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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Cecilia

  1. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    My weight loss has slowed down to a creeeeep... I'm at my two-month mark and have lost 30 lbs. 20 the first month, 10 the second. I can live with 10 pounds a month, as long as it doesn't slow down more than that!
  2. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    p.s. One last thing before I go to bed: Yes the cookies and coffee were bad, but I realize what did me in (and this may just be my version of dumping) was the 1/4 cup of salad I had. It tasted SOOOOO good! Fresh crisp lettuce! I could have eaten a plate full (good thing I didn't) but it pretty much passed through undigested, and from the looks of it, I didn't do a very good job chewing, either. TMI, I know... TMI!
  3. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    On the topic of prilosec... the few times I haven't been able to keep something down, when it comes back up it is NOTHING like the acid reflux I used to experience. It's like burping up water. Some stomachs must just have a whole lot more acid than others... I can't imagine developing an ulcer... or how much that would hurt!
  4. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Amazing!!! Congratulations!!! Wow! Another big loser! I'm so jealous!!! I could not imagine eating 1 1/2 medicine cups at this stage of the game, and getting such mixed messages has *got* to be frustrating! I just found that there's not just differences from hospital to hospital, but from doctor to doctor within my same hospital. I had the "clear fluids for a week postop" doctor. Someone I met had the "mashed potatoes the day after surgery" doc. Really, at this point, I just do what feels right. I'm not losing as fast as some of you, but I do feel good (most of the time, ahem!) LOL!
  5. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Uuuuuhhhhnnnggg!!! I would congratulate you all on your amazing successes, except I'm too busy running to the bathroom every 10 minutes. WARNING: TMI & GROSS CONTENT FOLLOWS. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. Here's the story: I traveled to a nearby city to take a 4-day class. I'm staying with my brother and his wife. I'm off my daily routine. Skipping breakfast, packing my oatmeal but not making it, that sort of thing. At the conference they have coffee and cookies and rolls, so I nibble on a tiny piece of a roll while drinking coffee. Then sampling a little bit of a cookie. Eating whatever my SIL makes for dinner, then taking it the next day for lunch. Having no gastric distress, the second day I get bold. I get a whole cup of coffee and two cookies. A chocolate chip and a humongous shortbread cookie dipped in chocolate so greasy it would make pizza look low-fat. This was a huge mistake. Mind you--no dumping or vomiting has happened, so I think I'm safe so far. Only after dinner (spaghetti, fresh salad, greasy garlic bread -- I don't want to put my hosts out, so I eat what they're eating) I hear my stomach grumble, and the fun begins. My stools get looser and looser. I'm up all night running to the bathroom, and when I'm sleeping, I'm dreaming of my intestines (true!). This morning I actually saw a greasy oil slick in the toilet after evacuating what feels like the last little bit of what's left in me. Lesson learned. I can't just "wing it." I can't eat cookies. I can't tolerate greasy foods. And you know what? Other than the chocolate chip cookie (which was amazing) and the salad (I miss crispy vegetables!), nothing really was that good or so delicious that I'd be interested in eating it again. It really just wasn't worth it.
  6. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Awww, man, that's terrible. You have every right to feel crushed and embarrassed. I'm not sure what I would have done in your place, but right now I'm feeling very much like whoopin' him upside the head. I'm trying to remember... are you the same person who had the husband who was afraid she'd leave him when she got thin? If so, I would suspect his comment comes from a place of fear (not that it excuses him). If that wasn't you, has he made comments like this before? That is, is he supportive and just couldn't wrap his mouth around the word "bariatric," or is he really as insensitive as that comment made him sound? Curious, Cecilia
  7. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Definitely do not worry about what others think or about "competing" with others. All our bodies are different. My doc says slower is better... it gives your skin a chance to keep up with your changing shape, LOL! Congratulations on your exercise as well. I have an easy time running in the summer, but it's going to be a challenge for me to keep exercising in the fall/winter.
  8. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    And while we're at it, would you be interested in doing this run with me? Dirty Girl, Twin Cities, August 3 Look at the review, too!
  9. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    OMG! I was going to sign up for that one and all the times are sold out except for the 2:45! Which one are you doing? Is it too late for me to join your team? It would be so awesome to run together!!!
  10. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Isn't it good? I love that there's a story line, and you're *in* it!
  11. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Thanks you guys! I'm having an awesome day! I'll be traveling to the Cities this week and plan to hit all the Savers and Goodwill stores up there to refresh my wardrobe. Keep up the good work, all of you. It's tough, especially getting the exercise, but I can't tell you how good it feels!
  12. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I MADE IT!!!! I had to wait three days and re-weigh because I was afraid it may just be a fluke, but it's for real: I weigh 198 pounds!!! The next time I weigh in I may "only" be overweight!!!!
