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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to music1618 in New and feel alone!   
    My doc said he did not care about my Protein intake the first week or so. His only concern was Fluid intake. I bought the little sippy cups and found little victories in getting through one of those. Then I would refill it and start all over. It was easier than trying to look at the entire 64oz at once.
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to worm2872 in New and feel alone!   
    Hi!! Welcome. We are here for you! I was a mess the first two weeks. Crying, pimples, greasy hair and husband stuck to the couch. Lol. He's great but... :-). You'll be ok. I'm seven weeks out and feel pretty great. What ever you need just ask. We will be here for you.
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to myjoshcait in New and feel alone!   
    I hear you on the husband, have the matching teenage son too. Luckily (I think) I had a major case of the weepies, and both of them scattered to so something to stop me crying, which. Hilariously, made me cry harder because they were being so good to me. Don't worry mate, as each day goes by, and you Are able to get about? It gets easier, but still, don't be afraid to speak out. I think I have the greatest husband in the world, but sometimes, they just don't get it. Bless him and blessings and hugs to you, we are all here for you.
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to ilenerm in New and feel alone!   
    What you're experiencing is very normal. Including the ***-sitting husband! LOL Your body has gone through a traumatic experience and needs time to heal. It is definitely hard to eat enough right now. You're probably on a liquid-only diet right now, so just try to have whatever you can. Broths, SF Jell-O, and Water. Sip your Water whenever possible. sleep if your body tells you it needs sleep. Now is the time to rest and recuperate. Tell your husband to get you something if you need him to. But don't forget that you need to walk, so sometimes getting yourself something is good (as long as it doesn't mean lifting or doing anything you're not supposed to do). Walking will help with the tummy sounds, etc., too.
    When your dr says you can have Protein, add some high protein/low-or-no sugar shakes - maybe start off with some that are already made since they should be very smooth. If necessary, water them down (or add skim milk). It will take time to work up to the amounts you are "supposed" to have. Just remember, as you progress, to do it slowly and don't add anything that doesn't assist your being healthy (NO candies even when/if the dr says you can have them in moderation, and don't drink alcohol except once in a blue moon and very little of it). Take it from someone who regained 76 lbs and has been struggling to get down below the almost 50 lbs she finally lost!!! (As for the alcohol, that's because even many drs don't know the latest research on WLS and drinking. It turns out that RNYers get high quickly, may feel like it went through us quickly, but the effects and blood alcohol levels stay longer - plus we tend to become addicted to it very easily. Don't risk cross addiction.)
    End of "lecture." LOL Good luck! ♥
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to hajones5891 in New and feel alone!   
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to Natasha K in New and feel alone!   
    Hi Vickilynn...first of all is 1973 the year you were born? If so, that was a great year!
    I had my surgery on Thursday, 1/3/13. Pain is getting less each day, but those gurgglie, swooshing, bubbly sounds throughout my intestines and stomach are crazy! Today was my first day that I only took one 45min nap. I have cut way back on the pain meds. I had a bout of depression this morning, diarrhea (sorry if that is TMI) all day long and I want to eat something crunchy!!! I'm on liquids only for 1-2 weeks, no Protein until I get cleared from DR when I see him on Friday. The tape on my incisions is itching like crazy!! I think I'm slightly allergic, due to the rash.
    I'm watching Biggest Loser right now, and still happy with my decision for surgery. I do hope I will have stamina in a year from now to work out that hard. I also want to do another 1/2 marathon.
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to tink65 in New and feel alone!   
    Sip, suck, walk you can have Ice cream pops and Jello sugar free, if u can get crushed ice you can add Crystal Lite to it
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to kimmyk in New and feel alone!   
    Make sure you take all your Vitamins and sip liquid all day. Your body has enough nutrients and Protein stored for awhile. You need to drink though so you don't get dehydrated. The gurgly noises are totally normal. Walking will help the gas. Does your surgeons office have a support group? This forum is great and we are all here for you too! Every day gets better. I promise
  9. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to kizzykat in Protein   
    I just tried Premier Protein from SAMs club 30 grams Protein, not
    To bad on taste buds
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to Nicole K in I start Soft food tomorrow   
    Refried Beans with melted cheese, chili, mashed potatoes, ground hamburger with melted cheese (chewed good). Hummus tuna w/mayo. Scrambled eggs and cheese with shredded ham. Egg salad. Cottage cheese
    DOS 12/17/12
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    vickilynn1973 got a reaction from MillyBell in I've Had a Great Experience. So Sue Me!   
