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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Amen to all of the above!! I prayed about my surgery before hand. I needed to lose this weight and I've been heavy since I was 21 and it got much worse after my first child at 23. My pastor was all for it as well as everyone in my family. (Even Grandma which really surprised me). I read the book a few years ago called The Living Vine. It talked about being pruned to get junk out of our way that was interfering with our Christian lives. It wasn't sin, just not beneficial to us. The pruning felt just like conviction but there was no sin. I used to spend HOURS on the computer playing games and that was the first thing God pruned me of. I consider the lap-band God's way of pruning food out of my life. It will no longer control me or have power over me. Hugs & Prayers to everyone! Geneva :biggrin1:
  2. wombat712

    What's in a Name

    Hello all - I'm wombat712. Or, Geneva. I got the wombat from my honeymoon to Australia. Since then my husband calls me his little wombat. And, 712 is my wedding anniversary. I've used this online for 16 years now Geneva
  3. wombat712

    Christian Bandsters

    Hi Snappy! This thread doesn't seem to get used much any more. I found it a couple of weeks ago and started trying to read through it. It got kindof ugly in the beginning of the thread so I quit reading. Wombat <><
  4. wombat712

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    How would you get in your protein on that plan? I'm with Spivak too and I never heard this. I can't go to any of the support meetings so I don't know if it came from that. I do know that I definitely eat more than 1/4cup of food
  5. wombat712

    Any Regrets?

    Absolutely no regrets!! I only wish I could have done this years ago :0)
  6. WASABB - your success has just been amazing and you truly are an inspiration to me! I'm a shortie (5'0") and I want to hit my ideal weight by 6/25 on my bandanniversary. I would like to ask you what you would eat in a day to stay within 600 calories. I'm having a real hard time staying that low and your success has inspired me to try! Can you give me some examples? I tried to find your thread about hitting your goal and couldn't. I'm a little challenged at using these boards! Thanks you so much!! Everyone on here ROCKS!!:rockon: wombat
  7. wombat712

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    Name...Challenge Start Wt...Current Wt...Challenge Goal...To Go Huntersmom...... 174........... 172....... 159............ 13 SWEETY.......... 202........... 195....... 180............ 15 MJsafari........ 268........... 248....... 238............ 10 captdanbo....... 211........... 177....... 185............ -8 PaulaD.......... 216........... 216....... 199............ 17 Stefanie42467... 206........... 200....... 175............ 25 Suzzzie......... 349........... 334....... 320............ 14 glindab......... 277........... 269....... 250............ 19 MM.............. 242........... 227.2..... 218........... 9.2 finallythin..... 254........... 254....... 225............ 29 BeckieT......... 259........... 252....... 239............ 13 Miscontext...... 303........... 303....... 275............ 28 ja9va........... 207........... 199....... 182............ 20 wombat712....... 180........... 170....... 165............ 5 Texasmom5573.... 252........... 252....... 230............ 22 Waters.......... 214........... 213....... 190............ 24 lessnless....... 206........... 191.2..... 179.......... 12.2 MissDarlene..... 223........... 223....... 195............ 28 o2bthin..........238........... 233....... 215............ 18 insubordination..300........... 288....... 283.............05 Holliwagz........325........... 315....... 295.............20 cc...............202............194....... 190..............4 Texasmom5573.... 252........... 246....... 230............ 16 Grace........... 173........... 169....... 165............ 4 It's getting closer!! I haven't been below 170 in 15 years!!!!!!! :bounce:
  8. wombat712

    Anyone Else 5'1-5'2"??

    My goal is 120 but I may stop before then. I have asked my husband to let me know if he thinks I'm getting too small. I don't have unrealistic expectations of looking perfect naked - I'm almost 40 and have 2 kids - that's not gonna happen :rolleyes I want to look and feel good in my clothes and for my husband to really appreciate the new me. He's unbelievably happy with the current results so I don't expect to get below a 6 before he cries stop. My weight range is 95-125 and I chose the upper end :0) And, as most goals - they are flexible :heh: wombat
  9. wombat712

    WASABB - I need your help & guidance!

    You are awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing :bounce: Wombat
  10. wombat712

    Anyone Else 5'1-5'2"??

    Oh and I LOVE the Bitten line by Sara Jessica Parker at Steve & Barry's. The boyfriend jeans are fabulous and only $14.99!
  11. wombat712

    Anyone Else 5'1-5'2"??

    I'm 5'0". I am an apple shape so I hold most of my weight in my tummy. I think that's where most of the size differences are coming in. At 206 I was a snug 18. At 185 I was a comfortable 16. At 170 I am in a snug 14. It also seems that as you get smaller, it takes less pounds to go down a size. I haven't been in a 12 since before my son was born 14 years ago!!! OMG I'm going to cry when that day gets here! :cry Wombat
  12. Ghost you look fantastic!!! I hope you are feeling better soon :0)
  13. I think we waited about 3 weeks. Once I was able to lay on my side and my stomach then I felt like I was ready to resume other activities :-D
  14. Ghost I am soooo happy for you!!!!!:whoo: I know you are going to look fabulous and I can't wait to see the pics! I'm contemplating PS in the future (breast lift and TT); it scares me a little (a lot) and it is so helpful to see your jouney and some of the others that have shared too (JulieNYC and Spyder). I was nevous enough posting 3mo. pics much less sharing to this extent; I do appreciate it - you all are SOOO awesome!!!! :clap2:
  15. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Huntersmom - do you have a link to those cute bracelets you found? I've been thinking about that and I feel like I need to have some sort of identifier for doctors. Thanks! Have a FABULOUS Day y'all!
  16. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    The clothes thing is going to drive me crazy! I'm going to be naked soon!! I only have two pairs of pants that don't fall off and I've got about 5 shirts. I've undergrown all my shorts and winter clothes. YIKES!! I need a raise :0) I moved a year ago and I just chucked absolutely everything that I wasn't wearing (couldn't wear). I can't complain too much though - I'm down two sizes!!!:whoo: Congrats Suzzie on your size changes!! Can't wait to see your ticker move!
  17. wombat712

