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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Woohooo Mindy, Lulu and Whosya!!!! Y'all are amazing I'm going to be a runner - I am I am I am!! lol I saw my arthritis doc and she was amazed that I am running now. She kept asking why! Because I can!!!!!!! I have no pain in my feet since I've lost weight (ok and maybe a little credit for the meds). Lulu - the weather was gorgeous here!!!! I even took off my coat - shock!!! I had hopes of running today but they were dashed. My son had to go to competition on his instrument so I lost my entire afternoon. And of course - I've had to plan and shop for the super bowl "mini" party tomorrow.
  2. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Awwwwe - {{hugs}} suzziee!! Prayers for you and Asher wombat
  3. wombat712

    Adjusting to changing shape

    lol Amy! I have to wear heals, boots etc with my pants now. My flats won't work because I keep stepping on my pants and tripping too.
  4. wombat712

    Clothing on the 'weigh' down

    I truly can't wait till goal - and then I am going to become a shopping nightmare to my DH!!!!!!! :biggrin: I have gone to a thrift shop and gotten a couple of shirts. I'm really hard to fit since I'm an apple shape and short. I can't buy pants/jeans w/o trying them on. There have been people on here that have swapped clothes. I keep a pile ready for goodwill at all times. wombat
  5. wombat712

    Clothing on the 'weigh' down

    Altering clothes is expensive and unless the item is truly a favorite I wouldn't think it's worth the expense. I buy $15 jeans at Steve & Barry's. I only have 3 that fit me well at any one time. Yes I would like more expensive clothing but this is temporary so I can't justify the expense when they are going to be too big in 2 months. Shirts are easier for me because I can stay in them awhile. I do sew some. However, I do NOT like sewing on clothes but I can nip in the sides a bit to make something last a little longer. I definitely look at what's on sale!! Right now is fabulous because all of the winter stuff is on sale. And, while losing weight I'm absolutely freezing!!! I'll be able to wear this stuff well into spring so I buy some in the next smaller size too. I can't stand looking baggy and sloppy so once I go down in a size I won't wear the bigger ones anymore. I am grateful that my company has a very relaxed dress code. I could wear sweats to work and noone would mind - which I have done several years ago. I can wear shorts, capris, jeans - whatever :biggrin: My church is casual as well so I don't have to get dressy clothes. A lot of us had various clothing sizes in our closets so we got to go "shopping" in our closets!! I didn't though - I had moved last year and just cut ties with all the old items that didn't fit any longer. My mother had plenty of various sizes so I got some 12's from her. My sister only had 1 pair of 10's so I got them from her (she's an 8). I'm about ready for the 10's so I'm going to have to go shopping again :eek: Happy shopping! wombat
  6. wombat712

    Whats up with pasta?

    I could only eat Pasta if mixed with Protein in the same bite. It helped change up the texture so it didn't get so gummy. I'm tight enough now that I don't want to try it. I wouldn't touch bread on a dare right now :biggrin: This was given to me as one of the foods to avoid along with bread, donuts, french fries, and sodas. wombat
  7. wombat712

    Is It Harder To Lose With A Low Bmi?

    I would say yes, in general. The less you have to lose the harder it is to lose. Each pound packs a bigger punch. If you had 100 pounds to lose 10 pounds is easy. If you have 20 pounds to lose those 10 are going to require a great deal of effort (IMO). wombat
  8. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Oh My Gosh Steph!!!! :smile: How awful for you {{hugs}} You will be in my prayers! Have you ever done Krav Maga? It is a fabulous self-defense class. It's what they teach the Israeli armies (only not how to kill). I put my son through it when he was getting jumped at school. He can now take down an adult twice his size. He only had to use it once in the middle of school and noone ever messed with him again. My husband had to take it with him because my son was too young but they made an exception due to the circumstances. I know as soon as my daughter is as tall as me then we will enroll and go through the women's course. It's specifically designed to get away from men whether you are on the ground, on your feet, from behind you, etc. It's very empowering and I want that for my daughter. Me too really - I'm only 5'0" and my weights going down so I need to know what to do. Anyway, {{hugs}} to you again! wombat
  9. wombat712

    1 year of maintenance

    woohooo Edie!!!!!!!!!! :smile: How do you track yourself for maintenance? I'm not there yet but starting to worry about not gaining it all back! wombat
  10. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Suzziee - I'm so jealous that you've only had 12!!!!!! Mine is truly "the curse". It appears for every major function in my life - wedding day, prom, spring dances, reunions, cruise, trip to Australia, you name it the curse has been there. I tried the pills to regulate - mine would adjust early or late to make sure it could screw up my plans!!!! I tried those pills that let you have a period every three months. Which was heavenly - but the pills made me depressed so I had to quit taking them. So now I just keep praying for menopause :smile: Steph - please be careful!!! That's so scary! When I get migraines I don't know what I'm doing or remember either. I end up pulling into my driveway and have no recollection of the drive home. Your neighbor attacked you!?!?!?!? Got a baseball bat? NVALICIA - woooohoooo!!! That is awesome!!!! wombat
  11. What a great topic! I've noticed that the older people I'm around always recognize and acknowledge my weight loss. Those that are my age or younger - I think they would have to lose teeth before they would make a positive comment out loud. Who I am has not changed. I work just as hard as I did before and I was well respected at my job. That hasn't changed that I can tell. There are some people who like having a fat friend because it makes them look better. If they are out together the men would naturally go for the thinner girl. I don't plan on dressing any different either. I do wear clothes that are more fitted but there's no cleavage hanging out or thong peeks happening in the back (ewwwww - doesn't matter how skinny you are - that's just gross!!) I demand that my family let me know if they ever think that I am trying to dress too young and to NEVER let me out of the house looking like a hoochie!!!! wombat
  12. wombat712

