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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by srofe5

  1. I am a band to RNY. I had the band removed last summer and had the RNY this summer. My only regret is that I didnt have the RNY first. Like all of you the band seemed to be the best choice a few years back. I had such acid reflux and heartburn, vomiting then extrenme low iron. Now I feel very healthy 5 weeks post op and down 30 pounds. I would do it again in a heart beat, the RNY I mean. I have a wonderful doctor who suggested the RNY from the start. Good luck to all of you. keep us posted.
  2. srofe5

    Returning to work

    I was off 3 weeks. I was tired when I went back but over all felt pretty good. 5 weeks before I felt completely normal. Good Luck.
  3. srofe5

    Fat and Sugar Limit?

    My nutritionist said to try to stay under 5 or 6. She aslo gave me a list. The one I remember, Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt. If it isnt sweet enough you can add a sweetner.
  4. srofe5

    August Post Ops

    Mz Shay, I cant beleive you are still feeling bad! Did you go to the Dr? What did he say. We got to get you feeling better! :-) The weight loss is nice but if you dont have the energy to enjoy then what is is all for?
  5. srofe5

    August Post Ops

    Lori, my surgery was 8/22.
  6. srofe5

    oh my god.

    The following drugs are NSAIDs or include NSAIDs in their formula and should not be taken after weight loss surgery: Advil Aleve Amigesic Anacin Anaprox Anaprox DS Ansaid Arthrotec Ascriptin Aspirin Azolid Bextra Bufferin Butazolidin Cataflam Celebrex Clinoril Combunox Darvon Daypro Disalcid Dolobid EC Naprosyn Ecotrin Equagesic Excedrin Excedrin IB Feldene Ibuprofen Indocin Indocin SR Indo-Lemmon Indomethagan Lodine Lodine XL Meclomen Mictainin Midol IB Mobic Motrin Motrin IB Nalfon Nalfon 200 Naprapac Naprelan Naprosyn Nupin Orudis Oruvail Pamprin IB Percodan Ponstel Relafen Rexolate Tab-Profen Tandearil Tolectin Tolectin 600 Tolectin DS Toradol Uracel Vicoprofen Voltaren
  7. srofe5

    August Post Ops

    Serious ou stas are similiar. HW 259 SW 247 CW 225 Congrats on your weight loss. Lori, I can not relate because i do not have too many issues with food unless I do not chew enough. it will come back up if I eat too fast. There are people on here with the same issue. Good luck.
  8. srofe5

    August Post Ops

    Okay, so I am at a stall for a while. I am at 226.4 stated at HW 259 SW 247. I have noticed that I am back 2 notches on my bra, and went from 3x shirt to 1x. down one size in slacks. Probably 2 sizes but I like them loose. My nutritionist said a lot of people stall then after 6 weeks (I am in week 5)the weight falls off. I am getting better with the protien but still do not get the full amount. I know that is key and I will work on it. How is everyone else at this stage of the game? I would really like to hear.
  9. srofe5

    July 4 2013 Mother Of The Groom

    You have a very handsome son. An you look fabulous. Good luck on your journey.
  10. srofe5

    September Post Ops!

    Ensure makes a shake that is 27 grams of protien and only 3 grams of sugar. It tastes great. It is kind of pricey but so much protien. Also, I like boost. You have to be careful because many of the boost are high in suger. They have one that is 16 grams of protien and 4 grams of sugar. It is only half the size of the Ensure. It is also pricey. Tastes delicious though. Good luck.
  11. srofe5

    Surgery tomorrow at 8am :)

    You have this covered. We will all be praying for you. Remember walk and sip water as soon as you can. You are going to love the new you!
  12. I am real close to your stats. My sugery was August 22. Day of surgery I weighed 247 and now I weigh 227.6. So, 20 pounds in 4 weeks and 2 days. I think you are about normal. Pat yourself on the back and lift a sack of potatoes to really give you an idea how much weight you've lost. Congratulations on the weight loss.
  13. I am so sorry to hear about your stuggles. I am keeping you in my thoughts. I agree with the girls. See if you can get another surgeon. There are plenty out there. Keep us posted.
  14. srofe5

    August 22nd!

    Great job PreemieMommy HW 259 SW 247 CW 227 32 total-- 20 since surgery. Had a little stall this past week. Loving the new me!
  15. Congratulations on 16 pounds already lost. You will do fine. We have all been through this and what you are feeling is natural. You are going to love the new you!
  16. srofe5

    August 22nd!

    I saw the nut yesterday and I can't have the protein bars for 2 weeks. I found some of the laughing cow cheese. It is fantastic. I had to have one incision worked on at the dr. The incision was open and draining and it was slightly infected. Dr fixed me up. I hope everyone from August 22 checks in
  17. srofe5

    September Post Ops!

    BroJoe, I had the same problem with sleeping on my side. Some one suggested tucking a pillow under my stomach. It works like a charm. Keep up the good work.
  18. srofe5

    Done and done

    Glad you are feeling well. Get in your liquids and protien if you can. this will help you heal faster. I hate to admit, I live in Cincinnati, but I am a Peyton Manning fan. Where ever he is thats the team I root for. When my Grandson had cancer, Peyton took time to meet with him, answer questions and throw a football with him. My Grandson got to spend the morning with the team at their training facility in Lucas Stadium, then have lunch with the team. He even got a team ball signed by all the Colts. This is why I love Peyton Manning. Take care of yourself and keep us posted.
  19. srofe5

    Protein Powder

    Thank you everyone for the suggestions. My Nutritionist sells the Unjury so I may try some of her samples first. I appreciate the input.
  20. I would like to know what is your favorite protien powder? What do you add it too? I am not getting in all the Protein and I thought adding a Protein Powder may help. I have noticed the powder is very expensive and I would like your comments to help me from buying the wrong one.
  21. srofe5

    Done and done

    Sorry about your Steelers! How are you feeling? Are you drinking ice Water and walking?
  22. srofe5


    I am 4 weeks out and still lethargic. Like you I have periods of energy but this quickly passes. I am not getting all the protien in and maybe that is why. I am also still sore on the left side. I had a hand assist which required an extra 2 and a 1/2 inch incision up from the belly button. The pain is on the left side where one of the incisions will not close and it leaks all day. I hope you get to feeling stronger. I suppose if you losing alot of weight some low energy is normal.
  23. srofe5

    My changing body

    Congratulations to you. I know what you mean about the liquids. I struggle with this too. I liked the taste of water before surgery but now not so much. It doesnt go down as easy. I use to be able to gulp it. Keep up the good work.
  24. srofe5

    August 22nd!

    I haven't gone anywhere. How are you feeling preemie mommy? I went back to work today. SO far so good. I'm still not getting all the protien in but tonight I am going to pick up some protien bars and maybe that will help. Let us know how you are doing and I hope all of our group are still here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
