My name is Terran. I am 21 and a wife and mother. I work full time and I love my job. The only part of my life that I have a problem with is my weight. I have a BMI of 45. My husband is also overweight but he decided to lose the weight on his own. I am very interested in the lap band procedure and I wanted to know more about it. I have went to seminars and I am in the process of working with my insurance and my primary care physician. I also found a wonderful surgeon. His name is William McAlexander and he now works at St. Bernard's in Jonesboro, Arkansas. I would like to know more about him if anyone has any information.
I am so excited to start this incredible journey and I want to be healthy for myself and my son. He is only 7 months old and I want to spend every minute with him having fun and playing and learning. I can't do that very well now, he crawls and is trying to walk and I just can't keep up with him very well. He is so fast and he is learning so quickly.
I know I will meet some wonderful people here and I wish you all the best.