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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. Wow - I guess all I can say is that I'm grateful not to have gone through all of that! I didn't even do a psych eval nor did I meet with a nutritionist. I was self-pay so I wonder if that had something to do with it? I was banded in Houston TX.
  2. wombat712

    Where Are You???

    I'm just over a month since my surgery. I'm down almost 20 pounds. I'm a little frustrated that I haven't lost any weight in the last week. I got my fill and can finally eat solid foods but now I'm not losing weight :-( I've been too tired to try and exercise but I'm guessing I'm going to have to suck it up and do it anyway. I just don't like to sweat :0) I don't want to ruin my make up or have to redo my hair. (I know - pathetic excuses) Even as it is, I love my band and only wish I could have done this sooner. My 20 pounds shows and people are noticing (even my kids and they wouldn't see an elephant walk by (no puns/jokes intended)). Good luck to everyone! It feels so good to finally be going in the right direction!!
  3. wombat712

    IRL Support?

    ktkt I thought about trying to schedule around a meeting. They only do the support thing on the weekend. And then they only do fills Tuesday-Thursday. No great way to get all that together. One of the guys I work with, his wife had this done about a month before me. I check in with him to see how she's doing and ask lots of questions. We've gotten together for lunch and talked about it as well. So maybe that's my mini support group :0)
  4. wombat712

    IRL Support?

    I haven't done this. My doc is 5 hours away so I can't attend his support groups that he hosts. I considered looking around my area for a group but not so sure I would like that. I'm pretty shy so I don't think discussing how large I am is going to help that :0) My DH and BFs are really supportive of me during all of this so I'm not feeling lost. And of course, I read on this forum all the time.
  5. wombat712

    Bandster Heaven?

    Sherilynn: You lost a WHOLE Nicole Richie!!!!!!!! That is too funny :0) lol
  6. I filled out tons of paperwork about my history. The doc looked it over. Anything that concerns him he will want to talk about. Depending on your health history, he may ask for more tests before approving you for surgery. I had a history with my stomach that my doc sent me for a review with my gasteroenterologist. Once he ok'd me and sent the stuff to my lap-band doc all was well and I was scheduled after that. Good luck on getting through these last hurdles!
  7. I love my band!! I have had my first fill last week. I eat very little before I am just stuffed. I get ravenously hungry but then eat 1/2 to 3/4 cup of food. I generally only eat my 3 meals a day. Every so often I will have one cracker w/ Peanut Butter as a snack inbetween if I know it's going to be a late dinner/lunch. (I can be full for 2 hours on that cracker). Zengirl - I was concerned about not getting enough restriction. I have to drive 5 hours to see my doctor so I let them know that I wasn't about to turn around next week and come back if they didn't get it right. They gave me an omnipack(Sp?). They didn't use the usual saline because it can leak out. The other stuff was much thicker and so far is working great. I did have to sign some form to get it though. Good luck on getting your next fill!
  8. wombat712

    2nd Fill

    My doc had me go to mushies for the day of the fill and the following day. I'm back on solids as of yesterday and it feels great to have meat again! I definitely stay full longer with the solid food.
  9. wombat712

    I feel like such a failure!

    Musicalmomma - I understand how you feel!! I get my first fill tomorrow and I can't wait! I have been sooooo hungry this last week trying to stay in my portion limits. I know it's not about losing weight but healing but doggone I want to lose some weight!! Especially if I'm going to suffer :0) You should not feel like a failure!! This is why they call this time "Bandster Hell" because we're hungry, frustrated, and can eat just about anything! We will get used to our new tummies but it's going to take some time 'till we get this all down :0) Good luck and let us know how your fill goes!
  10. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    I went to tickerfactory.com. It walks you through setting one up. Then I copied the link and pasted it into my signature section on LBT. Hope this helps (it took me a while to figure it out) :0)
  11. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    Please add me!! My date is 06/25 :-)
  12. wombat712

    4 weeks out and im HUNGRY!

    <p><p>I hear you and I'm in the same boat!! I get my fill next week and I can't wait! I hear the messages about eating protein but all I'm allowed is eggs and fish. I'm getting extremely tired of both so it's getting hard to get in my protein! I'm going for a treat today and getting a smoothie for lunch where I can add in the protein; I just couldn't face any more tuna fish </p> <p>:0)</p></p>
  13. I'm three weeks out. Part of it is just sheer will power. I'm self pay and I HAVE to make this work for me. Even though I've been hungry I have not eaten more than the quantities they recommended. I never eat on a full size plate. I use the desert plate so that I control my portions and it looks like more. I have had tiny tiny tastes of things I shouldn't have if I can't resist. I was a diet coke-aholic and have been for 20 years. I had my first tiny sip this past weekend and it wasn't as good as I thought. Kindof like when I quit smoking, later when I tried just a little it wasn't the same. My only hope is that I get to the "sweet spot" soon and know that this band will keep me from over eating. I try to stop eating when I'm satisfied rather than full because it's uncomfortable; and i'm really scared of hurting my new tummy!! Good luck!!!
  14. wombat712

    difficulties with fills

    I go for my first fill next week. I've been so excited to be off my reflux medicine since my procedure. I'll keep it in stock for when I get the fill in case that comes back!
  15. wombat712

    What Triggered You?

