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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilBoo007

  1. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    I found a recipe for crab cakes that has no bread crumbs.. Only crab, egg, a little fat free mayo and spices and its wonderful!
  2. LilBoo007

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    After only 5 weeks I've had to get rid of most of my clothes... And my underwear are soo big now I have to roll the top down because they come up soo high, Lol !!!
  3. LilBoo007

    Drinking too fast?

    I feel sick, shaky, hot and dizzy when I drink anything too fast!!! I kept having a problem with that, lol! I am having to retrain myself to drink much much slower with smaller sips! My dr. Told me it should take me about an hour to drink 6 oz. so if you are drinking 11-12 in 45 minutes I would say that's probably too fast... When was your surgery? Since I've slowed it down I no longer feel like that after drinking my liquids or god awful protein shakes!!
  4. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    I fixed chicken and broccoli cheesy bake... Smelled delish! But for me I made 1oz. Low carb crab cakes and they were heaven on my little plate! For dessert I made chocolate chip cookies that made me gag : ( but I had a s.f. Popsicle !! Yummy: )
  5. LilBoo007

    Terrified of Dumping

    I've only had dumping twice and it was from drinking too fast because a pill got stuck so I kept drinking sips right after another.. Before I knew it I had drank a whole oz in less then a minute. That time I felt week and dizzy, got hot flashes and my new pouch felt like someone was ripping it out. Second time I ate my jello too quick and had the same experience minus the painful pouch... That was replaced my getting sick on the toilet !!! I quickly learned my lesson on taking small sips and bites and let some time go by in between ! Good luck !
  6. LilBoo007

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Appt. went well... They put me on soft foods and it taste amazing...like a bit of heaven. At my appt. I had lost 21 lbs. since then I lost another 4... Now on my bi-weekly stall...LOL!!
  7. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    Anyone else having problems with dairy??? I can't seem to eat any dairy... Cheese, yogurt, milk, sour cream or cottage cheese.... Every time I even take a small bite I'm in the bathroom for hours if u know what I mean!!! Dinner was 1oz of fat free retried beans mixed with lean ground turkey with a small bit of salsa... Made tacos for the family !! It was delicious!!! First time since my surgery 5 weeks ago that I was actually able to eat a whole ounce!!!
  8. LilBoo007

    2nd stall?

    I'm starting to think I'm on that trend too!!! I loose 10-15lbs then stall for a week or two then loose another 10-15 lbs then stall!! But I'm still happy I'm loosing my weight and have been reassured its normal !
  9. LilBoo007

    One month post op

    Had my surgery march 13th... My dr. Cleared me Friday to do any cardio, strength training and abdominal workout. I am currently down 23 lbs.
  10. LilBoo007


    Whats done is done and there's no need fretting about it! I think you will be fine but go by what YOUR doctor and nutritionist have planned out for you! alc is right, every Dr. has a different plan.... I went from clear fluids to full liquids to pureed food for a month now on soft foods for 2 moths. When i go back in June they will probably put me on regular foods. If you are really concerened about it call the nutritionist Monday and I'm sure she will walk you through your customized plan!
  11. LilBoo007

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    I'm doing pretty well, having a bit of a problem with my blood sugar going too low but I'm going to speak to the Dr. and nut on Monday about that!! Other than that I feel really good! I'm cleared to go swimming, lift weights, any cardio and ab excercises so I'm happy! Good luck!
  12. Anybody ever have low blood sugar after surgery? I never had diabetes or anything but since surgery my blood sugar stays around 80, but sometimes it drops lower than 70. Right now it's 59 !!! What the heck is going on??
  13. i had the same thing happen at 2 weeks post op... lost 15 then nothing for about 10 days.. Then one day I woke up and i was loosing again! Just stick to it and it will come off! Just make sure you are getting in all your water and protein!
  14. LilBoo007

