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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. Cerrin - I think you can absolutely do it with the band to help you!! I have never lost more than 20 pounds at any diet. I'd be rich if I had all the money I have spent on this gimic, that fad, this workout, etc. Good luck to you!! wombat
  2. What happened to all my wonderful restriction? :faint:I've had 4 stinkin' fills already and I want to just scream ... or cry ... or something :rolleyes I gained a pound, lost a pound, played with 1/2 pound up and down and now .... I'm down a whopping 0.2 pounds Name ..... start wgt .... current wgt ...goal .... To go Dakota1984 ..... 246 ....... 242 ....... 234 ..... 8 MJSafari ....... 237 ....... 231 ....... 227 ..... 4 Wombat712 ...... 162 ....... 161.2...... 150 ..... 11.2 SueMagoo ....... 243 ....... 243 ....... 230 ..... 13 Missrhondalynn.. 255 ....... 255 ....... 235 ..... 20 MM ............. 213.4...... 213.4...... 208 ..... 5.4 BeckieT ........ 248.8 ..... 248.8 ..... 240 ..... 8.8 Suzzzie. ....... 312.1 ..... 307.3 ..... 299 ..... 8.3 HUNTERSMOM...... 170 ....... 170 ....... 165 ..... 5 LULUC .......... 182 ....... 182 ....... 170 ..... 12 SWEETY ......... 188 ....... 188 ....... 180 ..... 8 Joeygirl........ 226 ....... 226 ....... 220 ..... 6 FarmerE......... 182 ....... 182 ....... 172 ..... 10 Finallythin..... 235 ....... 235 ....... 220 ..... 15
  3. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'll be brave and post My 6 months is on Christmas day I cannot believe it has been almost 6 months already! Suzzie - you are doing sooooo great!! You are definitely going to make your goal for New Years!!
  4. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    woohoo Victoriana!!!! You have had awesome results I too limit my time on the computer when I'm at home because it can become addicting (and this website lol). Hugs and prayers to everyone today! May the hope in Jesus shine through us today Geneva
  5. I agree with LJM!! I didn't come to this section of the board until about a month ago. I was too chicken based on "heresay" on other threads I do tread carefully and choose what I want to read or not. If I don't like the content, I know what the back button is for and how to use it!
  6. Good luck to you enterprise!!!! Hugs and prayers for a successful operation and a speedy recovery wombat
  7. wombat712


    If I can eat all of a happy meal then I go for a fill. I'm trying to go there less (honest ) The last time I went (last week) I could only eat 3 nuggets and about 3 fries. If I get to where I can eat all 6 nuggets then I already know it's time to go. When I can start w/ the french fries too ... it's definitely time to go!! Good luck to you!
  8. wombat712

    Crossing your legs....

    I just posted this same thing as one of my NSV's!! I LOVE crossing my legs and I do it ALL the time. Whether I'm wearing shorts, jeans, dressed up or not And like Kacee said - I don't have to hold it there!
  9. wombat712

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    I run into everything with my boobs (sorry guys). My stomach is not out there to be my bouncer/buffer any more. I hit people with them, walls and everything else that gets near. It's a little embarrassing Also, I LOVE crossing my legs now. I do it ALL the time!!!
  10. wombat712

    What is wrong with me?!

    I would agree with Paragirl. It's also thinking of giving it up or not having it again that keeps you eating poorly before the surgery. My son was so worried about all the things that I'd not be able to have again that he kept insisting we go to all these different places before I had it done. I did not have a pre-op diet to follow. I got to the point that I just couldn't eat any more!! I willingly gave up diet coke a week before the surgery because I knew that would be the hardest for me. After the surgery, I was terrified of messing it up after all that money I spent that I followed all the post-op rules!! I also only had 1 1/2 weeks from starting point to surgery so not a lot of time to play too many head games. Good luck to you!!
  11. wombat712

    What do YOU feel?

    It sounds like you could be reaching "full". Drinking when you are full or stuck is a no-no because it only makes it worse! My doc says I have to wait 15min after eating before I can drink anything. Also, if you are getting stuck a lot you may not need another fill. How much are you able to eat at one time? You mentioned that you were a good chewer but are you also taking small bites? Just some things to think about
  12. wombat712

    I want to know stats for one month post op?

    Day of surgery weight: 206 One month post-op : 190 Pounds lost from surgery: 16 Calories at one month: 600 - 800 max I'm happy with the rate of loss. Of course I would like for it to be faster but my body needs time to adjust and I have mini plateaus (spelling?)
  13. wombat712

    dinner out? where do you eat out??