    I could just no longer take the weight anymore. I gained 50 pounds when I had my tonsils removed 20 years ago. I gained another 20 pounds for having children (worth it :0) ). I gained another 20 pounds when I quit smoking and then I gained 30 pounds due to medications in just the last year. I desperately needed help getting the weight off. I could do short term diets and have some small success but nothing long term. I went to my seminar and had the surgery 2 weeks later since I was self pay. I had everything ready to go before I ever went to the seminar. I would have had the surgery a week earlier but my Dear Hubby decided to start chatting with the doc and mentioned a precedure I had done but he couldn't remember the name - so the doc supplied the name and my hubby agreed. That required me to go visit my old surgeon for evaluation. I have left my dear hubby in the waiting room since that incident :0)
  16. wombat712

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    ARD - this is what scares me! I have to drive 5 hours to see my doctor down in Houston. I can't turn around and go back if there's an issue the next day. My fills are all included in the price for the first year so I certainly want to use my same doctor that did the surgery. I'm hoping since I'm an out-of-towner that he'll not be too conservative on the fill but also spend some time to see how "it takes".
  17. wombat712

    First Fill

    I'm still getting used to this message board thing. I was banded 06/25 and I get my fill next week at 4 weeks post op. I've been allowed mushies since the second day but I stayed on liquids for the first week because it was more comfortable. I can't say that I feel any restriction but I force myself to use a small salad plate for all of my meals and I only eat how much they tell me. I have gotten hungry inbetween if I didn't get any Protein. I'm only allowed eggs and fish :-( I really would like some meat!! It makes it very hard to eat with my family when I have such a strong restriction on my diet. I've lost 15 pounds and was hoping to have lost 20 by my fill. I'm not sure that's going to happen. I'm very dizzy these days; not sure if it's lack of food, blood pressure, blood sugar, or just an inner ear issue. I've been reading that people aren't feeling restricted until their 3rd fill - is that correct?!?! My doc does use the flouroscopy so I'm hoping for more accurate fills. I have to drive 5 hours to see my doc in Houston so I certainly don't want to be going back very often. Best of luck everyone getting to our first fills!! Gen
  18. wombat712

    Soon to be Bandster

    I was considering Mexico for mine. Tijuana was out of the question but there was some nice ones in Cancun. Their price was 9,000 but it didn't include fills and the cost of travel. By the time I added up all the post operation costs, for an extra 1,000 I could have it done in Houston. I used Dr. Spivak and paid $13,000 which includes my first years fills. A fill locally is a minimum of $250 so I buy a tank of gas and drive to Houston from Dallas.
  19. Melissa, I wish you the absolute best of luck getting approved! I've been banded for 14 days and I've lost almost 14 pounds so far. I love it!!!!!!! I live in your area (so I'm drowning too!) but I got mine done down in Houston to save money. My insurance doesn't cover weight loss in any shape or form for any reason.
  20. wombat712


    Each doctor is definitely different! I did tons of research before mine and I thought I knew what to expect. I was told to be on liquids for two days and then mushie after that with fish being allowed. I have to stay on this mushie and fish for four weeks until my fill. I'm automatically getting a fill rather than waiting and seeing how it goes. I think I need it at this point so it's not really an issue. Good luck to you! Most of the nurses at my docs office have had this done so when I call I want to talk to them anyway. They know what we're going through :0)
  21. Hello all!! I've been banded for just over two weeks and am elated with my results so far. I got mine done in Houston by Dr. Spivak for $13,000. I don't live in Houston, but in Dallas and I will travel down for the day for my fills. Even with the price of gas it's still better for me to drive to Houston for my free fills rather than pay a local doctor to do a fill. I've currently lost 13 pounds and am hoping to reach at least 20 pounds when I go in for my fill in two weeks. Good luck to everyone and God Bless!
  22. wombat712

    Just been Banded 06/25/07

    I was definitely more sore than "200 situps" as the doctor described it! That's a nice little fib they used. I had two children by c-section so I'm thinking this is a piece of cake. Also, I went back to work after 2 days. NOT SMART! After an extra day it was more tolerable but I should have taken the week off. My only issue is that I feel the port when I move. Is this normal? I feel it tugging inside when I twist and it smarts. It's getting better and I don't feel it all the time now except when I do too much. Good luck to you as well and thanks for the encouragement!
  23. I think once you have the surgery it helps you chew. I was scared that I would hurt something so I am now an avid chewer. I can't do 30 though. I go for 20 unless I've hit absolute mush before then. I'm still getting used to no liquids. As soon as I take the last bite, I'm looking at my watch to find out what time I can drink again :-)
  24. My doc was very business like in providing all the facts for both the band and the bypass. But, then I met with him personally, and he suggested the bypass when I told him I wanted the band. Since he's all about the numbers the average is only 50% success with the band. I refused the bypass; it's just to invasive for me and I'd like to keep all my parts together (thank you very much). He did not push it further. From what I've researched, to make the band work you have to do the work as well. It's not as easy as getting the bypass. Hopefully with changing my mind as well as my body, this will stick!! Good luck!
  25. wombat712

    Heart burn, and port pain

    I have not had any heartburn since I had the band put in. I haven't taken any medicine either. Usually after two days without my Aciphex I would be in misery. I'm elated that it can do that. I've had heartburn for 14 years. I hope y'alls gets better!

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