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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Cecilia

  1. I'm almost 50, and have been wearing cheaters for quite some time now. However, since the surgery, I feel like my vision has gotten (is getting?) worse. The distance at which I need to put things on to read is getting farther and farther from my nose. Has anyone had this happen? I wonder if I should see my eye doctor when this is all done...
  2. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I hear ya! My new little hairs are about an inch long, just long enough to make it impossible to style my hair. THICK at the roots, and THIN at the ends. Just about had it all buzzed, but resisted the temptation! ... it IS coming in nice and thick though. I expect it to make a full recovery, if I don't go insane first!
  3. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Hee-hee! Yep. The sex is fun. What's not fun is how little hair I have left. The new stuff is growing in to take its place, but I'm *this* close to getting a very short cut. Sigh!
  4. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Well Hello everybody! I lost you all for quite some time! I wish the old website had sent me an email or something proactive telling me to migrate over and how to find the posts I was following! Nevertheless, I'm here, and I'm jazzed. I have an update for all of you. I hit a nearly intractable plateau at around 170 lbs (on a 5'8", large boned, pear shaped frame, for reference). That was a happy size 12 bottoms, but still overweight according to BMI, even though my medical team considered me a success. I noticed that I was starting to just "eat normally" without much regard to what I was putting in my mouth, and I could maintain. But I still want to get to my personal goal of 155. I also noticed some other emotional stuff that caused me to seek out a DBT therapist. I've been going for a couple of months, and we've begun to peel off all sorts of onion layers, so to speak. One of the core principles of DBT is "mindfulness," and one of the challenges she gave me was to be more mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth, so I started recording my intake on MyFitnessPal. Not trying to "be good" or anything, just writing down every office cookie and candy cane I snarfed, every latte and handful of pretzels. ... well. Lo and behold the scales just whooshed, and I'm starting to lose again. I realized I had a certain amount of anxiety about losing more weight, even though I want to, you know? It doesn't make sense, but there you have it. A fun revelation is that the smaller you are, the less weight loss it takes to drop a size, so now I'm looking at new slacks for work again (the loose 14's are falling off my flat ass) and I've had to buy new bras. Again. AND I'm suddenly aware of how I've been depriving myself of the right amount of Protein as well, and fluids. I've had two bladder infections in the past few months, and I chalk it up to not being able to pee enough after sex to (sorry, TMI). Interestingly, I've found that I can eat steak again!!! I get 6-ounce New York Strips. I cook one up and have half for one meal, and eat the other half cold at the next meal, like beef Jerky, or on a salad. It's so YUM!!! I can't believe I used to pound down an 8-oz steak, AND a baked potato, AND bread all in one meal! Yeesh! Anyway, I'm looking foward to hearing updates from all of you, and I'm looking forward to meeting with the medical team in February and wowing them with my continued weight loss. Hugs and Happy Holidays to all of you losers! Cecilia
  5. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Stuck at 170. 10 lbs to go. HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  6. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I'm down to 170. I fight for every pound which comes off at the rate of about 1 pound per month now. I know if I got going with more exercise I would see the last of it come off, but I'm just not able to motivate myself to do that at the moment. HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  7. I'm thinking you're going to need to change your name from thunder chunky to something else! :-) HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  8. Those tiny bathroom stalls where you can tell they made it undersized to accommodate a handicapped stall next to it? I can walk right in and don't end up with my thigh touching the maxi pad waste basket! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  9. Congratulations!!!!! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  10. OMG. I'm starting to spend serious money on clothes... It's so fun to shop! I had no idea how good it would feel to look in the mirror and think "dang that looks good!" with EVERYTHING I try on! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  11. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Good Lord! I can feel my ribs! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  12. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    with whom? HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  13. Isn't that the best feeling ever? I have blown the budget a couple times just because it is so much fun to be able to shop from the regular sizes and have so many cute options! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  14. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Hey guys, I need help. I've been stalled at 171-174 for over a month now. No weight, no inches lost. The doc considers the surgery a success even tho I'm still just "this side" of the BMI split between normal and overweight. I'm down from a size 22 to a size 12-14. I could tighten up my eating but there's not a whole lot if wiggle room. I know I could probably take the last 15 lbs off if I stared lifting weights, but just walking through the work-out clothing section of the store makes me nauseous. I've got some serious PTSD where it comes to fitness. I WANT to start working out again because I know it would be easy. I've been running up two flights of stairs at a time, just because it's so easy and it gives me a thrill to be able to do so! So what do you suggest? How can I get over my phobia? Help! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  15. Damn car door won't open... But I'm small enough to climb in through the passenger door and over the gear shift!! LOL! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  16. Just realized... I'm thinner than Oprah! LOL! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 172 GW: 150
  17. This. I think it is precisely because the loss has slowed that il finally caving and buying clothes that actually fit. So people actually notice my size and think I've lost more weight. In truth I AM down another 10 pounds but in my head I also am still the same size. I look down and see my stomach (often bloated due to gas) and when I try to take a good picture all I notice is the lumps... When will my head catch up? Other people can see it... Why can't I? HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 175 GW: 150
  18. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Sitting comfortably into a pair of 529 Levi's jeans size 12 with no muffin top. I just can't believe it. HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 175 GW: 150
  19. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    ZOMG!!! I'm so excited!!! My hair is growing back, finally! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 175 GW: 150
  20. OMG, that's so funny! I do that too! On long highway trips I put on cruise control and sit cross legged, something I haven't been able to do in 20 years. I know it's not the safest, I only do it on deserted stretches! HW: 275 DoS: 230 Feb 2013 CW: 175 GW: 150

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