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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by pinky

  1. Hi all I haven't had the surgery yet but am nervous and excited at same time. Just would like to know who would or wouldn't do it. Tu
  2. pinky

    Salad Dressings

    Sorry I haven't had the surgery yet. I was wandering is it hard to find thing to eat or is it pretty easy?
  3. So when u do eat can u eat pretty much anything? And also did u have any complications?sorry I'm just so scared and don't have no one to talk to. Ty and what is with the protein? Is that hard to get what u need?
  4. Also is there a way to look at people's pictures to see b4 and after? I'm confused how this works lol
  5. Ty. Im just nervous. I read a lot about it just need something to ease my mind. May I ask how much weight u have lost?

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