  13. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    There is NOOOOO comparison. However, I would have to say that compared to 35 years of misery and starvation and exercise and some loss followed by heart-breaking regain of weight... this *is* easiER. But it not easy. Some friend! The whole time I was married to a man who could lose weight by just thinking about it, he never understood my struggle. NO CLUE. I think if you haven't been in our shoes, you just can't possibly understand what a last resort this is. Seriously, though, I'd ask him what gives!? And let me know how it goes with the training! I'm starting week 2 on Saturday.
  14. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I can't imagine how you could NOT eventually begin to lose real weight. My mom has a serious aversion to exercise, and in a year she's still lost 100 pounds, so exercise is not essential, but it will make you feel better. May I recommend the app Zombies, Run! and the Zombie 5K training program? The latter follows your basic couch-to-5K (starting with 15-second runs... anyone can do it). The former is more like a game where you collect things along your walk/run, then you have to outrun zombies or lose the items. They're made in the UK, I think, and have really good story lines that break in every so often over your music, or between tracks. I can't recommend enough! Also, you know what will motivate you? Sign up for a 5K walk/run. Nothing like knowing you need to be fit in 8 weeks to motivate you to stick to the program! Overall, though, Hang in there ArmyWife&Mom. Have you had a chance to talk to your doctor or nutritionist about this? Hugs!!! Cecilia
  15. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    So how did everybody do this Easter? I made baskets for the kids and sampled one jelly bean... otherwise there was no desire nor temptation even though the office was full of treats!
  16. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    That's amazing!!! Congratulations!
  17. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    If you want a bar that's high in protein, low in carbs, your best bet is an Atkins bar. As they are part of the low-carb movement, they will have no sugar (assuming that's what made you dump)
  18. Seriously. What she said. I had so much fear about telling people, because my early experiences (telling before surgery) and my own self-doubt ("I could have done it without surgery if I just tried harder," and "all these people have seen me at office parties and they know I hit the pizza and Desserts pretty hard.") were not good. But nobody could say that I'm just using the surgery to be able to pig out and still lose weight. They see me eat three bites of my lunch and be done. They see on Facebook that I'm running a race next month... I hope this helps. And FWIW, I have been told that there may come a point where people will wonder if I really need to lose more weight or might tell me I look "too thin," but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Just remind people you're not wasting away from cancer, LOL!
  19. Here's the way it went for me: "You're losing weight!" "I am!" "How did you do it?" "I had surgery. Plus a ton of exercise." "You look fabulous!" or "I always wondered about that surgery..." or "Did insurance pay for it?" or "You look fabulous!" Nothing but positives! C
  20. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    OMG, you guys slay me! I also almost spat my lunch out at the computer screen when I read the SharPei comment, LOL! Yes, compression garments for all of us!
  21. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I hear ya! I have a huge tub of big clothes that are going to Goodwill. I thought about taking them to a consignment store but truth is, I just want to be done with them! Yay!
  22. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    My dear peeps (no pun intended), Where are you all!? I know it's Easter weekend and all, but I miss hearing updates from you. I had to share: Even as the scales seem stuck again, I'm noticing changes in my body. For one, (and I'm not thrilled about this) the skin that used to be plump with fat is sagging. My butt is sagging. My belly is sagging. My boobs are sagging. My arms? Let's not talk about my arms! LOL! On the other hand, my bracelets are looser. My ring is spinning around on my finger. The formerly known as tight pants are wondering why I can't wear them any more. Answer: I think I exposed my undies three times at work today not realizing they had fallen down that far! They fit okay the last time I wore them! Aaaack! There was a potluck at work and I wasn't the least bit tempted to eat any of it. I tried a microwave entree for lunch today and it made me throw up (I keep eating too fast at work -- old habits die hard). Someone left a Hershey Kiss in my locker and I tried it and spat it out. It tasted so artificial and gross! I never thought I'd live to see the day I turned my nose up on free chocolate! What else? What's new with you? What small things are you happy about/sad about? How's your eating coming along? Am I the only one who can't eat fish? Check in everybody!!
  23. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I did it! I signed up for my first race. It's April 22, and it's just a baby-race. 2 miles, not even a 5K. I've been walking 2M a few times a week, and I'm starting to use a 5K training app, so I hope that by race day I can run *most* of the race. What are you guys doing for exercise?
  24. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Welcome Ron! Don't be discouraged... we *all* have a lot to lose, otherwise we wouldn't be here, LOL! C
  25. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Monken, I wonder if your doctor's rules would be more suited to people who have larger amounts of weight to lose? In that case, I could see worrying about the six-month mark going by while you are still wanting to lose significant weight. Anyway, I'm glad we had this discussion. I had totally forgotten that I could have soft fruit. I had written all fruit/veg off as being too crunchy for now, but geez-- I think I would kill to have a little mashed up strawberry with my yogurt! Oh, hey! I also thought I'd share: Just when I thought I'd never eat an egg again, I suddenly am able to not only eat scrambled eggs, but fried eggs! I'm in HEAVEN!!

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