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Everything posted by terry1118

  1. terry1118

    About bodybuilding

    Protein first and foremost. My surgeon says white foods have no nutritional value - things like white bread, white pastas, white rice, white potatoes. I always heard that bananas had way too much sugar. Berries are high fiber, melons (like cantaloupe and honeydew) are supposed to be good, brown rice, quinoa (which I like when cooked in broth), whole grains, etc. I like hummus and chili made w/black beans, too.
  2. terry1118

    What do you do instead of "Going out to dinner"?

    We go out to eat still. I never have trouble finding healthy options. We also walk our dogs, go on the motorcycle, go to movies, go to the Cape, etc. We do lots of things because I'm no longer ashamed to be seen in public. :-)
  3. terry1118

    Do they not make dresses with long sleeves anymore?

    They are flattering and comfortable. I ordered the sleeveless maxi fit and flare in petite. Finally! A maxi that is not too long for me! That's a first! :-)
  4. I was told baby food could be a temporary option, but the taste is usually too bland for most adults who are used to more flavor in food. I had no trouble finding acceptable foods to puree so I didn't try it.
  5. I like "I haven't lost any weight *blink*" :-)
  6. I've pretty much lost all the weight I need to - my labs are perfect, all my former health issues are resolved, I feel amazing, and I like how I look. My surgeon, my endocrinologist, and my PC doc are all pleased w/my results. They have no concerns whatsoever about my health and/or wellbeing. So, why is it people feel the need to express concern about my weight loss? Why do they feel they can tell me I look 'anorexic' (I don't - I still have a comfortable amount of 'padding'). They tell me they're 'praying for me' or 'don't lose any more weight' or 'are you okay?' or 'you look haggard - are you sick?' or the outright 'do you have cancer?'. I work in a bank so I see many people in the course of each day. These people are not friends. My friends and family are not that insensitive. What makes perfect strangers feel they can ask such personal questions and/or make such stupid insensitive comments? I'm getting tired of it... Anyone have any one-liners I can respond with that'll shut them up?
  7. I didn't lose it fast, at least not that anyone noticed. My surgery was over a year ago. I've lost 115 pounds. Being short and a bank teller, I'm behind a high counter and people only see my face. The weight loss is more visible in my face now and it's only in the last couple of months that anyone has noticed it. I've been fielding questions several times a day lately. Some people are really nice and genuinely concerned. To these I say I was on a doctor supervised weight loss plan. To people who seem to be genuinely looking for a solution to their own weight problems I share the fact of my surgery. It's the others that bother me. The busybodies, the gossips, the catty, the loudly opinionated, the rude and obnoxious - these are the ones I'm getting tired of. There seem to be an overabundance of this type of person when you work with the public. These are the ones who ask you point blank the kinds of questions that put you on the spot. And they're loud, usually asking questions in such a way that it attracts the attention of everyone in the lobby. Like the not-so-nice elderly lady who says "You poor girl - I'm praying for you! You look very sick. You should go to the doctor!" Then she says loudly to one of my coworkers "What's wrong with her? Don't you think she looks terrible? You should make see a doctor!" To which all I can say is "Thank you, have a nice day!" while smiling with my teeth clenched. ??????! Seriously, there are a handful of people who have done this, or something quite like it, to me! It's embarrassing! :-p I need a nice job in a private cubicle where I don't need to see people...
  8. It's just getting a little irritating that people think there's something wrong. Thirty years ago I was a tiny person - barely 5' tall and 107 pounds. This is how I always mentally pictured myself. The 235 pound me always horrified me because I never thought of that person as ME. Now I'm closer to the 'me' I used to be. I still can't fit into the leather coat my husband bought for me our first year together (35 years ago) and I can't fit into my wedding gown either. I'm okay with that because I'm older and shaped differently. But I'm me again and I feel content with myself now. Maybe it bothers me more that these people who only ever knew the obese me think of that fat, unhealthy, miserable person as the 'real me'?
  9. Movement usually helps considerably with gas/air pain. Is your pain from the surgery itself (incisions, internal trauma)? If so, that should improve in the first 1-2 weeks. Always talk to your surgical team if you have any questions or concerns. They know you and your situation best and can tell you whatever you need to know... they should be your first source of information. If you are concerned or need reassurance they would want you to give them a call. I hope you are feeling better soon... :-)
  10. That sounds sensible. :-) Best of luck to you!
  11. It was enough for me but I took two weeks. You should plan for the possibility of more time, just in case. Most people are on pain meds for part or all of the first week. You're not allowed to drive for that time because of the drugs, and the danger of injury or complications that can happen immediately following surgery. I only used pain meds for four days. After my one week postop visit I was cleared to drive and increase my activity. My second week out of work I was cutting my lawn and shopping, in addition to 'resting'. :-) I did develop an allergic reaction in the form of an itchy rash that drove me nuts for two weeks. Two surgeons, one PA, and a dermatologist all agreed it was an allergic reaction to SOMETHING related to surgery because it started two days after, but none of them could figure out what caused it and none of the prescription creams or ointments we tried worked - it just had to run it's course. The rash covered my belly, back, thighs, and upper arms. :-p
  12. All insurances have different criteria (if they will pay for it at all). Some also require a certain time period following weight loss that your weight must be stable before considering skin removal. I think mine is three months but some insurances may require a longer maintenance. Mine also requires medical documentation of skin rashes/infections. Now that I'm in the maintenance phase of WLS I'll have to photograph every rash and see my doctor each time it happens to prove a problem exists before my insurance will approve it. I've had a problem with rashes every year since my first pregnancy stretched my skin beyond it's ability to bounce back (I had full-term twins). That was 28 years ago. I'm just waiting on the hot weather for them to appear again...
  13. terry1118