    Thank you SO SO much for posting this! I was really beginning to get more nervous and scared by reading all the negatives!!! My surgery is 01/04/13 and I have to start on liquids this Friday for 2 whole weeks I am worried about the headaches I will get from being hungry, worried about ideas of what to eat and how to introduce new foods, but not worried about the actual surgery much at all. I've had an open hytsterectomy and gall bladder removal, so I'm hoping this will be a piece of cake in comparison!
    Anyone else want to input great stories or tell me about foods to try and how to introduce them? Love and thanks!
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    vickilynn1973 reacted to maria pepe in I've Had a Great Experience. So Sue Me!   
    Any "problems" I have had so far are of my own making. I ate too fast and puked...I only made that mistake once. : ). No physical struggles! Mine have been emotional. The wall of fat that has been my protection for so long is falling away. Having an awareness of this and a strong support system in place has helped. Other than my kids, my support group does NOT include much family. This is one of the very best self care things I have ever done for myself!!!!!!! I feel good and look the best I have looked in years!!!
  13. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to NikiG in Post op 4 days- pureed food ideas   
    Cream of wheat, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, mashed potatoes, Soups, chicken w/gravy, sf applesauce, baby food fruits. Some people have avacado, Beans, tuna, etc.
    Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  14. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to Zima617 in Ipad Users   
    I experience the same thing since the latest update. It began immediately after the update! It freezes and is unusable. Sometimes if you can refresh it will let you "go back! " I am using the Web site instead of the app! Very frustrating! I hope it can be fixed soon!
  15. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to MillyBell in I've Had a Great Experience. So Sue Me!   
    I've been reading a lot of posts about the complications, post-op pain, dumping and how horrible people have been feeling. I've been wanting to post about my positive experience but almost feel guilty doing so on this site. I'm not a complainer but honestly, I've had no complaints. Sorry this is long but here goes:
    I'm 34. I wasn't on any medication pre-op and other than being overweight and a strong family history of various illnesses, I was kind of in good health. My wellness team at the Khalili Center was amazing and supportive from the beginning. Fortunately, I only had to do 2 days Clear liquids pre-op. Skip to post-op. I was released the next day, had no complications and felt no pain. Hello? No pain. The med was good (Lortab) and I stayed on top of the timing. Only took that for the the first two days. Gas? Not painful, just uncomfortable and the walking and moving around helped. Now at 3.5 weeks post-op and 20 pounds down I feel amazing. There were days that I felt so tired but now have so much energy. Just yesterday I felt a little depressed but I think that had more to do with not wanting to be at work this time of year. I almost feel like I was trained to go through this like a heavyweight champ. I know what I might experience in the coming months emotionally, physically, what to watch for, etc. and I stick to my plan to a 'T'. I have nothing negative to say about my experience thus far.
    I'm shortening this quite a bit because I'm beginning to feel a little self-centered and that's not the point. I really just want to show that it's not all bad, or all about pain, or whatever else others' experiences have been. Especially to those that haven't gone in yet. People do experience legitimate complications and have legitimate post-op concerns but not everyone. Educate yourself. Talk to your doctors and NUTs. Know that you will feel tired or down one day. When it happens, don't panic. Let it happen, grab a tissue for your tears, understand why, and know that it will pass. Maybe you won't walk as much that day. Know that you might dump. Breathe, experience it, and take notes. That, too, shall pass. Know that you will stall occasionally. Move on. Take your supplements. Get your Protein in. Follow the diet and allow your organs to heal. Don't rush through the food stages and MOVE! The beginning is what sets the tone for the rest of this journey and the rest of our new healthy lives. Give yourself a fighting chance and do it right.
    I have so much more I could write but this is already, like, a lot. If you have questions or comments about my positive experience, please feel free to ask. I had to get this off my chest.
    Thanks for "listening".
    Sent from my iPhone using RNYTalk
  16. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to NikiG in How do u know   
  17. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to lovealways in Liquid Diet Support   
    I very well might be starting my two week liquid diet on Christmas day. I fear the liquid diet more than the actual surgery! Lol...I'm serious!
  18. Like
    vickilynn1973 reacted to karenmartin in Would U Do It Over If U Could? (Gastric Bypass)   
    Hi there! I am 5 years out from my gastric bypass. I would do it again and again if I had to. I had amazing results! I am SO much happier. I really REALLY appreciate that I did the "full thing". I knew the gastric bypass would give me a lot more restrictions and I loved that because I knew that I would cheat anyway I could. If I could find a way to eat more or eat junk food or sip on milkshakes I would..I knew with the gastric bypass it would not allow me to do anything like that. I needed that discipline that I couldn't give myself. I'm 5'4 I went in weighing 300 lbs and today I am 115 lbs! I lost 160 lbs in the first year. Anyway... I highly recommend it!

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