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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to Shrinking Don in Post op pics   
    Pic on left aug 2012 approximate 275 lbs
    Pic on right. Feb 2013. 168 lbs
    5.5 months out down 103 lbs now

  2. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to jessouder in Post op pics   
    Before 238, 10 weeks out 194

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    tlynn4love reacted to Lebim in POPCORN!   
    Doesn't have Protein. Yes, starch is bad. Starch will always be bad. And the fact that there is 0 fat or sodium indicates to me that those nutrition facts are for popcorn without butter - which I doubt most people would be eating.
    - Kaylee Ann ~ Surgerversary 6/11/2012
  4. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to worm2872 in Frustration and depression....   
    Kell, It is so hard. I know I have been there. But don't give up. For this reason is why we are on this journey. My scale would go down five then back up four. I was so depressed. Just keep doing what you are doing. Keep trying to up your Protein, it really does help. This is a long journey and you just need to take it day by day. Feel free to vent, yell and scream to us if needed. We are here for you. Just keep going. You will be so happy you did!
  5. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to aayers88 in Young Gastric Bypass Patients   
    Just had my last drs appt!!! Hopefully it's a quick approval!
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    tlynn4love reacted to ginsyn76 in Sex   
    That's to funny! Just found this thread...very entertaining! I have always had a high sex drive but the weight loss, the exercising, the confidence has made the sex addict come out more I think. For the record I swallow and do all sorts freaky stuff in the moment. I think sex is the greatest pleasure sport ever created.
  7. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to MalyssaSue in Sex   
    This has to be the best thread ever. I love that no one is shy nor holding back. Is sex really better after losing weight. Don't have the best living situation and I refuse to sleep with him. However my drive is coming back more than ever I'm so curious
  8. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to kristy3k in HOLY COW! WEIGHTLOSS!   
    Awwww thanks... I am one of those that is addicted to the scale.. I almost peed down my leg yesterday when the scale said 167...
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    tlynn4love reacted to sleevemeup in Pre-Op Diet starts tomorrow morning- Suggestions?   
    On the last leg of the beginning of my new life! I start my pre-op tomorrow. 2 shakes, 1 snack (high protein), and 1 very small high Protein meal with small serving of cooked vege. I almost want to go liquid all the way to maximize my weightloss. I am so ready!!!
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    tlynn4love reacted to Gurlygirlrcr80 in trouble in paradise   
    I'm kind of a hard a$$ so I would say "get on board this train or get run over by it...those are the 2 choices" don't let his indecision and insecurities mess with you. You need to be sure of what you are doing and who you are doing it for.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Kat23 in I cant stop having sex   
    If that's the case......should I be ready? My husband is doing his RNY a month before I do mine.
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    tlynn4love reacted to Wendilou in Surgery in the morning   
    sounds very strange that you had open RNY and were sent home after one day. I would definitely call the surgeon to tell him you're in extreme pain. make sure you keep a record of all phone calls you make so you can have documentation of what happened.
  13. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to gc> in breakthrough...   
    having a supportive partner through this process is invaluable. couldn't have done it without my love.
  14. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to Debbiebydesign in breakthrough...   
    9 days until surgery
    4 days until clear liquid diet starts
    Last night, while on the road for a quick visit with my in laws, my usually stoic and calm husband put his hand on my knee, I squeezed his hand and looked at his face. He was crying. I asked what was wrong and he replied, "It's getting close, and I'm scared."
    I was so grateful to hear this, because it was the first time HE brought it up for discussion. He's always listened and told me he supports my decision. But this was different and I learned a few things about him.
    First, he blames himself for my weight problem, even though I was fat for years before we met. (While he is overweight, he has some phobias related to food, and his diet is similar to a children's menu, and very limited in variety.) I assured him it was not the case and emphasized that I am responsible, and no one else, to get better.
    Secondly, He's scared of losing me in surgery, and of losing some of our food related bonding, like Giordano pizza in Chicago, and having me test his homemade Finnish bread.
    Third, he wants to support me by changing some of his bad habits related to food. (Any ideas how I could swing that to "finish one home improvement project before starting a new one"? Let me know...lol.)
    I needed that talk. It was support from where I needed it the most at the best possible time. For months, my biggest cheerleaders in this were my best friend, and his sister. It's so good to know this wonderful man is on board too. It's really helping me believe I can do this.
  15. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to Rem in The long wait.   
    It'll all go by so fast!
    They teased me by having me do everything in 3 months, got denied because I needed 6.
    So frustrating but it'll all be worth it!
    Im only 6 weeks away from the end of my 6 months, just keep that goal in mind and keep up with good choices!
  16. Like
    tlynn4love got a reaction from Country Girl in The long wait.   
    So I'm 2 days away from my second way in for the 6 months supervise diet. I still have 2 more out of 4 psych appointment. This is all very overwhelming it's kind of torturing at times to know that I'll be stuck looking and feeling and being this way for at least 5 more months. It can be depressing it's sad it's angering but I know I'm here because I allowed myself to be this way. The choices I have made in my life have lead to me waiting for a surgery how to drastically change my life for the better. At times it's all I can think of I wake up thinking about the surgery during the day I'm thinking about the surgery researching watching videos on YouTube google ing information or just daydreaming about how my new life will be. What obstacles will I be facing what foods will I never eat again what foods will upset my pouch will I be 1 of the people that recuperate quickly and drink and get all my Protein in? Or will I be 1 of the people that have a really hard time treated and become dehydrated and week or have complications? All these things constantly bombarding my mind and I just can't wait to finally be on the other side of this to finally be in my recruiter reading room after surgery for finally fit in a pair of jeans that I've never been able to fit in before to be able to running a marathon to be able to experience life in a whole new way to have people look at me and judge me on my real personality and not the size of my body to have people not write me off immediately because of my body . I'm sorry I'm just rambling of the things that are going on in my mind maybe someone out there reading can relate maybe not either way I can't wait for my surgery!
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    tlynn4love reacted to bariatric op number 4 in Gastric Bypass Surgery Progress Pictures   
    finally managed to put my pictures into one, surgery was 15 October 2012

