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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by Debbiebydesign

  1. Over 100 days now!

  2. 10 weeks out and averaging 5 1/2 lbs weekly. Seems pretty good?

  3. Two months today, and 48 lbs down!

  4. One week post op...man that week went faster than the days before surgery!!!

  5. Tomorrow is surgery day, going down to P-town tonight. Finally here!

  6. Day 4, clear liquids. Getting loopy, hard to focus, Find out time of surgery tomorrow.

  7. Tonight has been a struggle, especially even being near food. I can't eat popsicles and Italian Ice in this cold weather!

  8. Day 3 Clear liquids. Cravings are gone and had to choke down my breakfast of jello. Not to go too deep into TMI, but the bathroom is my new favorite room.

  9. Day 2 of Clear Liquids. Getting better...

  10. Day 2 of Clear Liquids. Getting better...

  11. Pre-op appointments with nutritionist and surgeon. Tests went well, vitamin defiencies were resolved...

  12. 18 days and counting, nervously.

  13. Three weeks out...exactly. Preop stuff this coming Tuesday and that is it....sheesh!

  14. Three weeks out...exactly. Preop stuff this coming Tuesday and that is it....sheesh!

  15. Pre-op testing today. So far, so good. That Barium stuff is kind of gross, but not as bad as I thought. Kind of feel like I ate plaster.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
