118

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I'm heading to California to visit my son and meet his girl. My husband cannot go as he started a new job and has no vacation time. I've never left New England except when we went to my boy's graduation from boot camp at Parris Island. And I've never been away from my husband EVER, not once in 32 years. And I'm a country mouse. What terrifies me most is collecting my rental car in San Diego and then driving all the way to my hotel in San Clemente. I'm leaving on the 24th. God help me! I am bound and determined to have fun! It will be a great adventure! :-)
  3. I use appetizer spoons and forks. They're a little more elegant and make any meal special. :-)
  4. terry1118

    Does anyone eat pizza?

    In as pinch, I'll eat pizza toppings. :-)
  5. You are no more lying than when someone says 'how are you' and you say 'fine' without telling them all the details of your life. I say I'm eating right, eating less, and exercising - all true! The surgery part I share on a need to know basis. If I know someone well, or if I'm talking to someone who may really want to consider the surgery option (you can usually hear the desperation and frustration in their comments) I will tell them. Busybodies and gossips don't need to know all my personal medical info. :-)
  6. terry1118

    It's not working!

    I gained eleven fluid pounds from IV fluids on the day of my surgery. It took maybe 8-9 days just to get back to my surgery day weight. I was warned and expected it so I was prepared for the gain. Don't get on the scale for at least a week! If you follow your doctor's instructions as closely as possible YOU WILL LOSE. Relax, recover, and heal. You are on your way to a healthier you! :-)
  7. I'm still not tired of protein shakes. I like to drink my breakfast. Later in the morning I like my Greek yogurt mixed w/either chopped pecans or Bear Naked protein granola. I sometimes make mini quiches - my favorite has onions, peppers, chopped ham and cheddar. As someone mentioned, non-traditional foods for breakfast are good and interesting. I've had my chili when I wanted something more substantial. :-)
  8. terry1118

    getting back to gym

    I had always heard that it takes much longer - about three months. Which certainly seems to be true in my personal experience. Regardless of how long it takes, you only need to take that first step. The whole first year following surgery is all about learning how to be healthy and implementing those changes that ensure our continued long-term success. :-)
  9. I tried on dresses for my upcoming trip to southern CA to see my son. Sears had a beautiful Lands End sundress but the S was a little too big and XS was a little snug. I looked it up online and it's available from Lands End in petite so I ordered it in S. Petite tends to be a little smaller so it should fit well. I may have to get a few in other colors if I like it! :-) Life is good!
  10. My dress came this week. Petite small was perfect! Yesterday I was looking for some capris for my trip and actually fit into a size 6!!!! I'm sure they just ran a little big because I'm an 8 in everything else, but it was an ego boost nonetheless! :-)
  11. terry1118

    roller coasters ?!

    Don't be discouraged if you can't do some of the rides. You are on your way to having the freedom to do WHATEVER you choose and it will come faster than you think. In 6-12 months you'll see a big difference! You can make a return trip and really have a ball! In eight months I went from a size 22-24 and 2X top to a comfy size 8 and top size small!!! Not that I'M ever going to ride a roller coaster! Too scary for me! Lol
  12. terry1118

    Tips from success stories

    I had my very first protein shake in the hospital, the day after surgery. I agree, each patient should follow their OWN doctor's orders. We chose them and they know us. :-)
  13. terry1118

    I want to drink out of a flippen straw!

    I was told no straws. The only way I could drink my protein shake was with a straw so I've always used it for that. I only had a problem once with drinking too fast. It was a painful lesson that I learned quickly! I never did it again...
  14. terry1118

