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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wombat712

  1. purplegirl I just saw your progress pics!!! You have nothing to fear about being ugly - you are absolutely beautiful!!! You look happier and healthier with each picture in your collage! wombat
  2. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    oh wow - that is just too funny. I may have to rent that when the children are away :drool:
  3. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    LMAO!!!! OMG I wasn't ready for that pic AT ALL!!! :drool: Welcome back Mindy!!!! I was just thinking about you when I clicked on the thread and wondering how your were doing :teeth_smile::teeth_smile::teeth_smile: Lucky girl on the plastics!!!! A tummytuck and a boob lift would make me a whole new girl :drool: DH has said yes but not until after I finish paying off the lap-band - that's 4 more years to go - sigh. I will just dream and wish till then! wombat
  4. I have some wrinkles showing up around my eyes and forehead now. I have a twin sister and I've always looked about 10 years younger than her. I always teased it was because my fat puffed out my wrinkles :huh2: My face doesn't look as smooth (despite my new obsession with regenerist creams) as before so I don't feel that I look as young as I did. BUT, I wouldn't trade the weight loss it for anything!!!!! Oh - and I'm almost the same weight as my twin now ... and I still look younger :cool2: wombat
  5. wombat712

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Update please :huh2: Stupid scale finally moved! Wombat712 .... 152.8 ........... 120 .......... 142.8........... 22.8
  6. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    hehehe - thanks for calling me young Whosya!!! 40 is creeping up on me pretty quick :tongue: In fact, I found a grey hair this morning lol Bigbaby - Don't skip dinner! I was eating two breakfasts - one before and one after, then still eating lunch and dinner. I just need to find lower cal options than 200cal for both breakfasts. The treadmill shows my calorie burn just over 200 that's why I said it was negated :tt2:. I know I need something before I work out, it's in the morning and I need the energy. From what I've been told I should have protein after to help build muscle - don't know if there's any truth to that or not.
  7. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    wohooo BigBaby!!! :tongue: You are almost in Onederland!!!!! wombat
  8. Ghost - you have been a huge inspiration to me :tongue: We are the same age and almost the same height (I'm a little shorter). I've looked at your before pictures and I swear I am seeing myself so we even carry our weight the same!!!! We all have to find our stopping point. Find our happy place (or weight :thumbup:) If you are content, then Thank God and be happy and blessed! I fear that this whole process does become a bit of an obsession. I'm getting close to my happy weight, I think. If I could have a TT right now, I would be content to stay where I'm at. I don't have illusions of being super slim; I'm curvy and I like it that way - I'm still a DD on top so being super small would throw me way off balance. :tt2: I think your progress and results have been simply amazing!! {{HUGS}} wombat
  9. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    OMG I did it!! I ran for 25 minutes straight!!! Wooohooo!!!!!! I'm almost there - I'm almost a runner :biggrin2: Question for y'all - what and how much do you guys eat before a work out and after a work out? I drank a slim fast before - about 30 min before - and I felt like it was sloshing a bit, made me a little nervous that I might lose a little something :tongue: I really cannot eat solid food for breakfast so I'm not sure what I can do to get something in me. I've heard (please correct me if you've heard differently) that you are supposed to eat some protein after a work out. Well I realized I was eating two breakfasts and negating my calorie burn from working out - grrrrrrr. Anyway, sorry for rambling - just wanted to get all of y'alls opinions!!! Happy running!!!! wombat
  10. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Ok - no excuses; I'm not going to redo week 6. The last run on week 6 was 25 min and all of week 7 is run 25 min so I'm just going to truck on ... Still hoping my back is happy tomorrow. It's better today but still very sore. Welcome back Whosya!!!!!
  11. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Yea LULU for working out on vacation!!!! :eek: Paragirl - congrats on finishing week 1!! I didn't do my day 3 of week 6 this weekend. Saturday is my jogging day but it was clean up the church day. I spent 5 hours sweeping, mopping and vacumming. I can still barely move my back is so sore My next run day is Tuesday so I hope my back issues have worked out by then. I think I'm going to redo week 6 since I didn't do the last run.
  12. wombat712

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Yep - thanks LJM for the link. I saved it in my favorites if/when I start considering plastics. Lord knows I could use them - just not sure that I can go through with it. I don't gross out at that stuff - I love to watch surgery and medical shows. I just like the idea of standing upright and not pulling on the incision line! Hope your swelling is doing better today LJM!! wombat
  13. wombat712

    Sour stomach???

