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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    Tax deduction for self pay?

    Skinny_Jill: I sent them an email and one of the ladies responded within a couple of hours that they put the package in the mail to me. I haven't seen the letter and they didn't say anything about not giving me what I was asking for. Here's the email address in case you don't have it: spivak1470@sbcglobal.net Thanks for the compliment I'm trying to work out when my next fill is going to be. My weight loss has slowed this last month - not sure if it's a real slowing or just all the crap from the holidays wombat
  2. wombat712

    Calling all "apples"

    Thanks for the link Foofy; I'll have to check my measurements and see where I fall (yikes)!
  3. wombat712

    Nina's Plastics journey

    Congrats to you Nina!! I am planning a tummy tuck and breast lift when I get closer to goal. I was certain that I wanted it; then I say Spyder's pictures and changed my mind completely!! Then I've followed JulieNYC and Ghost's journeys and I am much more at ease with this. I know that I need both so I'm really looking forward to getting to goal!!! Can't wait to see your pics - bless you for sharing your journey
  4. wombat712

    Not losing on Weight Watchers

    Can you lower your points to 20? The last time I did it they would allow you to "fast track" by dropping to 20 but not going lower than that. I've considered doing it again but I don't think I could eat enough to fulfill the 20 points unless I was eating things that were less healthy or stuff that was easy to get through the band - both of which are bad ideas for me Are you getting in your dairy? They used to tell me to trade something for a glass of milk a day to help with weight loss. It helps get the fat out of your body - just saw it on Dr. Oz show they other night too. Good luck Julie!! wombat
  5. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Liz it sounds like you just need some protein! I know I felt very weak, light=headed and dizzy all the time in the beginning. The broths really should help. Are you allowed egg drop Soup? That always perked me up Prayers for you! Musicalmama - I know how you feel and I've already said a prayer for you. Anytime I quit losing in the past I would go get a fill to tighten it up. I know you are under 1000 calories but do you ever go lower? My doc told me between 600-800 cal. I don't always make that some times it's above 1000 but I think the fluctuation keeps your body from hanging on to everything so tightly. Also, you said you are exercising - have you taken your measurements? You could be gaining lovely heavier muscle and losing inches without the scale showing any loss. Hugs and Prayers wombat <><
  6. wombat712

    Tax deduction for self pay?

    Yep!! I called my doc yesterday and asked him to send me a copy of my bill and a letter stating that the surgery was for treatment of Morbid Obesity. That fulfills all the guidelines that I've seen about this being deductible. I am deducting mileage only since I drive 558 miles round trip to visit the doc. I've been 6 times this year so that certainly added up. I didn't feel the need to track down the 1 night stay in a hotel. Refund here I come!!!!!!
  7. Steph - OMG! A whole pint and no memory is a shame; you didn't even get to enjoy it! At least you are ok after taking those pills
  8. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    woohoooo Candy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. OOOOh Count me in!!! I have to make up for not making my last challenge My realistic old average goal is 145 by the next week so I thought I'd make this one a little harder to get me moving!! Good luck everyone!! name ...... starting# ....... current#.........goal#.......togo# Rainer...........264................264..............248.........16 wombat712....154.8.............154.8............140.........14.8
  10. wombat712

    Husband says I am addictedt to lapbandtalk!

    Yep me too!! I'm here way to much during the day when I'm at work. I don't always login at night but when I do it keeps me from getting bored and roaming the kitchen!
  11. wombat712

    Sick and tight!

    mbanja - I'm praying for you and I hope you feel better soon!! wombat
  12. wombat712

    Calling all "apples"

    Wow Paulax - you look great!!! I am considering a TT and breast lift when I get close to goal. I've almost got the hour glass going (just bigger than I want) - the tummy is just a bit bigger. Correct me if I'm wrong but it should be whatever your bust size - minus 10 for waist - plus 10 for the booty. Is that correct? Also, I'm only 5' tall so I have no distance between boobs and butt. That doesn't help give any definition to an apple
  13. SimplyMe - OMG :faint:You look totally awesome!!!!
  14. wombat712

    Frustrated at weight loss!!

