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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Hey y'all :tongue_smilie: I've been repeating week 7 this week. I'm ready to move on to week 8 next week!! Nurse Niki - I was a lazy slug - I didn't exercise for the first 6 months. Not sure why - guess just scared of hurting something.
  2. wombat712

    Coming out of hiding...

    welcome back MusicalMomma!!!! I get "quiet" here sometimes too. I usually find that I'm not doing as well when I'm not on here reading! I also understand your fears :wub: First of all, you're beautiful!!!!!!!! You have done so well on your weight loss But alas, fears are not always rational. I have the same fear for my DH if he gets thin. He needs to lose about 45# at this point and I've become the sabotager (did I spell that right?) I guess I need to work through some of my own issues, huh? Anyway - you are not alone {{HUGS}} wombat
  3. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    woohoo BigBaby!!!!! You made 20 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm looking forward to my date with the treadmill in the morning Whosya!!! :wub: WOOOHOOOO!!!! Under 300 awesome awesome awesome! Mindy - glad to hear you are still working through the hip!!! We're not kicking you out You're the one that got me started on this!!!! (have I said thank you lately?!?!) Lulu - 7 # in 2 weeks!!!! OMG - sign me up. Oh wait, I don't like being yelled at - no boot camp for me
  4. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    you can do it BigBaby!!!!! I was super nervous too - it just seems so daunting!! But, oh what a thrill when you make it through it I'm still amazed at the progress we've all made!! Week 1 I thought I was going to die after 60 seconds (longest minute of my life). Now - week 7 running a whole stinkin 25 min!!!! I have said (my entire life) that I do NOT run - unless there's a bug or someone is after me (both are VERY important and equally dangerous!!!!) Look at us now!!!!!! I went to Six Flags today with the kids. I walked for 6 hours - no problem; no aches, nothing!! We even walked over to the restaurant rather than getting the car :embaressed_smile: And, I'm still up this late at night!!!! I'm repeating week 7 next week. I haven't felt great this week and I guess it's tightened up the band again. I haven't kept much down today except a couple of bites of eggs and a peanut butter cookie. Looks like it's going to be liquids for me for a bit to get things all sorted out.
  5. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    The hair does eventually grow back :embaressed_smile: I lost about 25% of the hair on top only. I have baby fine thin hair to begin with so it really was noticeable on me. But now, I have lovely 1 1/2 inch baby hairs standing up all over the top of my head no matter how hard I try to tame them :eek: :frown: :mad: And I wouldn't trade them for anything!!!! I look a little wooly and crazy at times but that's all right. 2bemeagain - have you gotten a fill under the fluroscope yet? My doc uses that about every other time. They put in how much they think they want to give me, make me drink the barium stuff and then watch how fast it goes through the band. They then either add some more or take some out. Can you request that? I have felt restriction at every fill; they just don't last long because of losing lose weight. WELCOME newbies!!! You are in my prayers! HUGS & PRAYERS for all of us! wombat
  6. wombat712

    low carbing it? come join me

    Ok - I have seriously tightened up again. The only thing that I've managed to keep in my stomach for more than 10 minutes was a couple of bites of eggs for Breakfast along with a few bites of grits; and a Peanut Butter cookie around 8:00pm. Looks like I need to do liquids for a couple of days and then come back to the LC way :embaressed_smile:
  7. wombat712

    How do you chew, chew, chew?

    The band will definitely teach you!! In the beginning I was terrified of "hurting" the band so I was extremely careful on bite size and chewing until it just disappeared from my mouth. Then, after awhile, I'd try bigger bites, try chewing less (bad, I know). Well once you get "restriction" you will know if you didn't chew enough. It can feel different at times; it's pressure in the chest or you can feel the food squeeeeeeezing through; or you get to the point where it's stuck and the inevitable PB is coming. Each fill requires you to go back to liquids and/or mushies (each doc is different on how long). Then you carefully introduce solids again to test out your new tightness. And, like everyone else - I sometimes get too hungry and take a big bite and don't chew well enough. I pay the price now when that happens. AZnikki - I wish you the absolute best on your banding tomorrow!!! :thumbup: Bea - your time will be here before you know it! Just keep reading LBT! wombat
  8. wombat712

