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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from MarinaCC in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    Being back in your own bed is an amazing feeling! (Though I do wish my bed were adjustable like the hospital beds are... it would make reading in bed so much easier)
  2. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from ready2smile in What ya eating tonight?   
    Yes! Love the pictures!!! LOL!
  3. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from vachick64 in We forget our surgery can be an inspiration   
    She has lost 100 pounds (She's pretty close to her goal now) and a year later it still is coming off, a little at a time. Just when she thinks it's safe to invest in non-second-hand clothes, she goes and loses enough that she outgrows her clothes. Bummer of a problem to have, huh?
    She also thinks it added a good 10 years to her life, and unmeasurable quality to it.
  4. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from ladyspl in We forget our surgery can be an inspiration   
    It was my mom's surgery (she was 70 when she had it) that motivated me to get it done a year later!
  5. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from snow25 in What Exercise Did You Do Today?   
    Walked around the lake again, 1.85 miles. Beat yesterday's time by 4 minutes, but that was easy because I didn't need to sit down and rest half way through, LOL! I think I'm going to sign up for a 5K walk/run in April to aim for.
  6. Like
    Cecilia reacted to SoccerMomma73 in Word of caution   
    No, but she's an exercise fiend. She's 62, dad is 65, they're both retired and 4-5 days a week they go to the gym for about an hour and a half. She eats on a small plate, gets full easily...she's done it all correctly. She's not tiny (a size 12-14) but she's also not built tiny, we got good German genes!
    She is a kidney failure patient and on the transplant list, she had kidney issues prior to gaining weight. The told her when she was pregnant with me (I'm 39) that she wouldn't live to 40.....so yeah, she's pretty fabulous!!!!
    HW 312, pre-op (lap-band) 294, pre-op (RNY) 255, surgery date 2/11/13, goal weight 154, current weight 234.8
  7. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from snow25 in What Exercise Did You Do Today?   
    Walked around the lake again, 1.85 miles. Beat yesterday's time by 4 minutes, but that was easy because I didn't need to sit down and rest half way through, LOL! I think I'm going to sign up for a 5K walk/run in April to aim for.
  8. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from Pam Peltz in Fabulous February!   
    Glad you swooned before leaving the hospital and not when you were home on your own or something! Here's to a speedy recovery!
    Yaaaaay!!!!! Congrats!
  9. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from nienie in info meeting changed my choice   
    My mom was set on the band, then her doctor told her there were just not as many guarantees as with the RnY, so she changed her mind and is so glad she did. My doctor told me the RnY is the "gold standard" for gastric bypass surgery.
  10. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from snow25 in What Exercise Did You Do Today?   
    That's crazy! You are awesome and an inspiration!
    (she says going to put her tennies on)
  11. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from snow25 in Doing a 5K..whaaaat?   
    One thing I learned when I was even heavier: Compression shorts. Not only do they stop others from seeing the jiggles, but they also feel good. You don't feel like your fat is pulling on you every time you take a step, they don't ride up no matter what, and they prevent chafing. Cannot recommend them enough. Here's an example.
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    Cecilia reacted to snow25 in What Exercise Did You Do Today?   
    Hiked 6 miles
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    Cecilia reacted to snow25 in What Exercise Did You Do Today?   
    I've been slack, too. Okay folks, we need to pick it up a notch! Lets all try to do 30 minutes of something today. Report in tomorrow. I may not report as I am going in for surgery today and may not be able to post. Lets get motivated to move! :0)
  14. Like
    Cecilia reacted to TinyMamiOf3kids in We forget our surgery can be an inspiration   
    I'm so glad. I inspire a teenager. Can you believe it? He is going to see my nutrionist.
  15. Like
    Cecilia reacted to SoccerMomma73 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    Oh the hottie and I have a little thing going but he had a hellish marriage as well and has a lot of baggage....for now we spend time together all the time with the boys and occasional grown up nights when we're both child free(RARE!!!) it's an interesting relationship but working for now!
    HW 312, pre-op (lap-band) 294, pre-op (RNY) 255, surgery date 2/11/13, goal weight 154, current weight 234.8
  16. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from vachick64 in We forget our surgery can be an inspiration   
    She has lost 100 pounds (She's pretty close to her goal now) and a year later it still is coming off, a little at a time. Just when she thinks it's safe to invest in non-second-hand clothes, she goes and loses enough that she outgrows her clothes. Bummer of a problem to have, huh?
