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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    How many days before going back to work?

    I was banded on Monday afternoon and went back to work on Wednesday. Big mistake for me :0) I sit at my desk most of the time but of course that day was entirely different. I was miserable. I worked the next day at it was somewhat better. I didn't have to have painkillers on a regular basis. Give yourself the time if you can!
  2. wombat712

    I Got Approved!!

    Congratulations!! It's the best decision I ever made and I wish you the best with your new band! Hugs :0)
  3. wombat712

    Dr. Spivak's patients .....

    I received a check from the hospital for over $2,000. It was a mistake when I called them and I took it to them when I went for my first fill. I never cashed it all. Now I'm getting a bill for that exact same amount. I was self-pay as well. Seems like they do enough of these that this wouldn't be an issue.
  4. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    LADYHR that was the feeling I had after my first fill. I loved it because I really ate very little - maybe 1/2 or 3/4 total food at a meal and I was stuffed for hours! I couldn't even be tempted with ice cream because I was so full. Sadly - that feeling is gone; I go for my second fill in 3 days. I would like for that to be my permanent state of eating - to me that would be the sweet spot I'm looking for.
  5. wombat712

    Happy in Texas

    I'm right there with you Texas Flower!! I'm from McKinney but I had my procedure done in Houston. I love my band and I finally have the hope that it's going to happen this time!! Congrats on your weight loss!
  6. wombat712

    Picking Goal??

    OHJuli - I agree! I cannot imagine only weighing 100 pounds. My husband would kill me!! He does not want a bony skinny wife; he wants there to still be some curves and softness and I can say at 100 pounds - there wouldn't be any!! In my head I'm liking the idea of 120 even if it is almost overweight for my height. I think my true test is just how I feel and how I look; if I'm happy at 140 then so be it!!
  7. wombat712

    Shortie Porties--Banders that are short!

    I am 5'0''. (and praying I don't shrink w/ age). I am now taller than both my mom and my grandmother and they were both taller than me by a couple of inches. I am a classic apple shape. Not fun - and it takes forever to go down a size when most of the weight is in the tummy area. I wonder if I will look taller when I'm not as wide!!
  8. wombat712

    Picking Goal??

    My goal is in the middle of what is considered healthy for my height. I am only 5'0''. I could weigh as little as 95 (Not gonna happen) or as much as 125. I'm a little older now so I'm aiming for 120. I do not want to be sticks and bones - and my husband doesn't want me to be either. Some things should just still be soft :0)
  9. My co-worker was obsessed by 5 pounds; and she would find a tiny spot on her side and pinch it and talk about how disgusting it was. (She was a size 4-6) If that's so disgusting - what do you think when you look at me?
  10. wombat712

    scared to eat????

    Absolutely! I was terrified of hurting my band! I think we all have that fear at various stages :0) Just go slow and chew a lot; wait between bites to make sure all is well. The fear subsides a bit but any new food usually makes you stop and think about if it's going to work or not. I have not PB'd or slimed since I got banded. I'm sure someday it will happen but I do try to be very careful. Congratulations on getting banded! Hugs
  11. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I have the omnipak in me. It's a thicker solution so it won't evaporate out. I live 5 hours away from my doc so I told them I couldn't be coming back every couple of weeks. I had to sign a waiver for it though.
  12. wombat712

    Pills and Supplements

    My friend is taking Alli. It was very difficult in the beginning for her to maintain control of her bodily functions due to the effects of those pills. She has described what it does in gross detail so I'm not sure that I'd like to spend my day in the potty. It gets really bad if you eat anything with more than 15 grams of fat. Well that's just about everything that isn't a healthy choice :0)
  13. wombat712

    Dr. Spivak's patients .....

    I'm there with you mommihammi!! I've learned to chew very well - until mush and it just jumps down my throat. Problem is that I think I can eat too much. With it chewed up that well it doesn't stay in my pouch. I don't actually feel full when I eat. I just try (key word) to stop eating after I think I've had enough. I eat with the small plate and now the small fork too. I guess I haven't gotten to the point of when to stop when I'm satisfied rather than full. I wonder if I need a fill? I can't go until September because of our schedules - and the fact that I'm up in Dallas so it's not a quick trip :0) Good luck to you all on finding that sweet spot!!
  14. wombat712

    Pills and Supplements

    I take a vitamin that is for dieters. It's the one-a-day weight smart. It doesn't suppress the appetite nor does it try to boost the metabolism. It gives extra vitamins and minerals needed to help get our food converted to fuel since we have lowered our caloric intake. I've only been on them for a couple of days. BTW - they are huge pills. I split them into four pieces to swallow them.
  15. wombat712

    Would you do it again?

