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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LeticiaHuggins

  1. LeticiaHuggins

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    I rocked a size medium BeBe's summer dress yesterday. I haven't been in a medium since Jr High and I've NEVER in my life been able to fit in ANYTHING from BeBe's. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**28 days post op. CW: 193.8 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  2. LeticiaHuggins


    My Dr gave me a choice of 1 of 4 Vitamin combos... Then wrote out when to take them. wake up: Calcium Breakfast: D3, B12 Mid Day Snack; multi Vit, Iron lunch: Biotin afternoon Snack: Calcium Dinner: Multi Vit, Iron Before Bed: Calcium Your schedule and Vitamins maybe different. Also remember you can't take calcium and iron together because they can't be obsorbed at the same time. You have to space them out 2 hours or more apart. You also have to take your vits with food preferably with fat in it to help it obsorb. For some reason calcium can ve taking without good tho. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**28 days post op. CW: 193.8 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  3. LeticiaHuggins

    Veggies and Fruit?

    My doctor said to say bye bye to corn. As for fruits and veggies I'm 1 month out and I'm eating both. It's not much but I can. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**28 days post op. CW: 193.8 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  4. LeticiaHuggins

    Best decision I've ever made...

    Wow... What a story! I'm so glad that it had a good ending... Thank you so much for sharing ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**28 days post op. CW: 193.8 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  5. LeticiaHuggins

    Stall Already ?!

    I'm about 4 weeks out. I lost the first week like crazy... Then stalled after the second for about 2 weeks. It wasn't truley a stall because I still dropped 3 to 4 clothe sizes but my scale didn't move . I was so frustrated going thru the surgery and I wasn't experiencing this awesome weight loss like the other folks I read about on here. Now at almost 3.5 to 4 weeks the lbs just started melting away. Literally like 2 lbs a day. Now I'm getting nervous cause I didn't want to lose that quick. LOL ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**28 days post op. CW: 193.8 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  6. LeticiaHuggins

    good investment

    Wow... Only 5 bucks ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**28 days post op. CW: 193.8 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  7. LeticiaHuggins

    My firness pal adds

    Add me... LeticiaHuggins ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**27 days post op. CW: 196.2 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  8. LeticiaHuggins

    Got under 2 digit pants size

    You look amazing.. and look your pants don't even fit tight. YOU GO GIRL! ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**27 days post op. CW: 196.2 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  9. LeticiaHuggins


    I usually get my 64 oz in with no problem a day. I'm post 28 days and I've noticed the more and more I drink Water the easier it is to get it down. I went from sipping to now being able to take one normal drink. Aw soon as I wake up I warm up water and add a lemon crystal lite to it... Warm/hot water is easier to get down faster. Then I take a water bottle on my 1 hour walk and I make sure the bottles drunk before I make it back home. If I watch a movie... I drink a bottle... I drink another bottle warmed up before bed too. Really you only need to drink 4 of the 16.9 oz bottles a day. If you add water to your shakes... You can even try freezing some crystal lite water and then throwing it in a blender... That's easy to get down fast too. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**27 days post op. CW: 196.2 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  10. Hey WLS Fam... I'm new to the forum and loving all the chitty chatty info talk here. I've learned so so much! So I'm 6 days until surgery. My Dr's office, support groups and friends that have already went through this have been soooo supportive. My family and friends talk so negative about my decision. My mom has been great and my fiance is trying to be as supportive but he's honestly scared for me. His sister, my aunt and cousin who are RNs are like DO NOT HAVE THIS SURGERY.... too many complications, there is leakage, pneumonia, life long issues. I 5'4 and started at 259 lbs and during my 7 month journey of jumping through the required loopty-loops I've managed to get down to 216. So now the new talk is... Oh you dont need this surgery you can do it on your own. Oh Em Gee... Please shut and mind your own business... I'm on so many different meds Asthma High Blood Pressure Back pain I'm pre diabetic... And let's not talk about this CPAP machine my Pulmonary Dr just put me on.. My sex life has taking a serious dive. Looking like Darth Vadar at bed time is not sexy AT ALL. A sexy gown and perfume can't distract from the mask.. OMG... I'm just bothered!
  11. LeticiaHuggins

    Dry Skin after Gastric Bypass

    If your hair thins or falls out it won't really peek until the 3rd month after surgery. Your skin drying out and hair thinning is not from the RNY surgery its just plan and simply from "any" surgery you have. Your body will go through a 3 month repair cycle. After a surgery it goes into shock and then immediately begins to repair its self. One of the things that happens during this repair is dry skin, thinning hair, potent pee smell and more. 3 months after your peek you should notice everything returning back to its normal state. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**25 days post op. CW: 198.8 lbs<br />---ONE-DERLAND ---
  12. LeticiaHuggins

    Terrified of Dumping

    Dumping can be a good thing... Well no its not! Lol but it does help identify foods you should stay away from. Remember everyones dumping is different. I dont get hot flashes and become dizzy... But I do get sick to my stomach and feel like I wanna barf . ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**24 days post op. CW: 200.2 lbs<br />---THE WORSE PLATEAU EVER ---
  13. LeticiaHuggins

    stopped loosing weight?

    I stalled out at week 2 and 3 post op. Ive actually read about how a lot of people do. You should take your.measurements at this time. Youll notice the change in your clothes size. Durimg my stall I went down 4 sizes ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**24 days post op. CW: 200.2 lbs<br />---THE WORSE PLATEAU EVER ---
  14. LeticiaHuggins

    You look like you've gained weight

    Damn girl... Your looking hot. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**24 days post op. CW: 200.2 lbs<br />---THE WORSE PLATEAU EVER ---
  15. LeticiaHuggins

    How Much Weight Loss

    SMH... I'm not sure where a comment like "stop being so freaking sensitive" would NOT start a blog war. As adults we have to learn how to re-word our comments so that it doesn't come across as so offensive. Just like when you start a question of by saying "I don't mean to be mean but.." ... If you didn't feel if that question was border line mean you wouldn't need to start it off that way. I think its bad enough for us people that have gotten the surgery and have to constantly defend ourselves against those people that don't have it and think negative against our actions... We should be made to feel excepted here on this site regardless of our BMI. This site was designed for support not bashing. I don't think ANYONE on this site is in any position to give constructive criticism if that was the case... You wouldn't be having the surgery too. But what you can do is give loving support, suggestions and advice based on your experience. Let's all try and be mindful of each others feelings .... And eliminate unneeded comments that can possibly rub someone the wrong way. Like you said.... We're all adults! ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**24 days post op. CW: 200.2 lbs<br />---THE WORSE PLATEAU EVER ---
  16. LeticiaHuggins

    How Much Weight Loss

    I too will only need to loose about 70 lbs... When you're under a BMI of 42 you have to have more medical health elements wrong with you to be apporved... Regardless if its 70 or 150 the weight still needs to be loss AND kept off. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**24 days post op. CW: 200.2 lbs<br />---THE WORSE PLATEAU EVER ---
  17. LeticiaHuggins


    Mine said... Never ever again! Kiss alcohol good bye! ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**24 days post op. CW: 200.2 lbs<br />---THE WORSE PLATEAU EVER ---
  18. You're absolutely right... I haven't given it a chance. I guess I was looking for this dramatic weight loss the first few weeks like I keep reading about. My scale has said 200.2 to 200.8 the last week and I'm ready to scream ... I seem to be dropping sizes but I too wanna be able to see the numbers drop. ~Leticia **HW: 259**PreOp: 216**SURG: 3/21/13 **Discharged @: 221**25 days post op. CW: 200.2 lbs---THE WORSE PLATEAU EVER ---

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