    I go anywhere that I used to go. I don't do as much fast food as I used to. If it's a sandwhich I always remove the top bread and eat w/a knife and fork. I haven't found a restaurant yet that will let me order from the kids menu despite having the card from my doctor. Very frustrating. I order full size meals and either share with my 10yr old or take it home for leftovers. I have trouble with steak so I don't eat that out but I can eat just about anything else besides soft bread.
  14. wombat712

    judgemental people......

    Most of my family have been supportive. My hubby is the best I just want him to stop policing my food! My twin sister is starting to get a little jealous. She has always been the smaller one. Mom asked her this weekend at what point would I be smaller than her and she said never. That she was going to start losing weight. HA!! 20#'s little chica and I will be where she's at!!! And it's killing her!!!!!!!
  15. wombat712

    youd think after almost 14 months

    I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a bad day!! You are such a motivator and inspiration to me and others on this board. I do the same things. I immediately look for chocolate, and then on to the queso. (A horrible habit I picked up when I quit smoking almost 5 years ago - one addiction for another). My thoughts and Prayers are with you {{hugs}} wombat
  16. wombat712

    Im here and Im excited!!!!!!!!!!

    Yea for you!!!!!! {hugs} wombat
  17. Definitely tell her!! You might get lucky and she backs out (woohoo)!! I have the same disease and it is SOOOOOOO hard to say no!! Can you post a link to your website? I would love to see what you have made. I love to sew as well but I am no good at clothing. Good luck!! wombat
  18. wombat712

    Dallas: Beware Of Dr. Maese

    senorita and its my time: Can you post details on the good doc and Dr. Maese? I will be looking for a doc in the area in about 7 months when I'm done with my "free fills" in Houston. I'm so sorry for your experience, but hopefully your postings can help someone else! {{hugs}} wombat
  19. wombat712

    help with husband

    My hubby was against it at first. Mostly because he feared the unknown and electing surgery just seemed crazy to him. He made a couple of stupid comments like just diet and exercise. I did restrain from hitting him Once I started researching the lap-band and giving him all the details and stats, he started doing his own research. He was actually the one who located my doctor. By this time he was completely on board and we just needed financing. He's not worried that I will leave him or he hasn't expressed it. I am down 3 sizes (sometimes 4 sizes) and he is appreciating the new view I am only on 2 medications now that I will take for life - weight loss can't cure everything :Banane11: Good luck to you!! {{hugs}}
  20. wombat712

    America's Most Obese Cities

    I went to college in Memphis so I helped them out for a bit. I lived in Baltimore for a year when I was first married and gained plenty of weight there. I'm surprised the Dallas area wasn't on the list though.
  21. wombat712

    Inside Brookhaven obesity clinic

    I have seen a couple of those episodes. Everyone falls off the wagon or has a cheat meal. I don't have issues with that at all. I do have an issue with the ones who are just blatant, obstinate, and act like it's all a big game! Watching those shows is one of the reasons I opted to get the band vs. bypass. They can gain it all back - of course we can too if we just stop going for fills.
  22. wombat712

    New activities after weight loss

    I want to run a 5k (gotta start small) I am planning on getting my kids envolved in the Couch to 5K workout so they can do it with me. I want to play golf (I am WAY to large chested to properly swing a club - hmmm, not sure that's going away though) I want to learn tennis - rather than just chasing the stinkin' yellow ball around!!
  23. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Welcome Glohomar and fatmary!!!!!! God IS Good!! {{hugs}} Geneva <><
  24. wombat712

    How Many Times a Day?

    I was told the same - only 3 meals and no Snacks. I have snacks if I'm hungry. I drink a v-8 or have a piece of low-cal cheese, pretzels, etc. I have trouble with fruit so I haven't done that much. If I'm hungry I eat something otherwise I will not make a good choice at the next meal!!
  25. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Sleepy - I am so happy for you!! Only four more days to go!! What a treat you will have to be going through this with your sister!! That in itself is a blessing You will have someone who ABSOLUTELY understands EXACTLY what you are going through. Everyone else can sympathise and be supportive but you will have a special gift!! Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that the doctor's hands are guided by You and that these lovely ladies will be brought quickly through the surgery. I pray your healing powers on these ladies to have a speedy recovery. I ask Father, that you use both of them as an instrument of Your will for your Honor and Glory. I pray this in your name, Jesus Christ, Amen. Hugs!! Geneva <><

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