    Heck yeah!!! I'm self pay and I only wish this had been around 10 years ago!!! I have not PB'd or slimed since getting it done. I think I could use another fill since I don't actually feel restriction when I eat. But, I'm still losing weight - sometimes daily the scales are going down. So for now I'll wait until I stop losing again before my next fill. I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!
  16. My doc told me between 600-800 calories and to get a minimum of 45g of Protein. I track everything on fitday.com now. I spent two weeks after my first fill with no weight loss; and tht was frustrating. I finally get to eat real food and I don't lose weight?!?! I went to fitday.com and plugged in my food and found out why. I was still under 1000 calories but 1/2 of that was from fat. I just wasn't making good choices. I aim for 600 and am ok as long as I don't go over 800. I too wonder if this is really enough food. I get real hungry by the next meal but don't feel week or tired any more. How do you calculate your basal metabolic rate? I know my metabolism is dead :0(
  17. wombat712

    Hair Loss........omg!

    Mine is still intact but it's only been 1 1/2 months. I have thinning hair already due to medications so I'm a little concerned with this thread as well. But, if all else fails, I will get a wig (and probably some valium! JK). I am encouraged that people are saying it will come back. I went yesterday and got the One-a-day Weight Loss Vitamins. It's supposed to help with the effects of eating less calories and help our bodies convert food to fuel. I also try to make sure that I get ALL my Protein to help with this issue. Don't be scared AZQUEEN. Even if my hair falls out, I would say this is still worth it!!
  18. wombat712

    How Do you Know when your full?

    I think a lot of us get signals other than the full feeling. I sigh or burp just before I've had too much. I stop when either of those occurs. Usually within about 5-10 minutes I actually feel full. If I ignore it and take 1-2 more bites then I am miserable!!
  19. wombat712

    Girls Only.... Periods?!?!?!?!

    I haven't had an issue in this area. I did however have severe dryness issues that I have never had before. I think that was in part to being really dehydrated because I was horrible at drinking Water. I'm much better at that now and have no longer had any issues. Hope all is well! Hugs
  20. wombat712

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Oh, there's no denial now after reading a lot of these postings. I have been overweight my entire life. My grandmother showed love be feeding/cooking for us. If we didn't eat enough she would get really mad and slam stuff around, which really scared me as a child. Well with all her good ole southern cooking I get overweight. Then they decide I'm overweight and only feed me boiled eggs and salad for three months. Of course I lost weight -but I really resented it!!! Also, my grandmother is not a small woman and she never has been. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!! HOW RUDE!! My mom and my dad were both overweight as well. So without blaming anyone else, I LOVE food!!! I love to celebrate with food. I love to console myself with food. I think about the next meal even while I'm still eating the current one. I've noticed that I ask my kids what did they eat for lunch!! I'm trying very hard now to change all of these habits with the band so that my children stand a chance. My son needs to lose about 20 pounds (he's already lost 20 in the last couple of months) and my daughter is at a good weight. My husband is overweight as well, only 40 pounds or so. He likes to tell me what I can't eat and why and that I shouldn't have this or that. I'm getting a little annoyed at that as well - clearly while he says it around a mouthful of peanut butter & jelly sandwhich or cake!! I am so grateful for my band and for this change in my life! Hugs for everyone on this journey :0)
  21. wombat712

    I start the process today!!!

    Congrats Wendy!!!! I had all my forms and printouts that I could possible get when I went as well. I wasn't doing insurance so I got approved and ready for surgery three weeks later. Talk about fast - at least I never got on the fence about changing my mind. By the time I went to the seminar I knew I was committed!
  22. wombat712

    OMG...So Nervous!!!

    Congrats!! I used Spivak as well and am really happy with my band. I drive 5 hours to go see him for fills since I live north of Dallas, but I think he's worth it. I researched lots of docs before hand and I liked him the best for the distance I was willing to travel. The staff there are great and so helpful. I call when I have concerns or questions (and I use LBT a LOT). Hugs!
  23. butterfly, My pre-op moved very fast because I was self pay. If I hadn't required one opinion from one of my doctors then I would have had my consult, and surgery the very next week. As it was, I had to wait an extra week and 1/2 before I got it done. I know that insurance does not move that fast at all. My company blocks any weight loss procedures from our policies, period, not exceptions, no co-morbidities. Medical loans are easier to get than regular loans, which is what we got. There's links on most doctor's websites about it and the doc you are looking at may already have some deals set up with a provider. I never rec'd the money - it went straight to my doctor and he paid everyone out of that (including himself). Congratulations on starting your journey!! Hugs
  24. I had a considerable difference between the two; at least a full cup size. I've lost 22 pounds now and the visual difference is becoming much less. When I was in high school it wasn't noticeable through clothing back when I was thin. I'm certain I will need a lift and pretty sure I'm going to want a tuck (more than a need on that one). DH is just looking at $$ and says I'm perfect the way I am :0) I'm really hoping he'll want a new motocycle around that time and I can work a deal!!
  25. wombat712

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    I know that I can eat whatever I want (that will stay down) but I choose to make healthier choices (most of the time). If I'm only going to get these tiny portions, then I need to make sure my body is getting nourishment. I have really gotten addicted to Fitday.com to check all of my nutrients for the day along with my ratio of protein/carb/fat. Sure there are days that I have queso or a taco or the forbidden ice cream. I loved salad and chicken before the band, it just wasn't doing any good as far as weight loss. Now, I can lose 1-2 pounds a week eating the same things but far less. Hugs!

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