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    Name...Challenge Start Wt...Current Wt...Challenge Goal...To Go Huntersmom...... 174........... 172....... 159............ 13 SWEETY.......... 202........... 195....... 180............ 15 MJsafari........ 268........... 252....... 238............ 14 captdanbo....... 211........... 211....... 185............ 26 PaulaD.......... 216........... 216....... 199............ 17 Stefanie42467... 206........... 200....... 175............ 25 Suzzzie......... 349........... 337....... 320............ 17 glindab......... 277........... 269....... 250............ 19 MM.............. 242........... 227.2..... 218............9.2 finallythin..... 254........... 254....... 225............ 29 BeckieT......... 259........... 259....... 239............ 20 Miscontext...... 303........... 303....... 275............ 28 ja9va........... 207........... 199....... 182............ 20 wombat712....... 180........... 171.6..... 165........... 6.6 Texasmom5573.... 252........... 252....... 230............ 22 Waters.......... 214........... 213....... 190............ 24 lessnless....... 206 .......... 191.2..... 179 ........... 12.2 MissDarlene..... 223........... 223....... 195............ 28 o2bthin..........238........... 233....... 215............ 18 insubordination..300........... 288....... 283.............5 Holliwagz........325........... 315....... 295.............20 cc...............202............200........190.... ........10 Texasmom5573.... 252........... 246....... 230............ 16 I couldn't help updating; it's the first I've lost in over a week and 1/2 thanks to TOM.
  18. wombat712

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    :whoo: wow Insub!!! Congrats on the big jump!!!!!!!
  19. wombat712

    I've lost my manners

    Y'all are sooo funny. I think my co-workers are looking at me like I'm crazy because I'm in my office laughing (alone!) :Banane30: I have only been tight enough to get stuck once and that was while I was getting the fill (applesauce wouldn't go down) - I thought I was going to drown in my own spit. I spit food into paper napkins when I know it's not going to go down well and I'm a burpin' fool now! Yea Band!!:heh:
  20. wombat712

    Newbie from Texas

    Welcome everyone!! I'm a Texas girl too. I'm from McKinney (North of Dallas). I love my band and I hope y'all will too Go to www. tickerfactory.com (I'm not creating a link because it keeps changing to something about conceiving ) to set up a ticker. It walks you through it. Then just paste it into your signature. You can get to your signature by clicking on UserCP at the top of the page. Hope this helps (took me a while to get it figured out in the beginning) :0) Wombat712
  21. wombat712

    I made it to goal....pictures =)

    Ohh you look so fabulous!!! I'm 5'0" and I can't wait to get there. Oh such hope... Thank you for sharing your pics!!
  22. wombat712

    What's with these sounds?

    Bring on the gurgle :0) That's how I know I have restriction!
  23. wombat712

    3 Month Pictures

    OMG I really don't like the idea of posting pictures!!! When I see a picture, all the progress I've made seems to have disappeared! :faint: I can't figure out how to paste them in, so I've attached them in a word.doc. (PLEASE be kind!!) :think Geneva Doc2.doc
  24. wombat712

    Weight Challenge: Labor Day to Thanksgiving

    Name...Challenge Start Wt...Current Wt...Challenge Goal...To Go Huntersmom...... 174........... 172....... 159............ 13 SWEETY.......... 202........... 198....... 180............ 18 MJsafari........ 268........... 258....... 238............ 20 captdanbo....... 211........... 211....... 185............ 26 PaulaD.......... 216........... 216....... 199............ 17 Stefanie42467... 206........... 201....... 175............ 26 Suzzzie......... 349........... 337....... 320............ 17 glindab......... 277........... 269....... 250............ 19 MM.............. 242........... 231.4..... 218...........13.4 finallythin..... 254........... 254....... 225............ 29 BeckieT......... 259........... 259....... 239............ 20 Miscontext...... 303........... 303....... 275............ 28 ja9va........... 207........... 199....... 182............ 20 wombat712....... 180........... 172.4..... 165........... 7.4 Texasmom5573.... 252........... 252....... 230............ 22 Waters.......... 214........... 213....... 190............ 24 lessnless....... 206........... 195....... 179............ 16 MissDarlene..... 223........... 223....... 195............ 28 o2bthin..........238........... 233....... 215............ 18 insubordination..300........... 296.5..... 283...........13.5 Holliwagz........325........... 315....... 295.............20 cc...............202............200........190.... ........10 OMG! I might actually make my goal! :0):faint:
  25. That's so disappointing. I was hoping to go to Steve & Barrys to find some clothes cheaply! I can't afford to replace my wardrobe with expensive clothes as many times as it's gonna take until I get to goal. I told my friend that she's going to get tired of seeing my same 7 outfits every week!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