    low carbing it? come join me

    How is it that no sooner than I commit to low-carb that I ended up at a Mexican restaurant for lunch?!??!!! :Dancing_shocked: Oh well - it's negated; I PB'd the lunch. Breakfast - 1 scrambled egg Lunch - didn't take dinner - couple of nachos from taco bell (almost didn't take) 2nd dinner - 1/2 Protein bar I will do better tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! I can't do much worse :thumbup:
  9. I didn't make it this time. Y'all are amazing :biggrin: On to the next goal ... lol Name...........Start........Current......Goal.......To Go Brandymom1234...200...........200........185.........15 Candle..........205...........195........197..........0 cQQlgirl........215...........210........205..........5 destiny79.......255...........245........240..........5 Foofy...........242.5.........240........234..........6 Jackie..........164...........160........157..........3 Jill............220...........213........210..........3 Jovi2673........217...........217........200.........17 KarenG .........189...........181........181..........0 kjl315..........227...........220........217..........3 kristin1031.....240...........230........225..........5 legster.........209...........204........196..........8 LessnLess.......164...........157........157..........0 Linda Lu........228...........217.2......215..........2.2 Longhorn........204...........195........195..........0 Mumof2boys......188...........188........175.........13 Marimaru........206...........202........195..........7 PhDiva..........208...........208........195.........13 Rainer..........251...........247........241..........6 Redtulips3......225...........217........215..........2 Renewedhope.....213...........206........199..........7 Sades...........201...........197........190..........7 Skinny_Jill.....186...........179........178..........1 Stacy73.........222...........219........212..........7 Sunny112........143...........143........135..........8 Suzzzie.........291...........291........280.........11 Valstar.........269...........265........260..........5 wombat712.......145...........141.8......135..........6.8 debihaines......254...........219........209.........10 4jin............225...........220........220..........0 Trixie..........241...........221........221..........0! Jennypoo........199...........193.5......194..........0!!!
  10. wombat712

    low carbing it? come join me

    Ok - I'm in as well :biggrin: I will start with my next meal but start posting tomorrow. I've only lost 2 stinkin pounds this past month #$@%$!!!! I'm with Mandyjo - my weight loss has come to a screeching slow down! LJM - where do you get the atkins caramel latte? Is it premade? Bring on the ketosis -I got loads of gum and mints !! :thumbup:
  11. wombat712

    Ideal Weight

    I'm 5'0; my personal goal is 120 which is 5 pounds less than the upper end range for my height. My doc says that's too low and wants me to go for 130. phhhht - what do they know lol However, I'm closing in on 140 and I'm starting to get pretty happy with how things are turning out. If I could chop off the excess tummy I would be ecstatic!!! Maybe the next 11 pounds will do that. Maybe doc was right after all. who knows. I know that I will not look like a model; I already have loose skin on my thighs, upper arms and my booty (wasn't prepared for that one lol) In a perfect world, I would have a tummy tuck and a breast lift and the rest could just stay as is. Even still - I feel like I look pretty good in my clothes and that is a huge accomplishment. I want to still be curvy. I am wayyyy to busty to try and get to 105 pounds (lower end for my height). I would topple over! I need to balance that out just a bit :biggrin: Either way, setting your goal is such a huge personal choice. We all have our ideas of what is perfect - Marilyn Monroe vs Angelina Jolie and all sizes inbetween. Ok - done rambling - sorry for all that :thumbup: wombat
  12. wombat712

    2nd thoughts

    I think the doubt is absolutely normal. I too feared that this would not work for me and I wanted it to sooooo badly. We have failed so many other times, why should this one be different? I LOVE my band and the life I have gotten back. I eat small amounts of whatever I want. I try to eat healthy most of the time but if I want Mexican food then I have it. Take a trip through the before and after pictures. It is so inspiring :biggrin: good luck to you!!!! wombat
  13. I used to be against puking in the worst way - hated it with a passion. However, things change :biggrin: My first episode I spent an hour in misery because I was trying to not throw up. It seems to me that it is more traumatic on the stomach than just getting the offending food out. I can now assume the position and empty my "little" tummy in a matter of minutes. It is NOT the same as throwing up - no acid and all of that. With that being said, occassionaly, a really good stuck will be a bit harder to deal with. Don't let the "PB's" keep you from getting banded. It's the bands way of teaching us lessons - chew more, don't eat that, take smaller bites etc.
  14. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Yea Captain Danbo!!!! Nothing like a good fill :biggrin: BigBaby - I seem to tighten up just before I'm going in for my next fill - I think I'm trying to psych myself out. I go anyway and so far it has always worked out well. Good luck on getting a GREAT fill! I drank 3 cups of water yesterday! I have got to get to the store for some things to drink!! I was a HUGE diet coke fanatic before banding. I gave up the sodas the week prior to surgery (to show my DH my commitment). If it's not coffee, I pretty much don't want it these days!
  15. wombat712

    On edge/ arguing w/ spouse....

