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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by myjoshcait

  1. myjoshcait

    What ya eating tonight?

    A small crepe with low fat Swiss cheese, ham, baby spinach and avocado, microwaved 1 1/2 mins to melt cheese and heat it. Super yum!
  2. myjoshcait

    back in the hospital

    Pray all will be resolved soon
  3. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Hi everyone, seems like you all are doing well, overcoming any obstacles in your journey. I'm wondering if anyone else has had troubles with strictures? Just had my fourth one dilated, would love to make it up to regular food, I was done 18th Dec? Anyone give me an indication of how they've overcome their structure issues? Feels a bit never ending lately?
  4. myjoshcait


    In some Asian cultures a butterfly is a symbol of new beginnings. I got that when my ex left. Thank God, my hubby now is the greatest!
  5. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    My copy came through, many thanks.
  6. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Could I too have a copy please? myjoshcait@optusnet.com.au. Many thanks
  7. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I had success yesterday eating a half slice of Helgas flat bread with avocado and some shredded cheese. It's one satisfying meal, I'm just coming off mashed and puréed food from all the strictures I've had. Pure heaven. And a break from chilli or taco mixes I've been trying too. Maybe this will be an alternative for you to consider?
  8. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Wow Gen, that's so damned dangerous! Follow up with the first hospitals ethics committee. Don't rest till you get an apology. Who knows what damage has been done to your kidney function?
  9. myjoshcait

    Whats was the First thing.....

    My necklaces sitting better, my neck had lost weight! Silly but true
  10. myjoshcait

    3 Months out and Gas pains?

    I found it was just with chicken, but if I mince the chicken in a dish, it doesn't happen?
  11. myjoshcait

    Old vs New

    Congratulations well done, looking good!
  12. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    MI2 we got ourselves to this point for many reasons and the focus for every single one of us is better health, and I believe the surgery is just a tool to get there and I believe as long as we follow the rules, we have to keep positive or even this most drastic of steps is doomed to fail. I'm nearly eight weeks out now, as you are and I'm still mainly fluids, some thicker but struggling with purée and mashed foods. Some days it does my head in but I have to believe that out of this will come more improvements to my life, not just the smaller size but the reenergization of My health and well being. We will get there in the end. I'd dearly love to have just a bite of a burger, but not for now, perhaps later...... We have to keep helping one another in these forums.
  13. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    MI2 I was done on the 18th Dec and I too went four weeks without the scale moving. I have been despairing, but have been having procedures for strictures, three so far, so I out it down to that. I've lost 17.7kgs at lady weigh in Friday just gone. We just have to soldier on. On another note, I too am quite concerned for Simply Southern, her cheeriness inspire if her adversity has helped me lots, I'm hoping she will be fine and can contact us all soon
  14. myjoshcait


    The back pain can be referred pain from the surgery, gas pain working its way out, or, like me, I swore they dropped me, I had bruising to show too!.
  15. Well done. Gotta be a great feeling.
  16. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    How many times can you get these strictures?
  17. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Waiting for theatre to have stricture released, told ro expect it next week again and then it should be fine.....so depressed right now
  18. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Dumber question number 47, I'm post surgery 3 weeks today. How do you know if it's a stricture or if it's a food blockage? Last week I could manage more than I'm managing today, and I'm throwing up from trying to eat today. Having issues keeping liquid down at the moment, I'm teary, fed up and wish I'd never had this done.
  19. myjoshcait

    New and feel alone!

    I hear you on the husband, have the matching teenage son too. Luckily (I think) I had a major case of the weepies, and both of them scattered to so something to stop me crying, which. Hilariously, made me cry harder because they were being so good to me. Don't worry mate, as each day goes by, and you Are able to get about? It gets easier, but still, don't be afraid to speak out. I think I have the greatest husband in the world, but sometimes, they just don't get it. Bless him and blessings and hugs to you, we are all here for you.
  20. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I had a bruise on one of the cuts, two from the warfarin shots and a bruise on my hip from something I suspect one of the rods. Apart from that, no big issue,bruise wise, though the cut under the middle of my ribs seems to pull on the stitch underneath should I turn to the side to quickly.....
  21. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Myjoshcait surgery date 18th dec. Brisbane Australia. Loss to date in sixteen days, 12kgs, what's that about 25lbs? Very happy with that, please add me to the list? Ta
  22. I'm two and a half weeks post op. I get my fluids in but can't manage mashed or puréed foods. Not sure if its speed of eating or the beginnings I a stricture. Is anyone on the site from Australia or am I the only one?
  23. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    I miss burgers. But not as much as I want to be healthy. Do I regret the surgery? No. Do I feel down for not having the self control to lose weight. Myself? I do have serious self esteem issues, but most of all i am wanting to live a long life and see my grandchildren born. That is a driving force for me. But most of all, I am blessed with a fantastically wonderful husband (second time round is the charm) and I would like to live a long time with happiness with him. After having the band removed in September, and the state of my insides after that, it was decided that the surgery was necessary to have a long life span, there was so much damage. Burgers can wait. My future can't. On Friday I can start puréed and mashed diet and I'm looking forward to more variety and that's all I'm focussing on now. Onward and upward. Regrets? The past is the past, we make the most of eveery day and we will get through it.
  24. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Simply Southern, Girlfriend, you are going through the ringer. Hope all goes well for you. To hear a PICC line is in, doesn't sound so great, but we put our trust in the doctors don't we? For some of the other threads that I'm reading, if you could drink well and now can't, there is a complication where the connection to the bowel can tighten too far, and it's a matter of an endoscope and a balloon to widen it and tht fixes the problem, according to my doctors that's all that I have to take care to look for. We are all on a journey here, and our ultimate aim is good health. I'm two weeks today since surgery and have lost ten and a half kilos. Some days are magic, and some days are a struggle. Some days are breezy. I'm finally able to sleep through the night, I actually slept twelve hours straight, and now I am battling to get water in, having dried out too much I'm thinking. Happy new year, health and blessings to everyone of us.
  25. myjoshcait

    December 2012 Post Op Group

    Just a quick catch up, had op on 18th Dec, have weighed today, down 8 kgs, averaging a kilo a day loss. Very happy with that I guess. Struggling to get everything down tht I should, but concentrating on water and vitamins, sure the rest will fall into place soon enough. Walking well, not sleeping as much as I would like, lots of pain still, is that normal?

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