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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    Question for seasoned bansters

    amen! lol I feel the same way I just don't chew as well as I should I guess and I take too big of bites. Good question though - maybe someone has an answer ...
  2. wombat712

    Just out of curiosity

    Mine range anywhere from 600-900 depending on the day I average just under 800 on most days. I'm on the higher end when I eat whatever I want (just small portions). I'm on the lower end when I'm eating healthy and making good choices.
  3. I never got any antibiotics. Just some pain meds :cool:
  4. The bad breath is generally due to ketosis from all the Protein we're eating. I carry mints with me. I used to chew gum but that can cause big issues if you accidentally swallow some. I haven't tried to give up all carbs so I haven't really had an issue that I have noticed. I am an ex-smoker so I tend to always want that mint flavor :cool:
  5. Oh ghost - I'm sorry you're having such a rough day!!! At this point I'm wishing I had agreed to just eat meat for 2 days - I need to chew!!!!!! and the banana just aint cuttin' it for me :cool: A few more hours ... no one's dead, yet ....
  6. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Yikes I'm scared of week 3 - going tonight. I'm just hoping to survive!!
  7. wombat712

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    NAME.........Start Weight...Goal...Current Weight...To Go Jeni 85........214.4 .......184.......214.4 ........ 30.4 Stacy73........226.4........194.......226.4 ........ 32.4 Nadean.........204.6........160.......204.6......... 44.6 Angie4b1g......237.8........205.......237.8......... 32.8 babs0101.......216..........190.......216........... 26 wombat712......152.8........120.......152.8......... 32.8 bigbaby........207..........167.......207........... 40.0 Redtulips3.....245..........199.......245........... 46 Allaboutme.....238..........165.......211........... 46 mamato3........242..........199.......242........... 43 Foofy..........244..........199.......244........... 45 <!-- google_ad_section_end -->mary-2b150.....225..........150.......193........... 43.0 starryeyed.....280..........199.......237........... 38
  8. wombat712

    How often do you weigh?

    I suppose you can get frustrated by it. It makes me more motivated to do something to MAKE the number change the next day.
  9. wombat712

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Oh - me too!!! NAME.........Start Weight...Goal...Current Weight...To Go Jeni 85........214.4 .......184.......214.4 ........ 30.4 Stacy73........226.4........194.......226.4 ........ 32.4 Nadean.........204.6........160.......204.6......... 44.6 Angie4b1g......237.8........205.......237.8......... 32.8 babs0101.......216..........190.......216........... 26 wombat712......152.8........120.......152.8......... 32.8
  10. wombat712

    Yourself Fitness?

    well how cool is that!?!? Don't you know my son never mentioned this was available. lol I've played DDR once. We got the Eye Toy a few years ago to hopefully help my son get SOME exercise. It has wishy/washy where you cleared the screen by doing big arm movements - that was a workout!! Some karate stuff and so on.
  11. wombat712

    Ladies and Guys I NEED some advice!

    Such a cutie - I would say give the guy a chance :smile: You are young - don't strap yourself down with some jerk who can't commit to just datin one girl! In the beginning is when it's supposed to be the best as far as behavior so it would indicate his actions would only get worse later on. Good luck!!
  12. wombat712

    Countdown to goal.....

    I'm with salsa - what am I going to do with all my time that I spend focusing on learning healthy things, new exercises, logging my calories, measuring myself, weighing myself, checking on how things are sagging (sad but true)? I do feel slightly obsessed with the whole thing! I haven't been at this weight since before I was married - 16 years ago. My head cannot grasp it. In my head I'm at least 25# higher. I still feel like a size 16 even if I'm in a 12 now. Ugh - these head games are tough.
  13. wombat712

    How this works ???

    I hear ya babygrl!!!! What a gift this band has been :smile: You have done amazing!! On to those last 30-something pounds ...
  14. Ghost that pudding sounds fabulous! I just wish I liked pudding :smile: Something about the texture grosses me out - it smells fabulously though so all the kids and DH buy SF pudding because they know I won't take it or even want it.
  15. OK - I survived yesterday without coffee :smile: Of course I'm sucking a cup down right now because I didn't read Suzzzie's post soon enough - hmmmm. 3 Protein shakes w/ 1% milk - 568cal/11fat/33carb/83protein 2 bananas - 217cal/1fat/55carb/2protein Total for the day - 785 calories / 12 fat / 88 carb / 85 protein I was starving at the end of the day which is why I ended up with the extra banana. I'm supposed to go jogging tonight and go to my community band rehearsal so I hope I have enough energy. And ... don't you know the scale didn't show a stinkin ounce of a difference this morning!!!! grrrrr Only one more day .... only one more day .... only one more day!
  16. wombat712

    Couch to 5K

    I miss the smilies :smile: Way to go Whosya!!! (yep - I went back and watched Madagascar - too funny on the whosya foosa thing!!) Lulu - I hope you get you question answered because I'm in the same boat!! or bra lol. I wear the regular plus a tight exercise one to hold everything in. Two shirts plus my zip up coat to help conceal all that's going on when I jog. I'm a 36-38DD right now.
  17. wombat712

    Johnny Fairplay going to be on Survivor?

    OOOOh - where do you find the list? I tried to look it up and I couldn't find any information on the new show coming up. I did NOT like Johnny Fairplay at all. Even if he hadn't lied about his grandma I just didn't like him - kindof like a sleezy car salesman - yuck!
  18. wombat712


    wow - that was some workout by the time you made it back home! I'm in TX so not much help to you on finding a doc in GA :eek:
  19. woooohoooooo Lynne!!!!!! Congrats to you :eek:
  20. wombat712


    Amazing!!!!! woohoo for you :smile:
  21. wombat712

    How often do you weigh?

    Every day!! Sometimes again in the evening if I feel that I've been particularly good or bad :smile: I have now started taking measurements so that I can see it changing when the scale doesn't. (one more thing to obsess over lol) I feel horrid if I can't weigh myself - like on vacation. I have to know how I'm doing.
  22. wombat712

    Couch to 5K

    thanks sweethot :smile: I'm hoping to find the love soon!!!! I did lose 2 pounds this week so I'm attributing that to jogging (and NOT eating chocolate)!!
  23. wombat712

    slowing down - working harder

    I am in the same boat as well! I'm getting another fill Thursday to help kick in some weight loss. I started exercising so I've been able to lose 2# in the last 2 weeks versus nothing the 2-3 weeks before that. It has definitely slowed down on the weight loss! I know it gets harder the closer you get to goal, but then each pound makes a bigger difference in how you look too! Makes me wonder what maintenance will be like .... Jfran - you are looking fabulous!!!
  24. I took off the day of surgery and the next day. Went back to work expecting to sit at my desk and work on the computer as usual. Don't you know there were meetings that day all over the building. I was in considerable pain and had to take 1/2 doses so I wouldn't get loopy at work. The next day was much better and I didn't have to take any pain meds - but had it with me just in case :smile:
  25. My calories will be about 700 for 3 shakes made with 1%milk and 1 large banana for Snacks. I try to stay under 900 each day but over 600.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
