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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by hunni_82

  1. I'm doing LA Fitness. Good Luck Hunni Bunz♡
  2. Same here...I am waiting on Karen. She should be calling me any day now. I'm so ready for this lifestyle change. I'm so irritable. I had to stop at the bank before I came home and I wanted to smack the rep I was speaking too. He was a lil to smug for my mood. I am sooo moody.
  3. So I have an appointment to see the Surgeon tomorrow. Wish me luck. All I need to do is tie up a few loose strings and hopefully I can be schedule in the next couple of weeks. G Hunni Bunz♡
  4. hunni_82

    See the Surgeon

    Thanks I hope so too!!!
  5. hunni_82

    See the Surgeon

    Submitting paper work to insurance. Met with coordinator.. Also took H Pylori test today at primary. Now I just wait to hear back from the surgeon once he get all the paper work from my primary.
  6. hunni_82

    Miami, Fl

    No Hunni Bunz♡
  7. hunni_82

    hi all new here...

    Thomas Bass out of Memorial Hospital? Six months at the most. Good luck. Hunni Bunz♡
  8. hunni_82

    hi all new here...

    It depends on the Dr. If you have Medicaid, it definitely won't be a long process. If you meet the requirements it might be done in two- six months. I have Medicaid and I started the process in December. I see the surgeon on Friday. Make sure you have you Dr appointments with weigh in's at least 4. Medicaid doesn't takw long. Hunni Bunz♡
  9. I'm so excited I see my Nutritionist on Tuesday, the Psychiatrist on Thursday. Once I see the nutritionist I can make an appointment with the Surgeon. I've done my first set of blood work. Did my ECG. I have my referral. I am ready to get this party started!!! I am pushing for a January Surgery date. My support system is right behind me rooting for me. I am so thankful for this site and the people I've been able to connect with. I am ready for my tool!!!
  10. @Sparklette I bet if you have a bitch fit they'ed get it together. Just spazz out on them. They will get the picture. Hunni Bunz♡
  11. Not the Golden Peak Tea!!! Vengeance is yours sweetie. Make them pay. Hunni Bunz♡
  12. I am faced with the same issues my husband and sons do this all the time as well. I actually have to hide things form them. I go to school at night and work in the day time. So I take my mini meals. So since our eat habits are different they don't care what it is they will eat it. My Husband is just plan ol greedy. It make me so mad I want to slap him. uuuuuuggggghhhh just thinking about it makes me get upset. I knew I wasn't the only one going thru this.
  13. hunni_82

    1 04 13

    You look great and I know you feel great.
  14. Can they give you something for the pain? Hunni Bunz♡
  15. hunni_82

    Miami, Fl

    Lol you just answered my questions from the other post. Medicaid as well. I see the nutritionist and psychiatrist 2nd week in January Hunni Bunz♡
  16. hunni_82

    4 months post op :-)

    By Feb 1st Hunni Bunz♡
  17. hunni_82

    4 months post op :-)

    What is that?? I have Medicaid. I'm trying to have my surgery Hunni Bunz♡
  18. hunni_82

    4 months post op :-)

    What is that?? I have Medicaid. I'm trying to have my surgery Hunni Bunz♡
  19. hunni_82

    4 months post op :-)

    I'm so anxious. I meet with the nutritionist and psychiatrist in two weeks. So anxious. I'm ready for a new me. Hunni Bunz♡
  20. hunni_82

    4 months post op :-)

    Can't wait til I can have before and after pics. You look great.
  21. hunni_82

    Miami, Fl

    How long ago did you have your surgery? Did it take long for a surgery approval date. Help!!! I need some insight from somebody. Hunni Bunz♡
  22. hunni_82

    Miami, Fl

    I'm from Miami. Jorge Sosa is my surgeon. Hunni Bunz♡

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