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LAP-BAND Patients
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About luvli23

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/17/1983
  1. Happy 29th Birthday luvli23!

  2. Happy 28th Birthday luvli23!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary luvli23!

  4. I will be starting my monthly weigh-ins soon. I haven't met the doctor yet, but my Appointment is for the end of Novemeber. Anyone had surgery with him??
  5. Hi My BMI is 36.6 and i'm 5'6 227 pounds. Just want to know the chances...i'll go through the motions and hopefully I can get banded. It all depends on the supprt of my physicians andmy persistance will bring through!!!
  6. A newbie here! Hi I was wondering...I have no serious health problems to date. My last physical- last yr 2006 in August I had high blood pressure, but that day the temp was like 103 in NY. So the doctor said it could be the weather and me hustling to get to the appt on time. Other than that the only issue I have is the weight..what is the chance that the insurance will approve me?!? :cry
  7. luvli23

    How to ask my doctor for the band?

    Thanks for all your suggestions...I have been reading information online about banding after a distant associate got banded about 6 months ago and she looks fabulous. I am often sad and depressed about my weigth andhave tried every diet- well almost. I dont plan on spending anymore more money on deadends. Its time I take control and make a more pro-active decision to do something about this weight. I thought to myself...every year I make a claim and I always fail...I need help. So are there any other books or research I should do besides this website? FarmerE spoke about an "information session"....how can i go about doing that?
  8. Ok, I live in NYC. I am afraid to ask my physician for steps twoard getting banded because i'm afraid she will just say, JUSt excercise or brush it off as a foolish idea. What steps did you take to convince your physician this is what you needed?:help:

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