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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Cecilia

  1. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    LOL! Trying to imagine what pureed pickles would be like... Ewww! LOLOL!
  2. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    That's wonderful! So glad to hear it went well!
  3. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    You never told us how it went with your hubby! I'm curious!
  4. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I'm feeling sorry for myself today! In an effort to get exercise, I decided to walk to my doctor's appointment yesterday (it's about 45 minutes to an hour walk). On the way, I slipped and fell on the ice not once, but twice. I re-injured my left rotator cuff, was in so much pain I couldn't stop crying. I called a cab to get me and take me straight to the ED (missed my doctor appointment), and I have a bruise roughly the shape (and size) of Rhode Island on my left hip. In good news, I didn't break my hip, and all my digestive tract insides seem to escape unhurt.
  5. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Wow. I'm guessing they didn't cut that muscle on me because my pain was gone so fast. My sympathies go out to those of you who are struggling with this. I do remember that a hot pad helped me in the first few days. Let us know what they found! There must be something that's causing all this discomfort. It can't be the normal healing process! ...and on a side note, congrats on your weight loss! It must feel great to get back into the routine of things. I go back to work next week, and quite frankly I'm scared. I don't know why I didn't suggest easing back into things, but I go straight from sitting around at home and sleeping in as long as I want, to getting up at 5 and working a 12-hour day, two days in a row. I'm sure I will be exhausted!
  6. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I hear ya. All I have is five little scars, from 1/2 inch to an inch, but one is taking forever to heal. They took the staples out like on Day 2 and replaced them with steri strips, but those started falling off the next day, and weren't even tight to begin with, so some of my scars are invisible already, and another has a huge scab on it, still! But what I meant to say is that I'm just dying to carry my own groceries, laundry, just to get back to being active again!
  7. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    No kidding! I can't even imagine what I'm going to look like come June!
  8. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Oh, that makes sense. Do you know what muscle they had to cut? I'm seeing my surgeon for follow-up today and would like to ask him if he did that for me...
  9. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    How frustrating! Why did the doctor want you to get the sleeve? Regardless, hang in there. Present your case clearly, and hopefully your message will get through! How exciting to be doing this together! Best of luck to him! You know what? I think you're entitled to be exhausted, considering all you've been through. And at the rate that you're losing, your body probably needs all the rest it can get. Good for you for keeping up with the protein and water! You're a better woman than I am, LOL!
  10. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Just curious... did the two of you (monken and danifoxpt) both have open surgery? I'm wondering what muscle would have to be cut and stitched, and why it would cause so much pain for so long afterwards... I had some twinges in the first week or two, but it's all but disappeared. I'm sorry you are still struggling!
  11. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    While I'm sorry to hear you're back in the hospital, I'm glad you're being taken care of! I hope this is all over soon, and you begin to experience the health benefits of weight loss!
  12. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    We haven't heard from Kat and Padlrd in some time... are you ladies doing okay? Check in with us! I'm thinking about you!
  13. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Ugh! I tried those syntax shakes and they made me gag. I wish I knew you liked them, I would have sent you my jug instead of washing it down the drain. On the other hand, I have found that K2O (made by Kelloggs) makes a delicious drink with protein that I could drink all day! I recommend it to add to your water if you are getting sick of plain water and want some extra protein! I'm so glad it worked for you! I tried adding half a banana to my chocolate shake and it turned out so gross. I'm at the bottom of my first jug of protein powder... looking forward to trying the new one I bought. I had the opposite problem. I was consistently constipated before surgery. Now, I'm getting pretty regular. Hurrah for pooping! LOL! You should go!! If nothing else, so that you get out and socialize. I have a hard time with that, being basically an introvert... but it's as healthy for the soul as exercise is for the body! Do it!!!
  14. Cecilia

    February 18, 6 days postop

    February 18, almost a week post-op. Have lost 9 pounds so far.
  15. Cecilia


    From the album: cecilialibra

    March 10, almost a month post-op. Have lost 21 pounds at this point.
  16. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I definitely mix my shakes with water, and I water them down a bit more than the instructions call for. Then sip, sip, sip...
  17. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I had a blast last night. I went ballroom dancing! I haven't been for 2 years due to feeling unattractive and because it's hard to dance in heels when you're 275 pounds. That's a lot of PSIs on the balls of your feet! Anyway, at 60 pounds lighter I strapped on my shoes and went. Here's what I discovered: I wasn't hydrated enough. One 3-minute dance left me parched. Also, I'm not in shape. Even a slow dance like a foxtrot or a waltz left me feeling whipped. I've been walking, but I need to up the cardio somehow so I can dance two or three in a row, and hydrate well before going. Anyway, a little victory along the way. What fun!
  18. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Me too! I mean, I see it in your face, too! Congratulations! This may be one of those times where you have to grin and bear it (or bare it, LOL!). Even though you may not feel sexy, he needs his sexy wife. All you need is a pair of heels and a skirt/low cut top or a dress. Even if it's not dramatically "sexy," it will still be such a change that he will probably eat it up! Think of it as a gift you're giving him...
  19. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Well, I guess it's a good thing I waited till Friday to weigh myself, since I only lost a little over a pound in the past 5 days /groan! Damn. I hate being a slow loser! C
  20. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Okay... that answers all my questions! Geez... Sounds like a FWB guy I used to know... The day I told him I thought I was starting to have "feelings" for him was the last time we had sex. BUMMER!!!! Oh well. Hey, BTW, you should update your ticker. I can't believe you've only lost one pound! I think the closer we are to our goal, the less exciting the weight loss will be. Good to be closer, yet bummer that it doesn't come off faster...
  21. Exercised 4 days in a row, then lost my momentum. Help!

  22. Congratulations on your awesome loss! Is there anyone else you could see? Maybe someone in endocrinology? A different nutritionist? Are you tracking your calorie intake to see more or less what you're getting? (I know, lots of questions, no actual answers --Sorry!)
  23. Cecilia

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    Are we all (or most of us?) weighing on Fridays? I'm excited to see what I've lost!

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