  18. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to melonpie05 in Gastric Bypass Surgery Progress Pictures   
    Down 54lbs 50 to go surgery date 10/23/12 went from 254 to 200 I'm 5'3

  19. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to iverina in Debating on surgery   
    I know exactly how you feel. Its sad when they do not support you. My best friend is the same way. She says that we can do it, we can lose weight the "right" way. And diet and exercise, blah blah. She sits there preaching these things mean while she is fat... Grrr, drives me nuts.
    I think the decision you made was amazing. Your life is about you and being there for your daughter. You have ask my support and everyone on here had your back
  20. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to Kalirie in Yay! I was approved!   
    Yay!!! I cant wait until I can post those same words! Great luck!
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    tlynn4love reacted to misscelia in Yay! I was approved!   
    Just got my call today, I was approved!!!! I'm so excited, my surgery will be on Feb 4th!!!! I'm so ready to start my new life, and be happy. (:
  22. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to jenneliza in Just starting out   
    Exactly one year ago I went to my first seminar and it seemed like such a long and almost impossible process. Hang in there and don't stress over it too much. The time will fly! Tomorrow is my six month surgiversary and have lost 113 pounds it's not always easy but totally worth it! Good luck you guys!!
  23. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to Jen in SoCal in I've reached my goal!   
    As of today I've lost 99 pounds and reached my goal weight of 135.
    I had my surgery 8 1/2 months ago.
    This is still like a dream to me.
    I've still got a way to go fitness-wise.
    Now I'm thinking about saving for plastic surgery.
    After 3 c-sections and having my last child at the age of 40 my tummy just looks gross.
    On a brighter note today I bought an impossibly small looking (and incredibly stretchy) pair of size 4 pants!!
  24. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to roczy in I LOVE THIS APP!   
    As my surgery date gets closer, I am getting more nervous more anxious more scared & more excited! I first got this app May of last year but since my surgery was cancelled i didn't pay much attention to it. But now that this surgery is going to happen i am completely ADDICTED to this app. Reading everyone's stories & knowing that these stories are real, comforts me to such a great extent! No one i know has had this surgery so basically no one understands me, but all of you definitely do!
    Thank You!!!
    Sent from my Verizon iPhone using RNYTalk
  25. Like
    tlynn4love reacted to A Rose in Don't Eat The Cake Kelia Mae   
    Apparently I am more ready for this lifestyle change than I realized. So last night, I kept wanting to cheat. It was my birthday and I kept telling myself that it wouldn't make that big of a deal. So I wanted a milkshake or ice cream, really I wanted cake because thats my thing on my birthday(an unresolved issue from childhood, and another story) anywhoo, I said I would be ok to all who asked, but secretly I was planning to Celebrate with 1 of my cravings. Well I am happy to say that I didn't. My dinner and dessert last night consisted of 2 scoops of muscle milk Protein Powder, ice and Water with two strawberries blended to make a smoothie. Then watched law and order ( another addiction) and to bed. Im so proud of myself and I truly feel this is the right path for me. I know that it won't be easy, but I can do this! Btw, today is day # 4 on liquids and I am down 6lbs! Now I will say there is no cake that taste that good : ).

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