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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bubbalouieuk

  1. bubbalouieuk

    One more sleep.

    Twas the night before banding, My bag is packed and I am ready for my early start tomorrow morning. I have to be at the hospital for 7am and I'm told I will be ready to go home by 11am. I am not nervous at all, just excited. It's strange looking forward to surgery. I will hopefully be able to update my blog tomorrow afternoon but maybe I'll be sleeping :waytogo: The only thing I am thinking about is the fact that they will see me naked. I'm sure they have seen it all but it doesn't stop me fretting. Silly I know. Anyway see you all on the other side.
  2. Well its Sunday morning, one more sleep! I am packing my bag today too. I have to be there for 7am so not as early as you thankfully. My scales said I put on 2lb since yesterday. I only had 550 cals so what is that about. I have to stop worrying about it because its getting me down. 9lb is great, I bet you are hungry though? I am so looking forward to not being hungry. I know thats a few weeks off but I have that as my first goal. Good luck for tomorrow, I will be thinking of you.

  3. I am so hungry too. I have a constant ache in my stomach but Ive lost 18lb just on the milk diet. Thats more than a pound a day! I dont have to have a bowel cleanout but now Im thinking why not? I am not worried about the op at all, is that normal? I just wish I could have a "last meal". I bet you are pleased with 6lb in such a short time? (even though it didnt feel like a short time). Only 2 more sleeps to go. This is the home straight :-)

  4. Im wondering about the six weeks before my first fill, wont I be hungry then too?????

  5. Well sounds like you have nothing to worry about on the smoking then. Good luck for tomorrow, let me know how it goes. I got on the Wii fit today and I had lost 3lb so its still looking good but geezz I'm hungry. Only another 4 day to go!!!!!! I got a book today,Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding by Jessie H Ahroni Ph.D and its quite imformative. It had tips at the back and one was "stay out of fast food joints, alcoholics dont hang out in bars!" ha ha fingers crossed for tomorrow x

  6. Matilda do you live or work with smokers? Could it be passive smoke? How scary, I really feel for you. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Sammy funnily enough I am not worried at all? Not even with everyones post op stories. I just want it done. Bit fed up today because although I have lost 14lb the weight loss has stopped for the last two days. I know thats a lot to lose in 2 weekes but Im only drinking milk for gods sake! I need to step up the exercise a bit so its off to the gym tonight. Honestly Monday cannot come soon enough. How are you feeling? Are you hungry? When do you get a fill?

  7. bubbalouieuk

    March 24th is the day!

    Well done DarkAngel, how encouraging? Just think its never coming back.
  8. bubbalouieuk

    March 24th is the day!

    On day 10, 7 days left! It is easier and the goal is getting nearer but I still miss food, well flavour actually. 10lb down :thumbup: I hope it carries on at a pound a day until my op :thumbup:
  9. bubbalouieuk

    Before starting my pre op diet

    From the album: BEFORE

  10. bubbalouieuk

    Before starting my pre op diet

    277lb yikes!
  11. bubbalouieuk

    Before starting my pre op diet

    From the album: BEFORE

  12. bubbalouieuk


  13. bubbalouieuk

    Before starting my pre op diet

    From the album: BEFORE

  14. bubbalouieuk

    March 24th is the day!

    Hi Ladies, I am on day 9 of my liquid diet and have lost 9lb. I started weighing myself everyday which was ok until day 5 when I gained a pound??? WTH I can tell you feeling that hungry and putting on weight is no joke. I was crushed and even more grumpy than ever. But I made the decision to just weigh in every 4 days and not to worry too much and now I feel lots better. One thing it did highlight for me was my emotional attachment with the scales and made me wonder how I would feel if I put on weight (even a little) once banded. I band date is the 22nd so I will post the same day if I am awake :-) Good luck, the time will go by quicker than you think x
  15. sorry I ran out of room! Read the one nearest you your message frist then move upwards lol

  16. I have had a really positive response from everyone I have told and everyone seems to be happy for me. But at the end of the day its your body and your choice who you tell. I wasnt angry the TV star lied, thats her choice, I was angry she was on TV everyday telling people she did it all herself which left people thinking well if she can do it why can't I? She was advertizing healthy eating and saying it was easy. Us unbanded people know its not easy, and neither is the having a band but it helps and its a tool that normal dieters dont have. Well I have had my rant lol you just have to trust your judgement and do whats best for you. I am crossing the days off on the Calender and its not long :-)

  17. Now telling people. I have told everyone that has asked, my family, friends and a couple of people at work but I dont talk about it openly with people I dont know that well because I think some people will think its a waste of NHS money that could be spent on more important operations. I dont want to have to explain myself to strangers so the people that know already understand what I have been through with my weight. We had a TV star here that had the band but told everyone that she did it all herself and the press attacked her when it was revealed she had a band. And I totally disagree with deceiving people so in the future if someone asks how Im losing weight I will be honest.

