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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    Constantly weighing yourself?

    I was up to 3x a day; now I'm twice a day; once on a good day :smile2: I can cope when I'm on vacation without it, but I get on as soon as I get home. If there's a name for it, I don't know what it is. I know that I do NOT want to gain weight and I'm getting close to goal so I'm watching to see where I start evening out.
  2. I'm replying to your messages but they seem to be going to your profile instead of showing up on here.

  3. woohooo you made it to your first fill. Have you started solid foods yet? That certainly makes a big difference too!


    Don't be nervous over getting a fill. If you are, you can ask them to numb the area a little first. I've had it done both with and without numbing. Obviously numbing is a little better but w/o isn't horrible or anything.


    Good luck and let me know how it's going!

  4. HUGE HUGS for you :)

  5. Holy cow!! I completely missed it that you posted on here :D


    It used to pop up and tell you when someone posted on your profile.


    I hope you are feeling much better now! My port took the longest time to heal. Mostly because I could just feel it tugging when I moved - not really pain - just freaky!!


    It's almost been a year for me and I couldn't be any happier with the results. (OK - maybe a little plastic surgery would help).


    I love this site and the support you get!



  6. wombat712

    Wasabubblebutt is in recovery

    Welcome back WASABB!!!!! You helped me tremendously when I was first banded. THANK YOU!! I'm glad you are doing well and that fried chicken will be here soon :tongue: wombat
  7. wombat712

    At Goal-Then What? Question

    I say that I will just try to eat more. If I can't stop losing weight then I will have a little taken out. That seems to work on most people. A lot really think the doc will operate again and take the whole thing out - crazy!!! Then I'd just go right back to where I was, lol.
  8. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    BigBaby - (I replied on the pic thread too) Simply GORGEOUS!!!!! You look woooonderfulllll
  9. wombat712

    One Year Bandiversary Pics ...

    BIG BABY!!! You look FANtabulous!!! AND ... we get to see your face You are beautiful!!
  10. wombat712

    One Year Bandiversary Pics ...

    holy cow you look amazing!!!! woohooo nvalicia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    From what I've looked at, it is very hard to find a place that will do your fills if you've had the surgery done in Mexico. There's places around me that won't touch me because they didn't do the surgery and I had it done in Houston TX. The prices I've seen have been as low as $100 up to $500 per fill. If they will take you as much as you need for a year for $2K - that's probably not bad. After your first year, that's going to be excessive; maybe they can give you a per visit price. I will have gone for 7 fills in 1 year - if I was closer (it's a 5 hr drive) then I probably would have had more, might have gotten into the too tight, remove some, put it back scenarios. I wish you the absolute best on your upcoming surgery!!!! HUGS and prayers for all you newly banded guys - there were so many recently I couldn't remember all the names by the time I got to the bottom of the page Gen
  12. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    thanks bigbaby :biggrin: I've taken so much stuff I just feel weird at this point!!!:wink_smile: I swear the nyquil and dayquil stuff feels like I've just had a shot of something!!! I'm a total lightweight when it comes to alcohol. I stayed home today and worked on my laptop. For whatever reason seems to help since I'm feeling better this evening. Yesterday I was about to die by lunch time.
  13. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I Heart the Junies!!!!!:thumbdown: I'm still recovering from this blasted cold/flu crap. I even had a flu shot grrrrr :wink_smile: JoJo - you have come so far in one year!! I hope that you don't let it get you down if you don't hit that majic number on Wednesday because I look at what you have accomplished and I am amazed!!!:biggrin: HUGS to all!! Gen
  14. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Holy cow Insub!!! That is totally amazing :thumbup: What a gift of freedom you have given yourself!! I do not have that kind of confidence to do that at all. I envy the women that are self-sure and self-reliant. I married at 21 so I don't know how to be on my own. I have a beautiful friend who is 30ish and still single. She has such strength that it is inspiring. I wish you the absolute best on your adventure!! Please please post pics and let us know how it's going Gen
  15. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    I'm praying for you Summer08!!!! HUGS to you :wink2: Welcome Elaine. This thread has definitely been a blessing to me. It's a safe place to come. It's been quiet on here for a bit, but I understand how life gets in the way. I know I get "pruning" of my time that God wants me to use in a different way. Hugs & Prayers for all my fellow Christian Bandsters! Gen
  16. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I had the crazy fear that this wouldn't work for me - just like every other diet that I'd tried. My doc told me I'd only lose 40% of my weight - so I was resigned to losing 40# and that being it. When I passed his 40% I had renewed hope that I could do this. I had hoped to make it to 120 at one year; I haven't made that but I'm close. I'm also not sure that I actually want to lose more. If I didn't have excess skin in a few places then I would be content right where I'm at. My DH was talking earlier about how miserable I was this time last year and how unhappy I was. My life has changed more than I could have imagined. I feel so blessed to have had this done :biggrin2:
  17. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks Janine ... you are too kind Still feeling yucky - but the scale is my friend!!! If I hadn't felt so bad I would have jumped for joy this morning Suzzzie - I'm sorry to hear that you aren't well either :tt2: I don't have big plans for my bandiversary. I am going to see my doc next week and have them view everything making sure it is all good. Me and DH are ditching the kids for a few days and taking a long weekend down in Houston/Galveston - we are looking forward to that :biggrin2: I find it much easier eating with people who don't know about the band!! Holy cow - those that do know watch every bite I take!! I also tend to eat more carefully when they don't know because I don't want to get the "look" on my face :wink2:
  18. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    WTG Huntersmom :smile: People are noticing that you are looking good!! I wish they would notice sooner but I think they just aren't very observant... I think it has to hit them over the head lol I haven't been on much - I think I have the flu I'm miserable, hurt all over and full of drainage -hard to eat food when I feel full all the time. On the plus side - I'm down to 130.6 this morning; here's hoping that I can break into the 120's... something that I haven't seen since I was 18 or 19!!!!! HUGS to all Gen
  19. wombat712

