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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by cathyh

  1. cathyh

    50Lbs Gone Forever!

    Great Job, Congrats
  2. cathyh

    A new way to reward without food!

    That's a great idea
  3. Good Luck to you, I am excited for you. Still waiting on my approval.
  4. Now the wait is on. My Final Dr. Appointment is done, Doctor approved my surgery and sent off for Insurance approval. Hope I hear soon, it's been a long 9 months. My Doctor said their is no way Insurance can reject my surgery approval again, as we have met all requirements and jumped through all their hoops. I hope my approval comes as quick as my first denial was.
  5. Thank you so much, I'm getting anxious and nervous.
  6. Spoke with Insurance Claims Dept Today, they were back logged, but have begun my Review, they told me I can call back on Thursday they should be ready with their decision by then.
  7. I'm still waiting to hear from Insurance, think I'm going to call tomorrow, submission was 4/5 or 4/8, the 2nd time around should be quicker I would think. Wish me luck..
  8. cathyh

    Mobile Ap

    Yep it's working. Good luck to you.
  9. cathyh

    United Healthcare, help!

    I have UHC and I did have to complete a Dr. Supervised Diet and Exercise Program, after initially being told I didn't last August. Now waiting 2nd time for Insurance Approval, it was sent on April 5th. Good Luck.
  10. It will happen, just take it a day at a time, really, I started this journey last Aug and my Insurance said back then that I didn't have a diet and exercise requirement, so when the Doctor submitted in my paperwork in Oct we waited and waited, 3 weeks later they denied the surgery stating this requirement was not met. My Surgery was set for Nov 30th. We called and told Insurance what we were told by the Benefits Dept in Aug, to then be told they don't know the requirements they aren't the claims Dept. REALLY??? Two Departments don't communicate or know the Rules the Ins company requires for approval. Needless to say another $3000.00 deductible later, they better not deny me again. Hang in there.
  11. I know the feeling, this is my 2nd submission, denied the first time, so I've totally been there done that. Good luck to you.
  12. Well I finally made it through my Dr. Supervised 6. Month Diet and Exercise Class, now my final Dr. Consult is This Friday, I hope this goes quick this time around and approval is quick. All my Medical was done and I was scheduled for surgery 11/30/12 when Insurance denied me for this Diet requirement after telling me it wasn't required. I think it could be Mid to Late April. Insurance said I did not need to redo any of the medical. I can't wait!!
  13. My Surgeon keeps 24 hours if no complications
  14. I have lost and then gained all within 1 to 2 pounds every other month. This is why I would really like to do the liquid diet for a bit prior to my final meeting with the Doctor on 4/5/13. I'm afraid I'll be up a pound or two and they will cancel me.
  15. Finally down 4.5 pounds this week, Month 4 diet and nutrition class today and weigh in. Last month I was down 3 pounds, so baby steps are steps non the less. I can't wait, after today 1 more nutritional meeting and finally final Doctor Appointment 4/5/13. I hope everyone is doing well.
  16. No required liquid diet for me but want 5 to 10 pound loss prior to surgery
  17. cathyh


    Boone is my Doctor too, my surgery will be in April after my diet and exercise program is over, as everything else is done.
  18. cathyh


    Come to Fresno, great Team with 30 years experience. People come from all over to be seen. ALSA Medical Group, Dr. Higga and Dr. Boone.
  19. Yes they said they would cancel if I gained from my initial visit
  20. Only 8 pounds. I only had to lose 5 to 10 pounds total, but I can't gain anything or Surgery is off.
  21. The Meal Ticket idea is a great one. You all have given me great advise, Thank You all.
  22. My Doctor does not require a liquid diet prior to Surgery, but Im thinking it might be a good thing for me, to help keep the weight down, and also keep the IBS at Bay prior to Surgery. Anybody have ideas or suggestions for a good liquid diet plan to use, that tastes good and satisfy you?

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