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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Debbiebydesign

  1. Debbiebydesign


    Congratulations! Good date too...my surgeon was booked 11 weeks out!
  2. Debbiebydesign

    North Central Illinois- Illinois Valley

    Do you have a date yet?
  3. Debbiebydesign

    My Fitness Pal

    dbstr4....I have no idea yet how to use it.
  4. Debbiebydesign

    Tomorrow is my day!

    Best wishes!
  5. Debbiebydesign

    where to get protein samples

    Good to know!
  6. Debbiebydesign

    7 Months - -125Lbs

    Wow! Congratulations!
  7. Debbiebydesign

    Having Doubts!

    I will turn 44 exactly one month before my surgery. If I have known the impact I would feel now, I would have pushed through 7 years ago when I first thought about it. I might have been able to have a second child, felt confident enough to have a bigger wedding, and not been sick so much. You do it when it feels right, but I wish it was as readily available as it is now, when I was in my 20's.
  8. Debbiebydesign

    My BMI

    I'm reading people's milestones feeling inspired...congratulations!
  9. Debbiebydesign

    Holiday Blues....

    I'm a counselor. I just did a group on holiday blues with the patients. We have such high expectations with the holidays, and that includes food, and more food. I'm a little down this year too. I think it is the combination of hating where I work, battling colds and other illnesses, Christmas foods, and fear (of the surgery, recent events.) We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make this season perfect. This year, my house is mess, I'm bummed. I'm run down and tired. I didn't send Christmas cards, I'm stressed out. It's a lot of things. But I got together the important stuff. I'll be with family, and I think my little girl will enjoy the day. It's not going to be a knock-your-socks-off kind of Christmas, but it's ok. My surgery is scheduled for February 7th. While I wish it was earlier, I'm kind of glad my first challenge will NOT be Christmas, right out of the gate. Valentine's Day seems less of a threat! Enjoy what you can, and at least try to have a peaceful day on December 25th.
  10. Debbiebydesign

    Weightloss Surgery and Marijuana

    They use THC increase appetite and reduce nausea in cancer patients. It is an appetite stimulant. Plus, it causes what they call amotivational syndrome...lack of motivation, ambition. We used to show kids where I work a video about its side effects. According to the video it can impact male hormones and cause male breast tissue to grow and even lactate, and cause male infertility. In some rare cases, of course.
  11. Debbiebydesign

    I'm almost done with therapy!

    My insurance company stopped the required diet. Its cheaper to do the surgery than to treat obesity related health issues like diabetes. The surgery pays for itself in a very short time for the insurance company.
  12. Debbiebydesign

    February Dates?

    I forgot that... Peoria, IL...
  13. Debbiebydesign

    psych eval for surgery

    There is a condition called "Body dysmorphic disorder." They may be concerned with a late onset eating disorder developing. Also, a common personality disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, is almost exclusively diagnosed in women (about 85% of the time it is diagnosed) and many of the traits of this disorder are similar to those of eating disorders.
  14. Debbiebydesign

    Who are you telling before surgery?

    Ugh! Now my @##$%^& brother approached my husband at his work and tried to discuss MY surgery with my husband. BIG mistake telling the one person in my family who has been through it and could have been source of support from the WLS patient perspective. I'm thinking I am going to have to call him and tell him to shut his pie hole!
  15. Debbiebydesign

    psych eval for surgery

    My psych eval was casual. There were no formal tests.
  16. Debbiebydesign

    People and their opinions.....

    The first support meeting I went to, there was a woman who was 5 or 6 years post op. She had a lot of horror stories to tell. I was happy to see her not there the next month, but now there is a guy who lost 300lbs, and is many years post op. He has taken her place, only more graphically so AND the facilitator chimes in with her hernia tale of terror. Dude, I really, really don't want to know how bad your gas smells. I guess that is what happens in these groups, in small towns.
  17. Debbiebydesign

    psych eval for surgery

    I work in a psych facility. Occasionally, we get people who are either pre or post WLS. I have only known of one to fail the psych eval, This person had a severe personality disorder and an extensive history of self injury/mutilation. They were afraid the incision would trigger the patient's Self Injurous impulses. Much of the weight the patient carried was as a result of the use of anti psychotics and anti depressants. I don't know about the QPI, but the MMPI, is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, which is a diagnostic tool that psychologists and other agencies use to evaluate personality. Things like social interaction, body image, relationships, self image, are some basics. Personality disorders are often the result of learned, maladaptive behaviors in response to trauma, stress. Borderline Personality disorder and antisocial personalities (not to be confused with Asocial or introversion) are most commonly identified.
  18. Debbiebydesign

    100 pounds

  19. Debbiebydesign

    Who are you telling before surgery?

    I was adamant to keep it extremely private at first, but I started telling people after I had a date. My only regret is telling my brother who lost 227lbs with WLS. He's a condescending know it all and the second I told him he started his usual crap and I regretted telling him. Sometimes, I wish you could un-ring a bell.
  20. So, I started telling people at work about my surgery. I tell a doctor\work friend, who also struggles with weight, and this is his reply: (Starts out awkward, ends with a bang.) "So you are literally going to be a fraction of yourself? Good for you! I had to lose weight, but I DID IT THE HARD WAY--diet and exercise." Seriously?! RNY is EASY?!?!?
  21. Debbiebydesign

    Oh my, so angry!

    Yeah...not nice! Good Riddance.
  22. Debbiebydesign

    Oh my, so angry!

    Thank you! I have had mostly supportive reactions. I just thought this was an interesting reaction, especially coming from a psychiatrist.
  23. Debbiebydesign


    When I first got them, I was down for 4 days, and one got me into to the ER. I had them for a year or so, right before my menses, then they stopped. Six years went by, and I had one and thought, "Oh, no, not again." Turned out I was pregnant. I was put on insulin about 3 years ago, and since then I get them at least once a week, though not as severe.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