    I'm new

    welcome Orange!! Are you at goal and just trying to maintain or are you wanting to lose a few more pounds? I know my weight can fluctuate as much as 3 pounds on any given day. The only other thing I can think of is go back to basics and review the bandster rules - do you need a tiny fill? God is good and He will give you the desires of your heart according to His infinite Wisdom and goodness. HUGS and Prayers Gen (wombat)
  20. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Missy - what a blessing that it turned out to be so minor!! Suzzzie - woooohoooo!!!!! You have had amazing results this year and you look FABULOUS!!!! I can't believe that it's been almost a year!!!! Time has flown by :thumbup: Anyone up for a 1 year pic thread? Where is Stef? - hope your doing ok Texas chica!!
  21. Ok - here's my update - not much change Welcome LJM!!!! Name..............Current.....Goal.....Lost...Still to Lose by July 4th atallen06...........231........215.......0......16 Bea1129.............231........200......5.5.....25.5 BigBandFan..........296........270.......0......26 Epm316..............220........200.......10.....20 erikadawn...........217........190.......0......27 faithmd.............302.1......300.......7.3....2.1(by6/21) Hastings............248........228.......5......20 Jennypoo............176........170.......3.......6 jrob281.............212........190.......0.......22 KarenG..............170........160.......4......10 kathystrick.........318........288.......0......30 kellygirl0520.......236........220.......0......16 legster.............188........180.......9......8 Lenore1890..........263.4......247.......4.3....15.7 Leslie2Lose.........226........208.......7......18 LessNLess...........149........140.......2.......9 Lilmissband-aid.....240........225.......7.5....15 losingjusme.........249........238.......11.....11(started 5/30) Luu2008.............215........185.......0......30 luvinke.............217........190.......4......23 Marissa's Mom.......388........358.......0......30 MollyMolly..........193........188.......11......5 nancy52.............197........170.......0......27 Nettie..............193........170.......0......23 Newhope4me..........173.8......160.....3.2......13.8 njudono............ 298........277...... 5......21 NukeChik............231........222.......11......9 nurse7263...........244........150.......0......24 renewedhope.........192........170.......5......22 Sades...............194........185.......3.......9 Sunshine2...........179........160.......4......15 (by6/29) Suzzzie. ...........273........260.......0......13 Tess415.............327........299.......5......30 TexasFire67.........170........145.......0......25 Wombat712...........130.6......120.......3.6....10.6
  22. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Fish - your monthly definitely shouldn't be a problem. Mine has always been a curse and showed up at every event in my life. As usual, it was there for my surgery. They give you those lovely mesh panties and a ginormous hospital pad (YUCK) :w00t: It didn't even slow them down at all.
  23. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    You are too kind :wub: I have struggled a bit with my last fill since February. I have pb'd often (sometimes 2-3 times a day, several days a week). What I came to realize is that after I pb, I need to do liquids the rest of the day to let my tummy rest. I was perpetuating the issue by not resting between episodes. A friend of mine (his wife was banded about a month before me) was checking on me and asking how I'm doing. When I described how it was going he was blunt - I wasn't being healthy and bordering on an eating disorder. That scared me and made me really look at what I'm doing (this is only been in the last month). I wish I had some pearls of wisdom but I don't - I have honestly let the band do most of the work; I didn't start exercising until after 6 months (again - not in the rules right?) I still eat junk (I know - bad bad me). I have a slim fast for breakfast; sometimes a salad w/ chicken for lunch; dinner is whatever I'm serving the family - I get a little of everything. I have to snack during the day because I honestly can only eat a few bites. If I take my time (like an hour) I can get down a decent portion. I now chew to oblivion. I get tired of eating now. I try to eat while I work so I can chew away and an hour later I'm still eating but I don't get as bored with it. Red meat is the hardest for me. I honestly will spit it out if I can't chew it all the way to nothing. If I'm out in a restaurant I ask for paper napkins so that I can take care of whatever I'm not willing to swallow :w00t: And - with all of that - don't be so hard on your self. Just look at the weight that you have lost that isn't going to come back!! :tt2: HUGS and PTL Gen (wombat)
  24. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    I feel like people are watching me. Especially, I think that they look at my amount of food and think "who is she kidding". I know that I became hugely aware of how much people ate (including my family) and how much I used to eat. It grosses me out at times to see them shoveling in large bites of food, and barely chewing. Hugs to all :sad: Gen (wombat)
  25. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks BigBaby :sad: Butt has been kicked - I'm off to go jogging!

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