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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilBoo007

  1. LilBoo007

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Thanks everyone!! Even though there kids it still feels good to know others find me easy on the eyes ; ) I only have 17 lbs till I reach my goal weight of 120lbs. Almost 7 months post op so I am really happy ! I'm working my butt off at the gym trying to tone everything up! I'm not giving up yet, hoping in time most of the sag will tighten up!
  2. LilBoo007

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Went to pick my son up from school after his football practice, had to find him in the school and all the players told him I can't be his mom that I look to young and hot to be his mom!
  3. LilBoo007

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    All the sudden I have really boney wrists, and I finally got my wedding rings sized from a 7 1/2 down to a 4 1/4 !!!!
  4. It may just take some time for your body to adjust after surgery! I did not have diabetes my blood sugar was normal before surgery.. After surgery starting the night my RNY was done my blood sugar kept dropping to around 35-45 which from what I overheard the nurses saying is very dangerous ! So for about a month or more post op I had to check my blood every 2-3 hours to make sure it didn't drop below 60! Point is maybe your body just needs some time to readjust to the changes! But I do know the more you loose and not eating carbs and sugar will definitely help! Good luck, and its ok to have an emotional letdown... I do all the time ; )
  5. LilBoo007

    Friday Weigh-In!

    139 !!!! Can't wait to see 120
  6. LilBoo007

    Migraine anyone?

    Mami, I have a brain disorder that gives me horrible migraines.. With my disorder it is very common for OTC meds to be ineffective, my neurologist has me on liquid Vicodin for my migraines and also an anti migraine med called propranolol. I take it twice a day and I have seen a difference in the amount of migraines I get. Also, Imitrex does come in a generic now that your insurance should pay for. It's called Sumatriptan. Other than that, I just have to push through the migraines and at times it takes all I have to power through them!
  7. LilBoo007

    Migraine anyone?

    Mami, I have a brain disorder that gives me horrible migraines.. With my disorder it is very common for OTC meds to be ineffective, my neurologist has me on liquid Vicodin for my migraines and also an anti migraine med called propranolol. I take it twice a day and I have seen a difference in the amount of migraines I get. Also, Imitrex does come in a generic now that your insurance should pay for. It's called Sumatriptan. Other than that, I just have to push through the migraines and at times it takes all I have to power through them!
  8. I work out every single day doing soo many freakin arm exercises its not funny!! I have amazing muscle tone and defined arms.... With bat wings from hell underneath. So in my opinion it just depends on the person! All the rest of my areas are pretty tight except my boobs have withered away as well!
  9. LilBoo007


    I would say definitely NOT !!! You will be tired, sore and just want to relax I couldn't imagine riding in a car 2hrs away on 4 days post op... Not to mention dressing up! Your gonna be swollen and in pain, trying to remember to drink all day and sooo tired! They will have just rearranged your insides!!! If you go more than likely you will really wish you hadn't !
  10. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    I would agree... Almost 7 months out and I could only eat 3 1/2-4oz. But since my stomach issues at the moment I'm lucky if I can handle 2oz... Which I'm sure is helping in my stall !
  11. LilBoo007

    Tidewater Virginia (Hampton)

    Wrightnow, how much have you lost so far? I'm doing good, staying on track diet wise... I'm almost in a size 4 now and feel fantastic!!
  12. LilBoo007

    If I was a millionair....

    How are you doing Mami ? Many people miss you! Including me!
  13. LilBoo007

    Body image

    So my husband and I noticed last night that my hips have slimmed down even more. Now they are smaller than my upper thigh! This really saddens me : ( I used to have an hourglass figure and now to me I look like a boy.... No curves!!! God... All of the things u feared would happen and hoped wouldn't seem to be taking place. Very disappointed.....
  14. My surgeon thinks I have a stricture or scar tissue at my anastomosis so I understand the feeling except my food is getting stuck going out of my pouch into my intestines and it hurts like hell for hours anytime I eat or drink. Good luck and hope you get resolution soon!
  15. LilBoo007

    Body image

    I have only recently realized that I have a nice body again... However looking at it in the mirror naked I say otherwise! Even with all my weight training my skin is saggy in my but, thighs, stomach and upper arms... And my boobs look like deflated balloons! It makes me wonder what my hubby sees attractive about me and why others think I look amazing! But in clothes you can't see all the imperfections and I look pretty damn good! I think it's a lot to get used to!
  16. LilBoo007

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Nepa u look amazing and almost unrecognizable!
  17. LilBoo007

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    @ Terry, I was a size 20-22W before surgery... Currently I am between a 4/6p.. I was very fortunate that family and friends along the way gave me a few clothes in the size I needed at the time. I won't lie, sometimes I only had a pair of pants and a few shirts but I survived!! When I got down to an 8 I reached out to my teeny sister and her daughter and said if u have any clothes u will be getting rid of please send them my way... Next I knew I had a closet and dresser full of clothes size med- xs.. Dresses, shirts, shorts, jackets!! I only needed to by jean in which I only bought 1 because I'm still loosing! So ask ur smaller friends, family and coworkers... They may surprise you!
  18. LilBoo007

    Think theres a problem

    I hope you get some healing soon too!!!
  19. LilBoo007

    Think theres a problem

    Ok sorry I s didn't reply yesterday, was totally swamped! So the Dr. said that my gallbladder is fine and all my labs look great... However there seems to be a problem with my pouch... Apparently when he does RNY he attaches the intestines at the base of the pouch as opposed to the middle as most Dr.s do, he feels that it makes it easy for gravity to empty the pouch when it is straight down.. So for some reason my pouch doesn't want to empty but when layed down it does start to empty only very very slowly.. He thinks its either a stricture or possibly scar tissue where the anastomosis is. I think I'm relaying this correctly! It gets confusing when they start telling you what's wrong where!! So I have to get a endoscopy and some other thing done on Oct 17th( his first available) and if its a stricture he said he can use a balloon to dilate it, and I can't remember what he said if he would have to do if it was scar tissue.. If it is a problem with the pouch he may have to go back in and fix whatever is wrong. So until then he put me on a med called carafate which also helps with ulcers incase that's part of the problem
  20. LilBoo007

    Weight question

    Are you at your goal weight yet? If not how much more do you have to loose before you reach your goal weight? Mamiof3 lost all her weight on 6 months and I have heard others have as well. I am 6 months post op but I still have 20lbs to loose.. I was told the closer to goal, your weightloss will slow down. At 5 months post op I was stalled for 4 weeks!!! But yes, I would suggest you up your protein and exercise also look at how much you are eating and adjust accordingly. If you aren't eating enough that can stall you as we'll.
  21. LilBoo007

    Tenderness on right side

    I'm dealing with the same thing! I will find out tomorrow what all my tests have revealed, let us know what your Dr. Says'
  22. LilBoo007

    7 months post op

    OMG !!!!! You look fantastic !! I am 6 1/2 months post op and still have 20lbs till I reach my goal... Wow you look great and I'm sure you feel great too !
  23. I'm doing pretty well !! As long as I stay on my meds I seem to do fine, if I miss a few days my headaches and other symptoms come back. But I can't complain since at least it's finally being well managed! How is everything going with you?
  24. LilBoo007

    Think theres a problem

    It has calmed down to some degree but still giving me problems. Had a upper GI series, KUB, blood work and right upper quadrant ultrasound done late Tuesday......Got a call this morning for me to come in tomorrow for him to discuss my results. So I will definitely let u know what he says.
  25. LilBoo007

    Updated Pictures!

    I feel u on the boobs!!! I went from a 40DD. Down to a 34D and dropping !! They are soo deflated and look horrible!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