    Yep what Sue said You need to change up your diet just abit. Make sure you are eating solid Protein first. I quit doing this for awhile and quit losing as well. Change around your exercize routine to shake your body up :woot: I got to almost 50# loss and stalled there for 2 weeks. Once I re-checked my food habits I started losing again. wombat
  15. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Candy - good luck on your fill today!!! You'll probably have to go back to mushies at least if not liquids for a day or so. My first fill was fabulous. I would be able to eat 2 chicken nuggets and be full for the rest of the day. I haven't had it quite that good since then but losing weight will keep changing it up I have the hardest time with beef so unless it's really tender it's not gonna work for me. Songinmysoul - don't worry about all the rules. The biggest is do the liquids when you should, the mushies when you should and then on to solids. Eat Protein first and then your veggies. That's the simplistic version :woot: I can eat just about anything - even the things they say you won't be able to; I just don't eat much of it. Not everyone has the same reactions. I can eat some Pasta but very little! I can eat some bread (toasted only) but again very little. I do still enjoy food; I can eat mexican, italian, etc. Hugs & prayers for everyone :woot: wombat
  16. wombat712

    Minutes away from getting my band

    Nancy - I can feel the band port if I press on my tummy. If I move certain ways I can feel it pop against my ribs. My port is really high under my rib cage. As far as the band itself; I could feel it during a fill which was a little odd feeling that slight squeezing on the inside. I forget that I have it and usually have a rude awakening because I ate too fast or didnt chew enough
  17. 1) Would you do it again if you could reverse time? Absoultely - only would have done it 10 years ago!!!!! 2) Does everyone have such bad pain after the op? My pain was not horrible or horrendous I went back to work 2 days later; I probably should have waited until the next day. I usually sit in my office but that day everyone wanted to have meetings all over the building so I ended up doing way more walking than I had planned. I had to take the pain meds at work. 3) How long would I need to take off work after the op? I would say 2-3 days at a minimum and a week at the most is pretty common. It also really depends on what you do. I'm a software testers so I'm in front of a computer 90% of the time. 4) Does everyone have problems with bad breath, dry wretching, nausea, vomitting, leaking ports etc? I don't have the bad breath because I haven't given up all carbs. I only toss my Cookies if I haven't chewed enough or eaten to fast - both habits are hard to change but the band certainly enforces it :woot: 5) Why would you have an 'emergency unfill'? I would if I weren't able to get in liquids. That would be if I were tight and then something got irritated and caused additional swelling. I have never had an issue in this area. 6) Has anyone had one in Belgium or Prague Can't help you on this one 7) Can anyone recommend a good surgeon / clinic in the UK? Or this one ... 8) Does it really help much more than trying to restrict portions yourself? Restricting your portions will help you from trying to eat too much and help keep your from getting sick, stuck or a PB (Productive burp - emptying of your pouch - similar to vomiting w/o the acid) Good luck to you!!
  18. wombat712

    What Happened & What did I Miss..??

    Yea!! Wasabb and Laurend are still around Welcome back and I hope you are feeling better!!
  19. wombat712

    Calling all "apples"

    I'm an apple I always wished that I could just be proportionate. lol I still have more in my tummy than everywhere else. I get the baggy butt and legs in my clothes before the waist gets too big. I'm fairly large chested so at least the top half is all right. I'm hoping to lose another 35# and hope that most of that is in my tummy!
  20. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Did the Wk 1 workout tonight It didn't hurt nearly as much as the last time. I'm hoping that I'm not as sore either Thank you again Mindy for the podcast link!! That was a lifesaver. I ran way too much the first time because I was guessing since I'm not on a treadmill.
  21. wombat712

    Couch to 5K

    Woohoo Karen!
  22. wombat712

    Fitday Vs. Sparkspeople

    I used the fitday online and it was ok. I bought their computer download and I like it better. I like being able to put in goals and due dates and track my progress. You do still have the same selection that was online but I add custom foods for the stuff I eat on a regular basis. I never looked at SP but I will now just for grins
  23. wombat712

    Lower BMI'ers--2008!!!

    Oh - me too! I'm almost down to just Overweight No more obese word for me!!! My weight loss has definitely slowed down now. I've had to finally resort to exercise!!! (Yuck lol) I just started the couch to 5k and I am going to start strength/core training as well. wombat
  24. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Hi Candy!!! Welcome Welcome No blasting here - just prayers, support and uplifting! Praise God What stage of your post-op diet are you on? Solids yet? When is your first fill? Hugs and prayers, wombat
  25. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Mindy - Thank you for the link to the Podcasts!!! I just downloaded them. I'm going tonight to try it out We are going to run on Mon or Tues, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I'm a little off this week but that's all right

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
