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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by aayers88

  1. aayers88

    Fabulous February!

    Just got my surgery date this morning!! February 28th!!! When I first joined the forum I thought it would be forever until I got to say I got my date! But I did!! Nervous and excited at the same time!
  2. aayers88

    Young Gastric Bypass Patients

    I got my approval letter yesterday!!!!!! Yahoo
  3. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    JUST GOT MY APPROVAL LETTER!!!!!! AHHHH So excited lol!
  4. Hi! I'm going to be done on Feb 4th with my 6 month diet. After all the info has been sent in to the insurance (BCBS) how long on average was everyone's wait time! I'm getting impatient and anxious haha!
  5. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    That's awesome to hear cause I did have to do the pre recs and all that fun stuff... So hopefully I get that letter/call soon!!
  6. aayers88

    Young Gastric Bypass Patients

    How long was your wait to get insurance approval?
  7. aayers88

    Young Gastric Bypass Patients

    Oh ok that's cool! I've been trying to think what im gonna do. I have a bowflex in my basement so I was thinking of doing 30 minutes of that before work, then walking some during my lunch hour and then doing something for another 30 minutes or so after work. Idk what yet though. I'm hoping I have a smooth recovery like yours. My information was sent to the insurance company today so...more waiting! Ughh haha
  8. aayers88

    Young Gastric Bypass Patients

    That's so awesome! I'm going to the beach in August and my mini goal for then is to lose 75-100 pounds. I'm getting excited and nervous. What are you doing exercise wise? And how long were you off work or anything?
  9. aayers88

    Young Gastric Bypass Patients

    Just had my last drs appt!!! Hopefully it's a quick approval!
  10. aayers88

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    How are you doing since surgery? Have you lost any weight?
  11. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    My doctor said highmark BCBS is pretty quick on getting approval...she said usually less than 2 weeks. So I hope to get it quickly.
  12. aayers88

    I Can't Wait Till....

    I've already posted earlier but I thought of another one!! - be able to walk in a bathroom stall without having to do moves over the toilet to get the door shut/open lol...
  13. Hello! I've been wondering what does your stomach feel like after surgery? Does it hurt? Does it just feel like normal? I've had 2 knee surgeries and a foot surgery and the surgeon said the pain isn't even comparable, but I was wondering if anyone could kind of explain it...
  14. aayers88

    Highmark BCBS

    Hello - I have Highmark BCBS PPO and I was wondering if anyone else has it and could tell me the costs you had to pay for the surgery.
  15. aayers88

    Highmark BCBS

    I looked into what all is covered with mine and I think after my $250 deductible I'm covered 100%. It will be interesting to see what all happens!
  16. Does anyone know how much a sleep test costs with Highmark BCBS?
  17. aayers88

    Post-op Q for Pre-oper

    Ok that's relieving to hear. I have heard the gas is the worst so that should be interesting. When did you have your surgery?
  18. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    I should be an easy approval then (hopefully). Do you have your surgery date?
  19. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    Noonie: that's pretty awesome...the turnaround time was basically a week. I'm goin to call the nurse the next day (Tuesday) to see make sure she has everything she needs to send. If I'm approved that quick I would be ecstatic!! Not to sound dumb, but what are comorbids? Would that be like if I was diagnosed with sleep apnea? And my BMI is around 45 I believe.
  20. I failed my first sleep test and I'm having my second test this Friday. How long after the second test does it take to get the CPAP machine?
  21. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    Why would you get denied because of your BMI? Is there a certain range you has to meet or something?
  22. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    Ahhh ok! I bet you're getting anxious! I wanna have the surgery in March but idk if that will happen. I have my last weigh in on Feb 4th and after insurance approval idk how long after that I will be given a date
  23. aayers88

    Approval timeline for BCBS

    Thanks!! It is the hardest! I just want it to be over with haha
  24. aayers88

    Pittsburgh Pa

    To anyone who went to Magee for their surgery - what all goes on at the Nutritionist visit? It says ill be taking a small test on the booklet they provided... Is it something I should really worry about? I've read the booklet a few times I just didn't know how intense the test was...
  25. aayers88

    Pennsylvania Anyone?

    How is everything going so far?

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