    I have experienced that too. I was getting that sour (almost acid) taste in my mouth after a single bite of chocolate or a sip of coffee. I mentioned it to my gasterologist and it's basically reflux. Not horrid with mouthful of acid kind but still it's reflux. I've been on medication for it and when I take it like I should then I don't have an issue. I would try the prilosec. If you still have trouble it may be time for a doc visit. I'm particularly tight right now and am not having any reflux or heartburn and I can only take my medicine about 1/2 the time. good luck rain!! wombat
  14. I started in a really tight 18. I didn't buy any 16's and waited until I was in a 14 to buy some clothes. I buy t-shirts at kohl's when they are on sale. I can wear them longer so occassionally I'll buy nicer shirts as well. I've bought my jeans from Steve & Barry's because of their price. I have 2-3 pairs of jeans in each size as I was going down. Yeah I have to do laundry a little more often but that's ok. My work has a very relaxed dress code (shorts & sweats are ok) but I mostly wear jeans or capris. My church is very casual as well so I mostly wear the jeans and capris there as well. It would be more difficult if I had to dress up (and not to mention much more expensive) For Christmas I asked all family to either buy me clothing or give gift cards to places where I can get clothing. My b-day was last month and I pretty much did the same thing again :eek: I have just bought my first size 8's. My 10's still fit but are really comfy. Thank God for this lap band!!!!!! happy shopping!!!!!! wombat
  15. wombat712

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    You are looking awesome Karey!!! I'm so happy for you wombat
  16. wombat712

    Christian Bandsters

    Yea Tink!!! Yea God!!!! {{hugs}} wombat
  17. wombat712

    Prayers needed

    {{hugs}} know that you are being prayed for and that you are in the Lord's hands Be blessed! wombat
  18. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    I'm prayin for you and your family Karen!!!! {{hugs}}
  19. wombat712

    Christian bandsters

    Praise God smilin-apple!!! I would be doing better if I could just remember to slow down!!! Ugh - i've pb'd more with this last fill than the entire time. I'll get smart soon and figure it all out hugs & prayers to all wombat
  20. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    woohooo Stranger!!!!! AWESOME!!! (I'm 3 weeks behind ya - I took a little excuse party for 3 weeks) Paragirl - thanks :eek: I think it's just lots of stuff together. I haven't lost a pound in forever and I'm gettin cranky about it. But who's to blame??? Me!!! I'm sitting here now next to a can of pringles - so sad Yea BigBaby!!!! You are doing great!!!! We have SNOW again!! Twice in one week, in TEXAS!!!! Holy Cow!!!! It's beautiful I think I'm going to go pelt my children with snow - hehehe Have a beautiful day y'all!!
  21. wombat712

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I hear ya Danbo - when I'm not on here much my weight tends to stall. I was trying to break my addiction from being on here so much but then I quit losing weight too. Evil scales #*&^%*#
  22. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    Week 6 day 2 - why does this week feel like a beating again? It just seems so much harder than last week. No yoga inbetween runs this time.
  23. wombat712

    I've swapped addictions...

    lol Rain :rolleyes2:
  24. wombat712

    Need a second or third opinion

    Manatee - I think you look fabulous already!!! There's no way you need to lose another 20 pounds. 5 maybe, 10 at the absolute most and I only say that because you want to lose more! I think a size 34 is great for a guy - that is my DH's goal size :rolleyes2: Just like he doesn't want me to get skinny and boney - I don't want him to do that either. I know we look at our bodies with such critical eyes - I only see the fat spots or flaws that are left. Sometimes I get a brief glimpse of what I really look like at it's not too bad. {{hugs}} wombat
  25. wombat712

    Couch to 5K Anyone want to start with me ?

    hey lulu and bigbaby - we should try to get together - would be great fun :biggrin: Whosya - we had snow!! I had about 3 inches at my house last night. I let the kids out to have a snowball fight when they really should have been in bed. We just don't get snow very often :rolleyes2: Ok - ran day 1 week 6. I feel beat down. Not sure if it was the run or the yoga I did last night. I'm up almost a whole freakin pound - I want to scream. I can't hardly eat - tossed my protein shake this morning because stupid me took a pill with it. grrrr Ok - today is going to be a good day - I'm going to go off and forage for food now :biggrin: (and hopefully it's NOT chocolate!)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
