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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by dottednails

  1. dottednails


    Woke up this morning and today is suposted to be my quit day ! No smokes today I am laying in bed thinking about how bad I want to go have one. I checked on here and saw this thread I am going go make nice warm cup of coffee instead and try to wait for the urge to pass ! Has anyone tried any of the other tricks like chewing and straw since gum is out. Any other subjections doctors have give you ?
  2. dottednails

    Smoking and Gastric Bypass

    Yep your best is all any of us can do. Sometime I feel like one thing at a time i lost the weight now I wi quit smoking. I am not perfect I will make mistakes and I will make bad choices we all do. But there is one thing I know and that is I love my self more for allowing myself to make mistakes. You can do this but in your own time when it is right for you. Smoking is so hard just like losing weight. We did not drop 100 pounds in a day and we will not drop smoking that easy eather good luck you got this !!
  3. dottednails

    Smoking and Gastric Bypass

    I struggled with smoking quit for months before my surgery then about five months out picked one up at a party and have been struggling ever since. Matter of fact I go to my doc today to talk about chantix I want to have a baby and know must quit for good this time. Can't believe I ever started again. Must replace the stress with something else best of luck
  4. Short stay walk a lot sleep a lot
  5. dottednails

    baby fever

    I am 12 months out now and want a baby as well. I had a miscarriage that was the reason I even considered rny I was so depressed that my weight caused me to lose a baby. I have a awesome 7 year old that I had to take med to have because of infertility and I really would love to have one more. My periods are back to normal and I feel great but my doctor says I have to wait until 18 months which I know is not to far away but I would love to try now . I am not getting any younger lol. Congrats to all you preggers ladies out there please keep sharing your stories it gives me so much hope for my own !
  6. I agree with all the other posters ! But I would also like to say that for many people how you think of food after rny changes. For once in my life I look at food and think what do I need to get in in order to make my body function correctly I am never hungrey and eating dose become almost a chore at times. You will think way more about food after rny everyday I think what do I have to eat today I think about what is the best to eat because if I can only eat 1 cup of food per mealI am going to make sure it is something I really enjoy and will be good for me. I have a good friend who had lap band and she sneaks food all the time the slider foods she eats would never fly after rny I would be so sick she says all the time she wishes she had rny. It is a way different tool then lap band. You will have to talk with your doctors about what can fill the need to eat . I know weighing my self has become more of a addiction and working out .i have become way more social since losing 120 pounds so that helps with some of the depression issues I had before. Best if luck in which ever path you chose !
  7. dottednails

    Central Ny/southerntier?

    I am in Geneva had my rny last november
  8. dottednails


    Sounds like you have a hard ass lol you have to be able to have little treats .
  9. dottednails


    I love the Dukin blueberries extra cream two Splenda taste like a blue berry muffin and almost guilt free just the cream that is slightly bad but you could get skim milk or something else also they have decaf. I know there is more to what you are going threw but I also enjoy my coffees and every little bit helps.
  10. dottednails


    We are at about the same weight loss I started at 300 and currently at 193 I am stalling a lot now and have been Siting between 195 and 193 for a few weeks I also work out and often as I am gaining muscles the scale goes up. Don't be to hard on your self you need the food to loose or else you will go into starvation mode. I know you may know all this already. When did you have your rny ?
  11. dottednails


    I don't get sick ether. I wondered if you mention you make your self sick . It is ok to have small snacks. Do you have someone in your life who is supportive ? Or maybe it is time to go to the physiologist ? There have been a few other people on this site who are struggling with the same thing maybe it would help to connect to them if I see there post again I will give you the info. Rny is no joke many people struggle with different things. My mom had rny 15 years ago and now has a drinking problem she refuses to get help.please seek help before it gets to far ahead of you best of luck .
  12. dottednails


    I hope you find some relief when did you have you rny ? We all have stages when we could make better eating choices. How long have you been vomiting ? Sending good vibes your way
  13. dottednails


    Heavier and more painful still 10 months out. Last shorter though and always on time now.
  14. dottednails

    decisions, decisions

    Oh man that is a hard one. A month is short period of time and flys by. The start of pre school only happens once. Best in luck in whatever you decide
  15. dottednails


    Yes call your doctor ! I know that in my frost few weeks as I was dropping weight so was my blood pressure and I was still taking the same amount of meds and it was makin me very dissy might be part of it. But talking to the doctor would be good
  16. I waited three weeks I figured i was off work then I should wait on sex lol
  17. dottednails

    Terrified of hair loss

    Sorry to hear about your mother Lisa. I don't think anyone can say for sure that stress plays a role. Just remember to care for your self with all the stress get your protein in and you should be ok.
  18. dottednails

    Just One

    Be gentile with your self it is not an easy process but you are doing it for your well being so don't let others make you feel bad for your choice for change
  19. I read on the dr oz page that some people get this when they are full because the nerve that makes you sneeze is very close the the nerve that tells you that you are full. So for someone with gastric bypass the full feeling happens more often then in those who do not eat until they reach full capacity as often. Who knows sounded good:)
  20. It is weird I just looked it up I guess it is pretty rare to have that I am glad that I do though no over eating here lol
  21. I sneeze as well when I am more than full. I thought it was just an add happening nice to see I am not the only one.
  22. dottednails

    Monterrey Mexico-Dr. Rumbaut

    Have you heard anything from Ava she has hers the same month as me and i always think about her she cAme back once in America but I never knew what happened after that. I think about her every time I log on

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