    Low Blood Sugar

    well im only 1 month post op and it started in the hospital right after surgery, they told me it was because i was not eating and only drinking water for the 3 days I was in here. I bought a test kit with the strips and have been monitoring it on my own every so often. Usually its between 71 and 87 or so only 1 time did it get to 90. but today i ate my egg for breakfast then sipped water around 11 protein shake. 1pm salmon. We then went to the store for about an hr. while we were checking out i started feeling sick and hot and my stomache hurt. i stumbled to the bathroom and had a bm. we rushed home and i took tested my blood and it was at 67. I know that is low but i dont know how low that is. So i drank a protein shake and tested again 2 hrs. later and it was 59 ! So i kept drinking water and eventually it went back up to 72. I didn't drink any juice or sugar stuff because my dr. said no fruit or juice for a year and i was afraid of dumping if i had sugar...
  15. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    I'm a month post op and I have to force myself to eat 1 1/2 ounces of anything..... I worry I'm eating too little but the dr. And nut said I'm fine. So they upgraded me to soft foods and said I can eat chili so I had that and it tasted wonderful !!!
  16. LilBoo007


    At 1 month post op... I can already get into positions I could never do before!!!! And the hubby LOVES it!!!
  17. LilBoo007

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Surgery weight: 210 Current weight: 189 Surgery date : 3/13/13 1 month post op
  18. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    I need to find lots of recipes to use once I start eating real food!!! All I know how to cook is stuff loaded with butter, sour cream and other fattening things in it!!! I have no idea how to cook healthy : (
  19. Oh I know the feeling!! Sometimes my diamox gets stuck in my throat because I cut the pill in 4 and I keep drinking to get it down but then I've drank too much and my new pouch will either make me feel like I'm dumping( sweaty, hot, dizzy and nauseous.. Then the other day it happened and I felt like someone ripped my pouch out and couldn't catch my breath !! I thought I was gonna have to call 911... But about 30 minutes later it finally stopped!!
  20. I have to take potassium supplement daily and it'sl liquid and I have to mix it with water... It is so nasty!!! I hope you don't have to take any cuz I feel sick every morning after I take it!
  21. LilBoo007

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Sounds like a good plan to wait till June!! Best of luck to you and hope everything is smooth sailing! Do you mind me asking your age?? Trying to meet someone to walk the journey with me.. A friend who knows the battles I'm going through.. Most of my close friends seem to be treating me a lil different since I told them I was getting gastric bypass!
  22. LilBoo007

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    So far so good!!! From initial visit to surgery was a month, which to me from what I've heard about how long it can take was super fast! Whenever I have a question I get a prompt response from them which is very nice. I haven't had any problems since surgery expect now 2 times I have drank to fast and felt like someone was ripping out my pouch and couldn't breath because it hurt soo bad... But they said that was normal and it was from drinkin too fast. It's definitely a learning experience!!
  23. LilBoo007

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    I live in Gloucester, not that close... but nthing really is LOL !! I had my RNY done in Newport News by Dr. Salzberg( Riverside Weightloss and Surgical Center) My surgery was on 3/13/13
  24. LilBoo007

    Vitamins... Yuck!

    my dr. said no gummies or the chewable caramel or choc. squares. I found today that if you suck on the muti and calcium from bariatric advantage its not as bad and i dont feel sick.
  25. LilBoo007

    Vitamins... Yuck!

    I am taking Bariatric Advantage vitamins.. The b-12, iron, multi and calcium. I hate the calcium and multi vitamin and they are huge!!! The calcium is very tangy but them chalky and the multi is very bitter. Every morning I try taking all my vitamins at once with my other pills and also try to take my evening pills all at once. Usually it make me feel sick after and I have to lay down for 10 min till the sickness goes away. But tonight I tried taking them and washing it down with a protein shake. I took a few sips but my pills that I have to break up got stuck in my throat so I drank more protein. I immediately felt really sick so I sat down, then all the sudden my new pouch started hurting so bad it hurt to breath. I started crying because the pain was unbearable! It lasted like 30 minutes then the pain went away.. I hate taking all these vitamins!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