    wedding ring...

    Good idea. :-)
  14. A general rule is heat for healing, cold for swelling. Gas pains are eased by movement - walk as much as you can, even if it's only pacing in the house. The more you move, the better you feel. But don't overdo it. Balance it w/plenty of rest to let your body recover. :-)
  15. terry1118

    Average loss?

    In my first week I only lost 11 pounds of fluid weight from surgery - it took about eight days just to get back down to my surgery day weight! At seven months (Christmas) I was down 100 pounds but then hit my first and only stall which lasted 6-7 weeks. Between then and now I have lost an additional 15 pounds. I would like to lose 5 more. I'm 118 lbs, size 6 slacks, and size small tops. I still can't believe it's me when I catch glimpses of my reflection...
  16. terry1118

    Protein powders

    I mix my Chike high protein coffee with water and ice - it's delicious, just like a coffee shake. I don't like other whey proteins. :-)
  17. terry1118

    Addiction issues

    Just a heads up. At group we were informed that a study showed that 10% of formerly non-drinking RNY patients became alcoholics. I was shocked and concerned, coming from a family of alcoholics. 5 out of 7 of us became alcoholics - only myself and one brother dodged that particular bullet. I do recognize the addictive personality in myself. I was addicted to sugar and carbs and live in fear of substituting those addictions for something equally destructive, like alcohol. Just be aware of the danger...
  18. I was hoping to wear one of my new sundresses to my appointment tomorrow but I just heard it's only supposed to be in the fifties. Guess it'll be jeans and a jacket... but they'll be SIZE 6 jeans and a SMALL jacket! :-)
  19. Just got a call from my PA. She said the lab results are best she's ever seen (I'm sure it's an exaggeration). She said keep doing what I'm doing, don't change a thing. :-)
  20. Also, it's time to start planning on fixing my stomach. I'm actually hoping for some rashes to document so BCBS will pay for it. It'll have to get warm enough to sweat, though. Today is freezing! :-)
  21. Thanks everyone! Everything is good but they didn't have my lab results. I went to one that was convenient for me but evidently not associated with my doc so results are slow to get there. They're going to locate them and mail the results to me. I'm not worried, though. I take my vitamins religiously but occasionally forget my calcium. :-)
  22. terry1118

    Over the shoulder boulder holder

    Sadly, my girls don't look 'perky' no matter how well fitted my bra is. They need surgical help... Lol
  23. Good luck to you! I did my labs two weeks ago. All my labs to date were good so there's no reason to expect anything different this time, but I still worry. I'll know in a couple hours...
  24. terry1118

    what foods YOU cannot eat anymore?

    I can't eat chicken or turkey unless it's ground. Any other form gives me a severe case of the 'foamies'. I also can't eat white rice or anything made with rice flour. Brown rice is okay in very small quantities.
  25. Someone came into my bank today and told me I looked younger. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