  18. Mitilda I am sick to death of milk! Its so boring and bland and if I never drink it again it will be too soon. But I am not so hungry now and I havent had any headaches so not all bad. I have been drinking plenty of sugar free squash so I think that has kept the headaches away. I still want to eat everything and my sense of smell is heightened so anyone eating near me is torture.


    I am just glad I am allowed yogurt as its the only flavour Im getting. I have lost 9lb now and I have noticed that my clothes are getting loose. Thats always encouraging.

    But to be honest the only thing keeping me going is the fear that my liver will be too big. I do not want to wake up with no band because I cheated. I am going to give this 100%. Are you being good before your pre op or are you having what you think you will miss? My advice is to eat food with plenty of flavour rather than volume because believe me its the flavour you miss!

  19. bubbalouieuk

    Anyone Banded In Belgium W/dr Dillemans?

    Hi, Its not your weight or size for the NHS but more your BMI. They only really consider people with a BMI over 40. I am being banded on the NHS on the 22nd of March. Good luck in your search. The NHS is a long wait (I waited over 18 months ) But its worth it.
  20. bubbalouieuk

    March 24th is the day!

    Hi Darkangel I am on day six of my liquid diet and although it is hellish it is getting a little easier. I cant tell you how much I miss food but it feels a bit like a right of passage. If I can survive this then everything else will be easy, right? One tip is make sure you drink plenty of fluids. It will help with the headaches plus you will walk to the bathroom so much it will count as exercise :wub: Good luck and stick with it x
  21. Hi Matilda, I started the milk diet on Friday and its torture! You are allowed 2-3 pints of half fat milk per day plus 2 small low fat yogurts. Plus diet drinks. But thats it. I went to London on Saturday and EVERYONE was eating every food from around the world. It was hellish but I got on the scales this morning and I have lost 6lb so that makes it worth it.


    I have wanted to cheat but I am so terrified that they wont do the band that it stops me, even when my daughter made chocolate cup cakes yesterday.


    How are you doing? Are you on a pre op diet yet, I cant remember (sorry). Does it seem like a long way off still? It does for me.

  22. bubbalouieuk

    tough day

    Wow tsmrdh is that your pre op diet? I was given the choice of a very restricted food diet but I found that harder than having just milk. I agree about the cooking. I am not cooking any meals as I have two teenage daughters who have kindly taken over while I do this but I am baking instead. Its weird I just need some contact with food and it gives me satisfaction to see others eating my creations. Other half would get fat except he is training for a marathon so runs it off. I keep making enough to feed everyone in the office as well. I'm going to make someone fat if it kills me ha ha. But its not a conscious decision, weird! Well done on your weight loss! Thats a very satisfying amout to lose in a week
  23. bubbalouieuk

    tough day

    Today was a tough day. I went to Covent Garden in London with Marcus and my two daughters. We were shopping for running shoes. Marcus is running the London Marathon at the end of April. Covent Garden is full of food!!! People were eating everywhere. The smells were fantastic. I am on day two of a milk only diet :closedeyes: Then Marcus had a cheese and bacon pasty which smelled like heaven, I had a latte. Later we ended up in the Battersea Pie shop where Marcus had a beef pie and No1 daughter had steak and ale pie and mashed potatoes. No 2 daughter had paella. I had another latte. :thumbdown: I have to get through days like this as they are not going to stop eating just because I have but boy it was hard. I am glad to be home "safe" away from temptation. I miss food though. Will that ever go away????:tt1:
  24. bubbalouieuk

    tough day

    Today was a tough day. I went to Covent Garden in London with Marcus and my two daughters. We were shopping for running shoes. Marcus is running the London Marathon at the end of April. Covent Garden is full of food!!! People were eating everywhere. The smells were fantastic. I am on day two of a milk only diet :thumbup: Then Marcus had a cheese and bacon pasty which smelled like heaven, I had a latte. Later we ended up in the Battersea Pie shop where Marcus had a beef pie and No1 daughter had steak and ale pie and mashed potatoes. No 2 daughter had paella. I had another latte. :thumbup: I have to get through days like this as they are not going to stop eating just because I have but boy it was hard. I am glad to be home "safe" away from temptation. I miss food though. Will that ever go away????
  25. I had weight, blood pressure, MRSA test, blood test and ECG. In and out in an hour. They did tell me to bring a yogurt with me on the day of surgery as you have to eat before you can go home. Not sure if I will want to eat so soon after the op. I go in at 7am and am home by 11am the same day. I will probably still be too dozey to eat. They also gave me body wash which is the same stuff the surgeon scrubs up with.

    I am going to do the milk diet as my scales showed a 1.5lb gain this morning!! I am not happy about that but I am also worried about my liver not shrinking enough. Thats my greatest fear. The nurse did my BMI today and it was 49.9. She said "oh you dont look that huge",

    well thanks for that.:glare:

    But its done now and I am on my way. Does it feel real to you now? I dont think it will really sink in until the surgery day. I hope I dont chicken out. I dont think I will but you never know.

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