    She also thinks it added a good 10 years to her life, and unmeasurable quality to it.
  17. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from slowtogo in What Exercise Did You Do Today?   
    So pleased to be able to join this group "officially." I walked around the little lake by my house (1.8 miles). It was a 38 minute walk (lots of stopping for stretching). I'm looking forward to beating my time tomorrow. Thanks for motivating me!
  18. Like
    Cecilia got a reaction from Jill Klein- Auerbach in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm new here, had my surgery on the 13th at the mayo Clinic. They do a TON of work with you to get you ready before, during, and after. I had wonderful pain relief at the hospital with Toradol and Demerol. They weaned me off these on day 3 and I came home on Oxycodone and tylenol. As long as I remember to take them as scheduled, the pain is minimal.
    I have to be on Clear liquids until next Wednesday, but they do want me to get some carbs in those liquids, so I'm drinking diluted juices, gatorade, that sort of thing. I was allowed to go home on "toots" because they said it's quite normal not to poo for almost a week. Thank God.
    I'm not really hungry. I think now and then I feel pain and I confuse that with hunger. They want me to get 64 ounces of liquids in per day, no more than 8 ounces per hour, so that's a bit tricky, but I'm getting better at keeping track.
    I'm also struggling a little with postop depression, but I think I know what's going on. I miss my "friend" the food. My kids are all eating, and I miss doing that with them. I remind myself that in 6 months I'll be eating along with them, and it makes me feel much better.
    Hugs to you all!
  19. Like
    Cecilia reacted to SoccerMomma73 in Fabulous February Post-Op's   
    I turn 40 exactly a month from today . So wanted my RNY DONE before I hit the big 4-0 so I can enter my next decade happier and healthier . Glad it is done and over!!!! My son is 8, I've been divorced since he was an infant (married a very not nice guy who decided to start hitting me, stealing, and cheating on me once I got pregnant) so it's just the boy and I and I REALLY want him to get to do the boy stuff, even if it means mom is out freezing her butt off camping on march 1st! It's actually a lot of fun... Mostly (plus I have the major hots for his BFFs dad so I'm sucking up every second of him helping me with stuff right now...he's a hottie!!!!)
    HW 312, pre-op (lap-band) 294, pre-op (RNY) 255, surgery date 2/11/13, goal weight 154, current weight 234.8
  20. Like
    Cecilia reacted to ready2smile in Nutritional guidelines post-op? Does anyone have the breakdown?   
    You got it! I love sharing support and motivation! This has been a hard few weeks for me-tons of functions and foods-trying to figure out what to eat and stay on track. Next week is my 1st back at work. I thank God for this surgery because when I'm at a baby shower or party with all these people (family and friends) I pay more attention to what I am doing as well as what they're eating and drinking, (the types of food and drink and the amounts). And I think about where I was, with my plate or two of food, several drinks and sweets-I think how the hell did I do that to myself?? I don't like to say never, but I hope my pouch never grows and I'm this limited for the rest of my life because food is so dangerous. Even a bite here and a bite there can get you in to trouble of you let it!
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    Cecilia reacted to AliG in Fabulous February!   
    I think I'm already in my head for Tuesday. These last two days of my two week preop diet are killing. Wanting Carbs bad. To make it worse my we are having a wicked snow storm outside and my Golden Retriever Lucas keeps jumping up in bed with me with wet paws. I don't know if it happens with other breeds but Golden's paws for some reason always smell like Fritos! So I have spent the day craving Fritos because I have dog paws in my face. lol
  22. Like
    Cecilia reacted to SoccerMomma73 in Fabulous February!   
    I also took nasal saline spray, well no, I had my mom buy it on day 2...with the oxygen blowing my nose was SOOO dry..... That, Chapstick, and my own pillow....those were my biggies! Well and clean panties an socks since I ended up being there 4 days! A shower and clean drawers was the bomb!!!
  23. Like
    Cecilia reacted to sassy14 in Fabulous February!   
  24. Like
    Cecilia reacted to SoccerMomma73 in That Scale is the Devil! >_<   
  25. Like
    Cecilia reacted to Lisa Collom in What ya eating tonight?   

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