    Alcohol and Mixed drinks

    I didn't drink alcohol till nine months post op (my doc recommended 12 months). I was always a lightweight w/alcohol but it's way worse now. 4 oz of wine gets me pretty tipsy - so much so that I will only drink it at home. I've heard people say that alcohol hits them hard and fast but it wears off quickly. I didn't find that it wore off quickly at all. I can't drink red wine anymore - it gives me severe heartburn. Whites are okay, as are pink wines like zins.
  15. I have no trouble eating out. Some of my favorite foods are: shrimp cocktail, baked fish, pan seared scallops, steamed clams, chowder, baked sweet potato, steamed or grilled veggies, meatballs, burrito bowl (burrito contents minus the tortilla), burger w/o bun, chili, scrambled eggs w/cheese and veggies, quiche, meatloaf, French onion soup. You can usually find a safe option just about anywhere. While out for any length of time I carry Protein bars and high protein Snacks like CrunchO's. You can find single-serve containers of hummus or Oscar Mayer lunchables at convenience stores and grocery stores. I'm going to Southern CA in a few weeks. I'll be staying at a hotel that has a small fridge in the room so I can pick up some Greek yogurt and ready to drink Atkins shakes to have for a quick meal or snack.
  16. I grew up in Newport. Cliff walk is awesome (the only place we could skip school in the 70's and not get caught!). I live in South Tiverton RI, near Adamsville. There is great kayaking in the Westport (MA) River, both the east branch and the West branch. You can kayak all the way to Horseneck beach or end up at the head of Westport, where you can have ice cream or coffee. There is a kayak rental place right there if you don't have a kayak of your own. The Bristol RI bike path is great, it goes all the way to East Providence RI. So many beautiful places in our state! Over 400 miles of coastline, or so they say. :-)
  17. I loved Provincetown off-season (early October). Plenty of parking, no crowds, very beautiful, and still warm. Lots of great seafood, no waiting! :-) I'm heading to Oceanside CA on the 24th to visit my son and meet his girl. He's in the USMC, stationed at Camp Pendleton. I'll be there a week. He wants to take me to Hollywood. I just want to walk the beaches and be warm. I'm excited about seeing the beautiful pier in Oceanside. I'll probably do some wandering and exploring, maybe get a tattoo. Any suggestions for must-see attractions in the area? I've never left New England except to see his USMC graduation at Parris Island in SC.
  18. I don't have a tempurpedic mattress but after my surgery I slept in our spare room because my dogs usually sleep with us and climb all over me. The bed in the spare room is high and has a deep mattress, and I'm short. I ended up using a step stool to get in and out of bed for a couple weeks. It worked great. :-)
  19. During my research stage I was originally considering the band. But I read of so many people doing a band to bypass conversion, which made me drop the band option. My decision was clinched when I found my team doesn't even do the band anymore - too many complications and failures. They offer the sleeve and gastric bypass as choices. All my research pointed to Bypass as the most successful in amount of weight lost and long term success in people like myself, so it was the best choice for me. Do your research and make the choice that is best for you.
  20. terry1118

    first notices.. what is yours?

    My first was being able to reach my own toes to paint them and still be able to breathe while doing it. That was last August. Now I could suck my own toes, if I was weird enough to want to (which I'm not:-p)! Lol
  21. At ten months out I've eaten nachos made with ground chicken and beanitos (a higher protein tortilla chip-like option). I never use low fat or fat free cheeses - only the real deal works for me but I do limit my use of it. I've had burrito bowls, heavy on the beans, instead of a burrito. I have made lasagna with whole wheat pasta but can't eat very much of it - maybe a 1x2 inch square. Some things I used to mentally crave but when I make an acceptable version of it, after a bite or two I didn't really want it. Eventually those mental cravings for old favorites go away (at least for me). Some things I used to like I could care less about - I can sit and watch people eat them w/o a problem. You will develop a taste for new favorites. I love shrimp and can eat it for every meal (but I don't). Hummus w/jalapeños, Greek yogurt w/pecans, tilapia, asparagus, nuts, and my latest discovery Chike High Protein Coffee (made w/water and crushed ice - it tastes just like Dunkin Donuts Coffee Coolatta).
  22. terry1118

    Finally found a drink I can handle...

    Splenda is sucralose. Equal and Nutrasweet are aspartame.
  23. terry1118


    It is also still illegal in my state. That is the only problem I have with it. If it were legal I would equate it w/having a beer or a glass of wine. If I needed it for medical reasons I would have no problems using it w/a prescription. It's medical use is increasing in popularity and acceptance. We have several locations in our area where you can get it and business is booming. As far as munchies go (I'm very familiar w/this, being a child of the 70's) keeping snack-type foods around that also have high Protein is a great idea, as someone suggested. Nutrition stores stock high protein Snacks that satisfy crunchy-salty cravings while meeting protein needs. I like CrunchO's w/12gr of protein (also available on Amazon). Nuts, while higher in fat, have protein and healthy oils, and Protein Bars are satisfying too. MJ isn't the only thing that causes munchies - I tend to want snacks when I have my wine. Alcohol lowers my will power and relaxes my judgment a bit so having protein snacks available helps me to stay on track during weak moments. :-)
  24. terry1118


    Trolls make inflammatory comments then sit back and watch the sparks fly. When they get something stirred up they keep adding gasoline to the fire. People get caught up in the fray, start picking sides, and bad feelings, anger, and hate set in. Before you know it your happy little forum has been ruined. A dog forum I belonged to was torn apart by trolls. The best defense against trolls is to ignore negative comments. If you must respond do it calmly and reasonably but don't get caught up in an argument. Trolls don't want to be persuaded, they want to be entertained by conflict. If they can't get a rise out of anyone, it's not fun for them and they go away.
  25. Chike High Protein Iced Coffee. I love it - it has the equivalent of 2 espresso shots. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
