That is awesome to find 2 people with the same date of surgery!! AWESOME! Are you both doin 2 week liquids only? Ducky07 - I am also having stomache upset, I think for me its the protein shakes, but upset stomach is not uncommon for me, every since I had my gall bladder out, its pretty normal for me. Teka2011 - I have been doing okay with the liquids... its not easy, but I have to say its not as hard as I was thinking, not yet atleast. The worst part for me is preparing foods for my family while I can not eat them... but its the start of a new life and if I cant suck it up and handle it now, how will I later... so thats what keeps me strong! I was dreading the protein shakes a lot, but they have turned out not to be soo bad, I know for sure they are what keep me from getting hungry. The first few days I had a headache, but today I do not, maybe my body is adjusting. I had to go for my presurgical testing on Thursday, which was day 2 of liquids for me, and that was hard, cause I had to fast, I was already on liquids only but then had to fast from midnight til 11am, while waiting for my testing, I had crazy fat girl thoughts... "i could just drive thru mcdonalds after this and no one would know" THANKFULLY, I fought that urge. I kept telling myself What good would that do?! Since I already have a fatty liver, its really dangerous for me to even condiser cheating the 2 weeks liquids cause I need my liver to shrink, LOTS! What are yalls stats right now? I cant find one of those cute ticker things, or how to insdtall it on my blog/signature, do yall know how?