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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilBoo007

  1. LilBoo007

    Calcium Citrate: What do you use?

    Yes, especially if you had RNY. Our new pouches do not absorb calcium carbonate so it is very important to make sure you get calcium citrate! Most chewables I have seen are calcium carbonate so they won't help at all unfortunately.
  2. LilBoo007

    Gastric Reflux Post Op... A Survey

    I had acid refux ( GERD) for over 10 years on Prilosec then nexium. I had it really bad to the point that I would wake up in the middle of the night choking on my own vomit.. Literally the day I had my RNY it was completely gone and I have been off my meds since the day of surgery with no acid reflux whatsoever ! 100% gone !
  3. So I have my first plastics consult next Monday... I have no idea what questions I should be asking the surgeon? I have never had any plastic surgery before and frankly don't know anything about it. I would like to get a breast lift and augmentation, arms, possibly a tummy tuck and maybe lower body lift. So if anyone can help me compile a list of questions or concerns I should bring up please help!!!
  4. LilBoo007

    What to ask at consult?

    Went to my consult with a plastic surgeon who comes highly recommended. Also my sister and nephew used him. He deals with alot of weightloss patients as well. He quoted me $18220 for a tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift and augmentation along with removal of extra skin from the sides of my boobs( used to be fat on the sides of the boobs, where the bra band goes) so now I just have to see if I can come up with all that money....
  5. LilBoo007

    Vain not vein question

    I look 16 again... So it did the opposite to me as many people look younger after they loose the weight.
  6. Good luck I really hope it works out for you !
  7. LilBoo007

    Big Butt anyone?

    I had a big booty and small waste pre op... Now at 107lbs... I still have a big booty and no waste!!
  8. LilBoo007

    Lower body lift in 14 days!

    Good Luck !! Keep up posted on your post op recovery!
  9. LilBoo007

    2 weeks out- scared to start eating pureed food

    I had that fear too! Every time I had to up my food from 1 oz to 2 etc, I panicked !!! I thought if I ate more I would gain weight.. What I didn't realize was that when I tried to starve myself by not eating more I would stall out.. When I would finally give in and eat what I was supposed to be eating my body would start to loose again! It was more of a head thing for me!
  10. LilBoo007


    Make sure you are getting enough to eat eat and plenty of fluids! Headaches can be caused by lack of both! Congratulations!!!
  11. I weighed myself today... Down 2 pounds : ( gotta crack down on myself and eat more!! I never would have thought I would be struggling to keep weight on!!!
  12. LilBoo007

    Upper stomach pain HELP

    I had pain in the bottom of my pouch but it turned out to be an ulcer. With us, you never know what it could be! I suggest calling your surgeon !!!
  13. From what I hear if you have reflux RNY is the way to go. I personally had reflux and had RNY and haven't had any reflux since the day of surgery. I've also gone from a high weight of 234 down to 107 in a year.
  14. LilBoo007

    Stall early on?

    Gosh... I remember posting this same thread a year ago! I had my surgery March 13,2013.. I lost some weight the first month and then BAMMM!!! The stall hit me ! I was soo confused. I had heard of people talking but everyone I talked to didnt start having stalls until months down the line. Well I can reassure all of you that it is completely normal to stall even after a week or less after surgery!! Everyone's body is different and will hit plateaus at different times. I seemed to have a pattern I my stalls, I would loose then stall for 2-3 weeks then loose again.. Stall again for another 2-3 weeks. This was how my weight loss progressed the ENTIRE time I was loosing weight. One thing I did notice was that when I wasn't loosing pounds( in my stall) I was loosing inches!!! And when I was loosing pounds( not stalling) no inches being lost just weight. So, while it seemed that my body was just being stubborn during the "stalls" indeed it was working hard !!! Good luck to you all!
  15. LilBoo007

    Instagram anyone?

    I followed and requested to everyone I could on IG !!!
  16. LilBoo007

    Instagram anyone?

    I'm on Instagram... No before pics since I didn't start using IG until after surgery but if anyone wants to add me I'm there! It's LILBOO007
  17. LilBoo007

    I had my Tummy Tuck!

    I have an appt next Monday with a plastic surgeon my sister and nephew use that is also highly recommended by many people in the area.. They are going to try to get ins. to pay for my TT.. Crossing my fingers and toes.. Praying to God that ins. approves it!!!
  18. Well after my LP this morning it is confirmed... My PTC is in remission !!! No more meds! My opening pressure was 14 and my Neuro said that was in normal range!!! I am soo happy!!! I just hope it stays that way! He's gonna keep a watch on me though to make sure it stays in normal range once I stop all the meds!
  19. LilBoo007


    So I finally tried melon... Tasted great but every time I eat it, it makes my tummy hurt really really bad for hours... Like cramping pain! Idk why either so I guess I just need to stay away : ( but it was soo good!!!
  20. I feel your pain! I am 1year almost 2months post op and have been put on Topamax for my migraines.. Well the meds make me have no appetite whatsoever so it is a daily struggle to get in the required protein, calories etc. my surgeon wants me to eat at a bare minimum 950 calories and 80g protein... Many days I'm lucky to make it to 600 or so calories or find myself having to eat at 10pm forcing food in ! It's a real struggle but if I don't log my food and stay on myself all day and night I quickly drop weight. If I drop a few pounds in a week from not eating properly ( I can easily eat as little as 350 calories a day ) the next week I have to make sure I am very diligent on my MFP ! Good luck! Maybe talk with your nutritionist! My surgeon and Nut told me to watch my weight and not loose anymore than 5 lbs. if I did call them up! But I'm at a point were I am 15lbs. Under goal so I really can't loose anymore.
  21. LilBoo007


    Pooky... I have issues with getting constipated very easily... Maybe because I take narcotics on a regular basis so my surgeon told me to take 1 stool softener nightly... If I still have issues take 2-3 as needed. I also have to make sure I get a minimum of 64oz of water daily.
  22. LilBoo007


    I agree fully with you on how they are destroying it! I wish they would stop building things and stop tearing down all the beautiful trees! I am not far from Belroi myself so I know exactly how beautiful the area is!! It's sad because I know one day they will overbuild the area : (
  23. LilBoo007

    tummy tuck schedule May 8th

    Soo happy for you Mami !!! Good luck praying all goes as planned for you !
  24. LilBoo007


    Yeah it's beautiful and not too busy over here! Lots of land!!
  25. LilBoo007


    Gloucester Va.... Outskirts of Hampton Roads

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
