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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilBoo007

  1. LilBoo007

    Friday Weigh-In!

    I had this happen the whole 9 months of weightloss for me until I reached my goal weight... In the beginning I would loose 7-10lbs then stall for 2-3 weeks... Loose 7-10lbs... Stall for 2-3 weeks. This was how I lost my weight the entire time!!! When I wasn't loosing weight and stalling I was loosing inches!! Don't get discouraged ! When you get closer to your goal weight you will start loosing less at a time. I went from loosing 7-10lbs at a time down to 5-7 down to 3-5... As I got smaller the losses got smaller but in 9 months I went from 234lbs down to 120!! So it does work and your on the right path!! Have faith in your new tool!!!
  2. That's what the pb2 is its only 22.5 calories for 1 Tbsp. A lot less than actual peanut butter!
  3. LilBoo007

    Weight gain, help!

    Is it that time of the month?? My weight can go up as much as 6 lbs. right before my period.
  4. Isopure low carb Dutch chocolate protein, 1 cup fat free milk, 2 Tbsp pb2, 1/2 banana and a little ice all blended up !!!
  5. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    Tummy acting up so protein shake with pb2 and half a banana for me.
  6. LilBoo007

    I made it!

  7. LilBoo007

    Dr. Oz...oh puleeze

    Why bother watching... Every week it's something else you need to eat its all about what he can endorse that week!!! I don't believe any of the hoopla!!!!
  8. LilBoo007

    Friday Weigh-In!

    Hw 234 Sw 211 Cw 112 !!!
  9. LilBoo007

    one year surgery anniversary

    Congratulations!!! I'm very proud of you! I don't k ow your budget but you could always celebrate with a new shirt or pair of pants, if that's too much you could always just celebrate with your family without food or cake!!! Maybe take out a before and now pic to see how far you have come!!!
  10. LilBoo007


    I use a vape pen... Can't afford a valcano but wish I had one!! I don't make baked goods anymore that's why I drink the tea. Take 3 cups water 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 gram really finely ground herb and boil at least 30 minutes or longer then strain the water in cheesecloth. Then you can add your favorite tea or sometimes I use sugar free cocoa mix and a bit of creamer. The effects aren't immediate as its ingested but they last a long time. You must use the butter when you heat the water because if you don't have any fats in the water like butter or heavy cream then the THC has nothing to bond to and the whole attempt in in vain!
  11. LilBoo007

    Weight gain

    Was totally freaked out and my stomach was so distended it wasn't funny.. I cried for days.. That's why I told you don't worry about it that it will go away!!! But from everyone I have ever talked to they have all gained in the hospital and its very very normal!
  12. LilBoo007

    Weight gain

    @ meintraining.... It very normal to have those fears! I had those fears! I think lots of people do! I totally freaked with those 24lbs of fluid and I always thought I was a slow looser!! Now 11 months later going from 234-113 I can attest that even slow and steady will win the race.. I believe that if you follow your dr.s plan you WILL succeed with gastric bypass!!!
  13. LilBoo007


    I don't smoke, I vape or make tea. I'm worried about the smoke causing ulcers or what not especially since I already was diagnosed with an ulcer from H. Pylori 5 months ago.
  14. LilBoo007

    Weight gain

    When I came home from the hospital and weighed myself 4 days after surgery I was 24lbs. Heavier... Yes you read that correctly 24lbs!!!! It took a few weeks for it to come off. My surgeon said it was excess fluid and gas and that it was very normal after major surgery... Don't despair... It's very normal and 5lbs. is nothing to worry about!
  15. LilBoo007

    What ya eating tonight?

    Went to Joe's Crab Shack an had 2 Lobster claws and 2 king crab legs... It seemed like I ate a plate full of food... But nope just that!! It was heaven!! My hubby ate the rest!
  16. U look great!! At least 10 years younger !
  17. U look great!! At least 10 years younger !
  18. LilBoo007


    When I do I have 1 thing afterward... A single 3oz. cup of sugar free fat free pudding made with skim milk. If I want something after that my hubby can only give me tea or water.. That way I stay in control I my calories and good intake!!! I do not use mj recreationally it is medicinal. What I have found out is it is much easier than I expected to curb the cravings post RNY
  19. LilBoo007

    Uneven skin...ugh!

    I'm with you!! I set unrealistic goals for the "snap back" of my skin! I may not have been as heavy but at 234lbs on a 4'10" frame my bmi was close to 50. Yet I still thought I would have a Barbie body in the end... Boy was I dead wrong!!! At 11 months out I weigh 113lbs which is fantastic and while I look amazing in clothes, in a bathing suit, short sleeve shirt or naked in the mirror are totally the opposite in my opinion! I have been left with greatly toned upper arms with bat wings underneath, and ripply saggy inner thighs... I chalk this all up to the fact that those were the areas that I was the heaviest and that's why the didnt snap back... My butt looks great and so do my abs... I'm not giving up the fight though and maybe in more time they may tighten up to some degree, if not oh well... Life goes on!
  20. LilBoo007

    Help question about hunger

    It's not easy but you can and will do it!!! Day by day! Just make sure you have lots of support through the process! People to talk to! Trust me I had plenty of days that I cried even over food... But now its like a crazy ex boyfriend I thought I couldn't live without... That I finally learned I was better off without!!!
  21. LilBoo007

    Help question about hunger

    Oh those moments!!! Those times when you want to stuff your face with a big bowl of ice cream or devour a huge plate of pasta and garlic bread because you had a bad day at work or a fight with your hubby... Those are the times you will have to learn how to cope with the real problem and not cover it up with food!!! It's a real eye opener and when it happens a few iMessage your going to be like OMG I've been using food so I didn't have to feel these feelings but after you realize it you will feel soo much better and you will be on the road to a healhier and happier you!
  22. LilBoo007

    Help question about hunger

    I'm 11 months post op and just recently started to experience hunger for the first time and that's only if I accidentally skip a meal! I wouldn't be concerned about that, it's very rare that it happens. Usually it's head hunger or someone not knowing the difference between head hunger, thirst, and actual hunger.
  23. LilBoo007


    From what my dr. told me not sure if this is just with RNY or with any weight loss surgery but he said it can cause ulcers in your stomach and intestines.. Ironically I tried a few shots of vodka and some moonshine around 4 months post op and low and behold I got an ulcer.... I also had the H. Pylori bacteria in my stomach that can also cause ulcers so who knows?
  24. Where do you buy this? Is it yummy? Do u make it yourself like instant pudding or is it from the freezer section.. Give us details!!
  25. LilBoo007

    Spaghetti And Meatballs

    Another great option that is much healthier would be to try spaghetti squash. Cut it in half scoop out the seeds. Cook in shallow pan upside down with a bit if water until tender. Pull it away from skin with fork and it resembles spaghetti. Add sauce and Parmesan and taste really good!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
