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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    Couch to 5K

    Ok - today is our families first day for week 1!! I really wanted to start it yesterday but couldn't bear dragging everyone out on Christmas day to jog My hubby and two kids (14 boy; 10 girl) have agreed to do it with me!!! woohooo!! Wish us luck this evening (any bets on who will whine the most?) could be me:rolleyes
  2. I have failed miserably at this challenge. My weight has stalled - I'm playing with the same 2 pounds over and over again. Here's my current results back UP Name.............S.W.........C.W........G.W......T o Go Dakota1984 ..... 246 ....... 242 ....... 234 ..... 8 MJSafari ....... 237 ....... 226 ....... 227 ..... -1 Wombat712 ...... 162 ....... 158.2...... 150 ..... 8.2 SueMagoo ....... 243 ....... 235 ....... 230 ..... 5 Missrhondalynn.. 255 ....... 255 ....... 235 ..... 20 MM ............. 213.4...... 207.6...... 205 ..... 2.6 BeckieT ........ 248.8 ..... 247.8 ..... 240 ..... 7.8 Suzzzie. ....... 312.1 ..... 303.0 ..... 299 ..... 4 HUNTERSMOM...... 170 ....... 170 ....... 165 ..... 5 LULUC .......... 182 ....... 173 ....... 170 ..... 3 SWEETY ......... 188 ....... 182.6 ..... 180 ..... 2.6 Joeygirl........ 226 ....... 220........ 220 ...... 0 FarmerE......... 182 ....... 177 ....... 172 ..... 10 Finallythin..... 235 ....... 235 ....... 220 ..... 15 Holliwagz........386.........291.........286...... 5
  3. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    O2B - do you do that by hand or with a long-arm machine? I love quilting by hand but I now have Rheumatoid Arthritis so it does get difficult. I can't work for as long of a period as I used to. I also LOVE doing applique Yours are beautiful! Insub - How much chocolate?!?! Yikes It sounds like your mom and my grandma are related. You mention that you are dieting and she makes EVERYTHING under the sun that you love and tries to feed it to you - and THEN gets cranky when you won't eat it!!!!! Oh well - it's her way of showing love. I just tell her now that I can't or I'll throw up and she leaves me alone:heh::heh: :heh::heh:
  4. wombat712

    I am quitting smoking

    Way to go Julie!!!!!!!!
  5. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Welcome everyone I hope you all had a very blessed and merry Christmas!! May God bless each one of us today as we are on this journey to a more healthful life. I pray that as we get healthier that God will be able to use each one of us more for His will. Geneva (wombat) <><
  6. wombat712

    New Years Resolution

    I refuse to put weight loss on my list but obviously I need to lose some more. My goal is to exercise and get fit. The weight loss will be a perk to getting off my lazy butt and exercising!!!!!!!!! My second goal is to get my house organized and finally painted. I have had all the builders beige I can stand
  7. Kacee - how is the hair loss for you now? I've been using the head and shoulders since this post - so I guess just over a month. I'm not losing hair like I was; that's for sure. I don't know if it was just time for me to quit losing my hair or if it actually worked I have tons of new growth at the hair line but not on the top of my head - kindof weird huh?
  8. wombat712

    Did losing weight make you look older?

    Yep; I think I look a bit older. The nurse at my doctor's office said we will look older for about the first 2 years and then it will catch up with itself. My twin sister has quite a few wrinkles and I always teased her about me not having any - only because they were full of fat Oh well - bring on the wrinkles - it's better than being fat any day!
  9. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    All of my favorite Junies!!!!!!
  10. Yea for you!!!! I'm glad that all has come out well and you are back at home in time for the holidays
  11. wombat712

    I'M banded!!!!

    WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You are on your way now
  12. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    sunsett - that is sooooo true!!! Some times I can look in the mirror and feel pretty good about how I look. An hour later I can go by that mirror in the same outfit and think how fat I look. I will remember your post and ask God to show me what I look like After I leave work in about 30 minutes I probably won't be back on here until Wednesday when I come back to work. We have lots of family stuff planned and relatives in town. Soooooo .... Merry Christmas to all!!!!! (a few days early)
  13. wombat712


    woohooooo!!!!!! You are going to look FABULOUS at your party
  14. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Congratulations Pleasantlake!!!!! It will take a few days to feel better and move around better. I know I was really worried about my band and maybe babied it a little longer. I just didn't want to do anything to hurt it Praise God you are on your way Hugs & Prayers, Wombat (Geneva) <><
  15. wombat712

    LIQUIDS for me all the time

    My doctor told me to eat a smaller meal at night, and I wouldn't be so tight in the morning. I started doing that and it actually does work. That's funny that they are related Did the doc say why that works? I'll certainly try it though; I miss eating breakfast!
  16. wombat712

    MimIN's lower body lift...

    Oh I hope you get to feeling better soon!! My thoughts and prayers are with you
  17. wombat712

    Had first fill today

    Yea for you!!!! 3 months sure does seem like a long time. All of these doctors seem to have their own way Mine gave me my first fill at 4 weeks. Good luck for you - bring on the restriction!!!
  18. wombat712

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    All of a sudden; everyone can see that I've lost weight!! I haven't lost a pound in 2 weeks yet it seems to have sunk in to some people!! It's certainly flattering, a little embarrassing, but oh does it feel good!!!!!
  19. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Amazing when you see God speak to you!!!! How beautiful
  20. wombat712

    Couch to 5K

    I am planning on starting this next week. I have gotten my kids to commit (14 and 10) and with them my DH has joined in as well. I'm sooooo looking forward to getting started. I have been feeling so much better with almost 50# gone that I can't wait!! I actually WANT to run!!!!!!!! OMG!
  21. wombat712

    Exercise to frim skin before and after Lapband

    LJM that's what I was thinking. They are so compacted in those shirts that most (if not all) had to be wearing a spanx or something like it. Only the one old guy took off his shirt and he was pretty saggy. The others you could see a little arm skin or around the knee thing every now and then I know that I'm already sagging and there's extra skin on my thighs, my upper stomach and my lower stomach (sadly - there are now two ). I don't expect to look perfect naked but I'll go for HOT in clothing any day I am considering a tummytuck and breast lift if things look really nasty when I get done
  22. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    You work for yourself?! What do you do? Anything we can buy?! I LOVE to support small businesses versus big ones when I can
  23. woohooooooooo JoeyGirl!!!!!!!!:whoo::clap2::whoo:
  24. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!! I can't believe how fast the season has come this year. We had our Christmas dinner at church last night and exchanged gifts Jesus is our hope, our way, and our light He is the reason for this season and it is soooo helpful to have that reminder when I'm out trying to get that last gift or make that next dish Hugs and prayers for each and everyone one of us!! I pray God's blessings be poured out on YOU today!!!! Wombat (Geneva) <><
  25. wombat712

    Restless Legs

    I have RLS but mine isn't severe enough for medication (yet). My mother has it badly and has to have medication or she can't sleep at night. I haven't had an episode in awhile so I'm thinking losing some weight has helped it. I wish you luck because I know how miserable it can be. I already see signs in my son (14) of him having it too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
