Thank you all for your posts.
Souixb, don't be to discussed with the reflux. Been there, I was drained at one point to heal and now I'm using Nexium daily, what a difference, than they refilled me.
One major thing I noticed about post-ops, mainly no patiences, the 1st 6 weeks are to heal from surgery. Not to loose weight. If most did their homework they would see that. And it up sets me that they are willing to give up so quickly, follow the rules read the post and learn. The doctor gave me a booklet at my consult, and I read it and took it to heart. Remember the support wasn't there like it is now. I needed to remember that it wasn't the bands fault that I didn't cut and chew my food into small pieces. I got my small 7" plate, small salad fork and always a sharp knife, to cut all my food before I took a bite.
The most important thing that I do is exercise, 5 weeks post-up I started going to Curves for the 9 months, being to heavy for regular exercise, I started off with an easier program. Then I felt it wasn't doing enough for me. So I joined my husband at the gym. We go at least 4 days a week. 4 days I use the ecliptic machine, 10 minutes to warm up, weight train at least an hour for 3 days, do 1 or 2 arobic classes and always finish on the treadmill at for a mininum of 30 min.
If your going to have weight loss surgery, than you need to fix the things that got us fat in the first place. Maybe,this wouldn't have happened if I took better care in the first place.
Like I said in my first post. I love my band, it has given me the chance to change my life for the better and healthier.
228/125 my lowest/ happiest at 135