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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilBoo007

  1. My surgeon decided my goal weight at 130lbs. I am 4'10" tall... My body on the other hand likes 110lbs.
  2. I live in Virginia and went to The Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads. Before my shower I took these pics so you can see my arm scar and my breast. Please remember I'm just over two weeks post op so they are still fresh scars with stitches still!
  3. LilBoo007

    Post op weight loss question

    I gained 22 lbs. in the hospital after my RNY ! It took like 2-3 weeks to loose it. I just had major plastic surgery 2 weeks ago and gained 16lbs. I have lost all but 3 lbs. so don't get worried! It's just fluid and gas they pump into you during surgery! It will go away!
  4. Yes I am still wearing my binder around my waist.. I hate it! But he told me I could use spanx instead, however as much a I hate the binder I am still wearing instead of spanx! It makes me feel secure like it doing something protective to my body. I know it's just in my head! I will be wearing it for a few months I believe. I had my arms drains removed after a week and my abdominal drains removed after 2. Thank goodness they are gone! You will feel much better when all your drains are removed!
  5. Thanks everyone for the kind remarks! It really makes me feel better, especially right now when I'm not feeling so fabulous! I'm taking it really easy, no lifting anything heavier than a glass of water and no housework or going places besides my dr. appts!
  6. My energy level is pretty good most o the day! But I start to feel bad around 6pm and by 8 or 9, I am done! I still wake up at night in pain and have to take a few Tylenol, but during the day I haven't needed to take any meds for the last week.
  7. I lost over 120lbs. I'm now 110lbs. and a size 0. I had gastric bypass last March so its been a year and 4 months. My plastic surgery took 7-8hrs. Total... A long time to be under! But I'm glad I got them all done at once! I tried to talk him into adding a medial thigh lift, but e said that was too many procedures at once. After surgery, I was glad he didn't do it because the rest of me hurt soo bad!
  8. Just thought I would share a 2 week post op pic of my tummy tuck... I am still very swollen so keep that in mind when looking! Here is a pic of my arms a well, I didn't feel like taking my arm garments off but atleast you can see how skinny they are.. I will post a pic later with no garments so you can see the scar line. I also had my breast lifted and implants put in.. I chose 375cc's and my surgeon chose 375cc's mentor smooth round high profile. I decided against putting pics of them online without clothing, I just feel better about it not being naked so sorry : (
  9. LilBoo007

    Consult for tt

    Hampton Roads area. They have an office in Williamsburg, Newport News and Hampton
  10. LilBoo007

    Consult for tt

    That seems kinda high to me. I had an extended tummy tuck, he did my flanks as well, breast lift with implants and brachioplasty... All for $18,220. I live in Virginia and I know prices vary by regions but my surgeon was one of the best in the area who also specializes in weight loss reconstruction. I would get other consults before I committed to that price.
  11. Yes, I get tired very easily right now! We were out for 7 hrs today and I am soo tired myself and I hurt all over, I was out way too long!
  12. 2week appt today: took last drain out ( yeah!!) then they decided they would pull all the tape off... Can I say painful !!! Other than that everything looks good and is healing as expected. What I can say is that my implants bother me when they swell, they gravitate all the way to my clavicle when they are swollen! And I'm starting to get little pains here and there, they say that's normal and to expect more! My incisions are healing great and after spending all day out and about I am tired and achy!!!
  13. Yes, I take colace daily because I already have issues with constipation. But I think it happened because I wasn't drinking enough because I was in alot of pain I would take my pain meds and within a half hour I would be asleep for about 3 hours and that kept me from drinking as much as I needed to!
  14. LilBoo007

    Panni/hernia repair

    I'm 9 days oat o from TT, BL/ba and arm lift and im still in my recliner.. But I have a very low pain tolerance and not having my arms to use and being very short it's soo much harder getting in and out of bed
  15. Post op day 9: (I think) ok so the last few days have been the worst for me!!! I was in soo much pain and I hadn't had a bowel movement since before my surgery! So they took out 3 of the 4 drains I had and removed my dressings. They put on my arm garments and now my arms feel more comfortable! My stomach( even swollen) looks amazing!! And my boobs look great too! Although they are very high and a bit mis shapened. My surgeon said in time they will settle into place a nut lower and after the swelling goes away they won't look misshapened. But they look like a teenager again!!! So they had me do a fleets enema and that didnt quite work so they told me to do another one, well let me tell you!!! I felt like I was ripping my ab muscles apart! It hurt soo bad I thought I was going to die!! Now 24 hrs later I'm still going to the bathroom!! I hurt so bad don't ever do 2 enemas in a row!!! You will regret it! Now I have to take Imodium to Get it to stop ! I'm even afraid to eat!!!
  16. LilBoo007

    Post plastic surgery weight gain

    You look great!! I just had my first check up and I told him how much I gained after the surgery and he was shocked but said its all from the surgery and that by the time all the swelling goes away I will weigh a few pounds less then before I had the surgery
  17. So I was wondering if anyone experienced weight gain right after having plastic surgery? I had a tummy tuck, arm lift, breast lift and augmentation last Tuesday and went from 113lbs to 129lbs. It's kinda freaking me out!!
  18. LilBoo007

    Post plastic surgery weight gain

    Thanks everyone! I gained 22lbs. When I had my gastric bypass!! So ...
  19. Thanks so much, I am in alot of pain when I get up and walk around... But I just keep reminding myself that its all worth it!!!
  20. Well the pain isn't as bad today, but if I get up and walk it still hurts really bad... I hope that doesn't last much longer.,still feeling the tightness and pulling on my TT scar! Boobs are a little sensative
  21. Day 5: just when I thought it was getting better it is very painful in my abs today!. I keep feeling stinging pain in different areas of my stomach and in my arms, I hope this is normal!!!every time I get up and walk I can only make it 2x around my house then the pain in my back and abs becomes too much and I have to stop. My breasts don't hurt at all, they just feel heavy and swollen... If any one has any tips to share, i am definitely listening; ) everyone who just had surgery or who is about to good luck!!!
  22. Did you have implants put in or just a lift?wondering why they went down in size after your operation?

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