    Debating paying for my parents

    Manatee - that's a tough place to be in. Have they done their psych eval yet? Maybe that would give you an objective view of their abilities to handle the band. If I could afford it I would make the offer for my family members that need it. (my mom). It's a beautiful gift and shows how beautiful you are on the inside as well. Hugs for you! wombat
  13. I've been wondering how everyone goes about their maintenance? I know that I'm on the scale at least once a day. Do you still weigh every day after goal? Do you base it on clothes fit? Do you always have to get a slight unfill to stop losing? I'm afraid that if I don't weigh obsessively like I currently do, then I could creep back up the scale. I'm not at goal yet - my doc says 18 pounds, I say 28 pounds - we shall see who wins. hugs to all! wombat
  14. wombat712

    Definition....according to media?

    well that's weird. I'm baptist and most definitely believe and worship Christ! Wonder why they would separate that group out? Where did you see this map?
  15. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Phyllser - you are lookin good!! You look so much younger and happier :party: I see the RV in the back ground. Is that yours? Do you get to travel a lot? My DH wants one really bad but I'm not much of a nature girl. I must have creature comforts :thumbup: and I hate bugs (all bugs) w/ a passion!!!!
  16. wombat712

    6 week post op visit and great news

    That is absolutely awesome!! Congrats to you!!!!!!!
  17. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Thank you all for the sweet comments!! I thank God everyday for this band. I am truly blessed that we were able to work out the ability to get this band. I am forever grateful to my Savior. I don't exercise much. A few weeks ago I started the couch to 5k jogging program. I'm on hiatus cause it is stinkin cold here!! I have done cardio I think 3 times, I've done a few of pushups here and there - really haven't done anything on a regular basis. I'm a HUGE slacker in this area. We're all busy right? I work full time, have a child in high-school and all the stuff he's into, my daughter's in elementary school and her stuff, I'm in the community band so I have rehearsals and my own practicing to do; I'm in school to finish my degree in accounting, I do the books for my church, and I'm the treasurer for the high school band boosters. I need a nap lol. Welcome Jackie!!! God bless you! Ooh Candy - we should start a new thread for pictures :party: I would love to "see" everyone. geez - that was long winded and fairly random - sorry y'all wombat
  18. wombat712

    Did The Op Without A Nutritionist,help

    I think I spent 5 minutes with a NUT. I was told to eat Protein first, then veggies, and last starches if I'm still hungry. I think just following the basic guidelines of good eating will do wonders. Good luck to you! wombat
  19. Yes!! I do :frown: I've had 3 barium swallows with mine. If you can eat that much then there should be concern as to whether or not the pouch is dilated. You're not in pain so that's good but a dilation would need attention as well. Even without that possibility, you should be able to have your request honored. This has gone on for 9 months?? How much quantity can you eat at one meal? Do you ever get stuck, PB, get the golfball in the chest feeling? You said you're not drinking Water so you aren't washing food through. How many calories are you eating on an average day? wombat
  20. My doc thinks the goal is too low as well. They said I should go for 130. I know that I don't want to be skinny or boney looking so if I'm happy at 130 then I will stay there. 120 is just a number that I picked because it was higher on the "normal" range for our height according to the charts. Last time I saw 120 was when I was 17. I had my tonsils taken out and then gained 50 pounds within a year. My weight has only gone up from there 5-10 pounds a year. I remember getting down to 125 when I was dating my husband and I was wearing a size 7-9. wombat
  21. wombat712

    Can we talk about clothing???

    OMG we must be the same shape :frown: What I wouldn't give to be proportionate. Thank God I am chesty so that does help even it out. I never had hips when I was younger. I have had two kids since then and well I have know idea what my hips will be like when I get to goal - maybe bigger I hope. I hate the 'mom' jeans. I do like the low rise but I can't wear them tight or I get the muffin top. Even still I get a bit of baggy booty syndrome. I may just have to learn how to love my spanx. I keep wondering if I bought it too small - oh well; I'll shrink into it. Booboo - you are amazing. You look fantastic :frown: Thank you for sharing your journey and continuing to be on here giving support and encouragement! wombat
  22. wombat712

    the shirt too small...

    Oooh - I had one!! It was a white button down shirt that my sister bought me over 3 years ago for my birthday. It never fit. I put it on last Sunday to wear to church and it finally fit!! Not tugging over my chest or nothing!! And, wouldn't you know it, the top button popped off before I left the house so I didn't actually get to where it :frown: wombat
  23. Thanks shortgal :frown: BTW - how short are you? I'm 5'0" :frown: wombat
  24. I would go to another doc that will use a fluroscope. They can see the placement of the band, they can see how your pouch is; and they can see how quickly the Fluid goes through your band. This doc sounds like a quack that he won't even look to make sure everything is ok. Granted the diet is important. We have to make better attempts. My doc told me this wouldn't do me any good if was going to suck down milkshakes and eat cheesecake all day long. I don't do this and I'm not saying that you do. If you are following the rules of Protein first and all of that and it's not working, then you need a fill or something else is wrong. Find another doc!! {{hugs}} to you wombat
  25. Really? Not even the tiniest bit? I am very sensitive to tastes. I cannot drink tap water because of the taste. I can't drink filtered water in the Summer in my city because the lakes get low and it tastes funky. Even worse than the taste is the smell. If I can smell it and it's wonky then it won't go in. I guess I could mix it with Crystal Lite; that would cover up any little flavor adjustments. wombat

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