    Newhope - you are not alone :thumbup: {{hugs}} I went through a particularly witchy stage myself. I took offense at everything!!!! As a "fat" person we are usually giving in to other peoples wishes, wants, putting everyone ahead of ourselves etc. All of a sudden, these things become unacceptable - I no longer wanted to tolerate certain treatment. Does that make sense? We get to reinvent ourselves or actually reacquaint ourselves with "who" we are!!! It's a beautiful (if not slightly witchy) process that takes some time. You will get through it and your DH will be soon fawning all over you with your success!
  16. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I royally suck at getting my water in!!! I drink about 2 cups of coffee a day; most days that's it for liquids. (I know - horrid, right?!?!) Sometimes I'll have maybe 1/2 cup of tea (the amount I can get in before my lunch arrives). Every now and then I'll actually get a cup of water or two. (maybe twice a week if I'm lucky) Suzzie - that diet cranberry/grape sounds delish!!! I'm going to get some and see if that helps. I used to drink a lot of lemonade by crystal lite and that gets old. BigBaby - the You'll be in Onederland before you know it!! I've been stuck forever and it's starting to move again. I really think it's your exercising! Are you clothes fitting differently? Even though I've only lost 2 pounds this month, I went down a size in clothes!!!!!! I can also feel the muscle tone in my legs from all this jogging!
  17. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Melissa - I will be praying for you :mad2: May God's will be done! All you need to do is come on here, read, and post. No rules - well I'm sure there are about language and attacking others etc - but that's not an issue on this thread! Hugs and Prayers for all of God's children!! wombat
  18. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    I didn't run this weekend - instead I shopped for 6 hours :mad2: That burned wayyyy more calories!!!! I'm repeating week 7 this week; it's spring break and vacation time as well. We're doing Six Flaggs later this week so that's another 6-8 hours of walking and a day at the museums. But, I will be ready to go with week 8 next week!! I hope you all have a great spring break!! wombat
  19. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    lol whosya - James Bond - hehehe - my DH would be a major fan of you :thumbup: OK - curiosity satisfied :ohmy: Yea Mindy!!!! That's sure easin' into it :blushing: Hope everything feels all right! wombat
  20. wombat712

    Spivak Port Placement

    I didn't ask about where it would be and what type of port - at the time I didn't know there were other options. My port is about 1 inch below my bra line. It was a little irritating early on because I was 40DD, I'm now a 36DD and it doesn't bother me at all. I can feel my port when I bend in certain ways or during "fun time" with my DH because it apparently pops against my ribs - not painful just a little funky the first time. I have lost almost 64 pounds and my port does not stick out at all. I've gone from an 18-20 to a current size 8.
  21. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    welcome Antsmith!!!! You are doing great in just 3 weeks!! That is totally awesome :biggrin: Whosya - amazing :smile: You get in all your exercise and can lose weight with all that travel!! Yep - definitley our Rock Star!!! I only travel twice a year when I'm training groups at our other branches and I think I eat worse then than the entire year!! Curiosity is going to kill me (or the cat) - what do you do for a living that sends you out travelling so much?
  22. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Yea Mindy - At least it's fixable!!!!! Walking at the zoo is definitely a work out :w00t: I'm trying to do yoga on off days too. I get into those stinkin poses and they tell me to remember to breathe!!!! Like I can in that position :smile2: CONGRATS Texgirly!!!!!! Woohooo to being in Bandland :thumbup::w00t: whosya - 10K? You're a machine lol It's going to take me a while to make it the full 5K. I'm a shortie - my 25 run (with warmup and cool down) logs 2.5 miles. I'm going to have to keep upping my time and/or speed to make a 5K!
  23. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Week 7 - Day 2 Felt harder than it did on Tuesday. But, I made it through :smile2: I'm not as achy afterwards this time (YEA)
  24. wombat712

    do you remember when

    Me too. I want to tell every overweight person I see how wonderful the lap band is - but I don't. I now understand how my skinny friends could obsess about their 1/2 inch of fat or 5 pounds. All I seem to focus on is the negative aspects - the droopy tummy, pockets of fat here and there and so on. In reality I'm very happy with my size other than my tummy. If I could chop it off with a tummy tuck I would be content. But, I can't - so that means more exercise and diet. This is an amazing journey and one that I am so grateful to be on! wombat
  25. lol - I don't think she would admit that at all. She has had a much harder life than me (two messy divorces and now on to her 3rd marriage). It shows in her face and everyone else does not believe we are the same age.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
